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Local Authors => Brandon Sanderson => Topic started by: calvin on August 31, 2010, 04:56:46 PM

Title: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: calvin on August 31, 2010, 04:56:46 PM
I read someone's statement in another thread that the way that they found Brandon was by reading other novels and seeking out someone who wrote like them (thus they found Brandon).  Since his style is so cool (new worlds, new magics, etc., rather than the typical fireball throwing wizards), I'm always looking for new stuff that's like his.  So far, although not as polished as Brandon, the closest book that I've found to Brandon's writing style is Spellwright by Blake Charlton, but he's only published ONE book, and that was just this year.  I'm hoping that he keeps going and eventually comes into his own.  I like character development, but Brandon's the master of world development.  I also like Raymond Feist's Empire series...I wish he'd done more with Kelewan than going back and fixating on the Midkemia side.

Can anyone recommend any other good books/authors to sate the Sanderson-esque hunger in the meantime? (I'll be rereading all of Brandon's books as well).
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: Hearttlight on August 31, 2010, 05:35:20 PM
Though of completely different style, the name Patrick Rothfuss comes to mind. He has written only one book so far, and the story and way of writing aren't comparable with Brandon's. However, there are similarities. It's mostly in the way both authors can give you a deep character and take you along on their journey to discover themselves and the world around them, by giving them something special, but also keeping them, well... normal. And of course, some twists and secrets on the way help a lot.

Another writer I like a lot is Brent Weeks. His worldbuilding is pretty similar to that of Brandon, as are his characters and the way both authors introduce those. However, I must add, that I feel Brent Weeks lacks in story telling. Where Brandon's stories feel complete and satisfying, all three of Brent's books (I haven't read Black Prism yet) feel a little rushed.

I can't really think of any other author's, so I'm looking forward to reading other replies. I'm also curious to see if others agree.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: RedMars11 on September 01, 2010, 01:07:37 AM
Yeah, I'm halfway through Weeks first book and not to be horrible, it it reads a lot like a Sanderson book would if he was desperate for money and just rushed through it.  Real world names for groups or things are mashed around.  There's little depth to the characters, and people start getting along and such way to quick.  Everything has a cheap pop novel feel to it.  It's sort of fun, but there's a voice in my head telling me there are better things to read.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: jjb on September 01, 2010, 02:09:52 AM
Yes, I recently read Weeks as well, and while the books were interesting enough to keep me reading the whole trilogy, there were definitely parts in the stories where I stopped and though, "Well that's not right." The dialogue and characters themselves just didn't fit all the time.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: Ari54 on September 01, 2010, 05:55:55 AM
Give me a few years... ;)

As for people with fiction released and available, I think it's pretty much Rothfuss or Weeks right now. There are a few series that come thematically close to what Brandon does, (Wheel of Time is the big one here, I think) but nothing that really says "Hard Fantasy".
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: Peter Ahlstrom on September 01, 2010, 07:29:32 AM
I really don't think Pat Rothfuss's writing is like Brandon's at all. They're almost opposites in their writing methodologies. But Pat is a DARN good writer and almost anyone who likes Brandon's books will like Pat's.

I haven't read Weeks.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: Hearttlight on September 01, 2010, 09:38:03 AM
Well yeah, they actually are opposites. But even with opposites, there are those basic elements that are quite the same, and it are those elements I totally love about both of them.

First, there's the scope of the world. Though both Name of the Wind and Brandon's books (up 'till WoK, that is), mostly take place in one or two cities, there's a feeling that the world is huge and, in a sense, real.

Then there's the characters. The way you get to meet someone who is quite new to the world he or she lives in, but are instantly intrigued by them. The depth of characters is really similar. Also, though they are all kind of new and naive, they are also quite brilliant, and always seem to shine in their new situations.

Third, there is the magic-system. In most books, I find the magic-system to be quite boring and limited. There's always just one system that, after reading a hundred pages, is pretty clear to you. (Yes, that's even true for WoT.) Both Name of the Wind and Brandon's books have multiple, inventive, and out of the ordinary magic-systems.

And last, both writers are simply amazing and sweep you into their story before you even notice what's happening. Preferably in the first three pages.

On a side note, what I read (in the preview chapters) about Kaladin so far, reminded me a whole lot of Kvothe!
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: Kierlionn on September 01, 2010, 10:18:02 AM
Brent Weeks is an interesting read, he did keep me reading and I didn't want to put the books down but... I wouldn't quite say he is like Brandon. The characters do get quite a bit deeper as the story goes, he does kill of characters after you become quite attached to them making you want to just yell at the author as I have been guilty of a few times, I just can't stand seeing my favorites die. Sorry but I just can't seem to quite say how I think they are different, they just didn't feel the same to me.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: guessingo on September 01, 2010, 01:03:50 PM
I have been using this to find books that I like. It is by several people on this forum.


They do a very good job with reviews. It is mostly fantasy, but some science fiction.

There are a number of writers who create new worlds. Brandon's writing style is different than most fantasy writers. His pacing is alot faster and his style is somewhat like what I see in modern techno-thriller writers(I seem to be the only one who makes this comparison so I may be wierd). Most fantasy writers seem to have a much slower pace. I have not read any other fantasy writers that have a similiar writing style to Brandons.

@Peter: I think the poster is referring to people who do world building fantasy rather than the actual style of writing. For example, Brandon is alot closer to Patrick Rothfuss than say to someone who does urban fantasy. I think the poster is looking for authors who do in depth world building. There are actually quite a few out there.

As for the original poster. If you have not read Robert Jordan. Grab The Eye of the World. It is my all time favorite fantasy book. He is basically the fantasy author that todays authors seem to look to for inspiration.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: calvin on September 01, 2010, 02:28:03 PM
Thanks.  Actually, I have read Robert Jordan, but gave up when I got to book 8 or so.  Now that Brandon's writing the last 3 books, I plan to go back and reread them all, but if I'm going to invest that much time in them, I'll want to read them all at once.  I'll be getting them all again when the final book is finished (I know it doesn't help first week sales, though).
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: Ari54 on September 01, 2010, 08:43:13 PM
I was more referring to the fact that both of those authors have similarly "hard fantasy" magic systems than actively comparing them to brandon, assuming that was what the OP was looking for. :)
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: luminos on September 01, 2010, 10:09:01 PM
I'd recommend Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series.  The magic is the standard elemental type, but done in a way that makes it feel original.  There is a good deal of world-building, so that will feel good for Sanderson fans.  The characterization isn't quite as good as Sandersons, but still good.  The action and battle scenes are actually better written than Sanderson writes action (at least in my opinion).  The pacing is faster, which can feel weird after getting used to the pattern of build-up -> avalanche.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: guessingo on September 02, 2010, 12:28:02 PM
@Calvin: Try the audiobooks for your second run through. The readers are very good. They get a few pronunciations wrong in the first book, but it is corrected after that. They are very good to listen to if you have read the books (so you have an idea of what is going on) while doing other things. Your library should have them all since they are best sellers.

I just started reading Lord Fouls Bane from Stephen R Donaldson. I do not know if his fantasy world is as complex as some authors today. However, he seems to be considered a classic and alot of modern authors site him for inspiration. I think Brandon has and I think Bookstore guy has said he likes.

Alot of people on the Books forum really like Stephen Erickson. The first book did not do anything for me. People keeping saying it is the 3rd book that grabs you.

Brandon has also raved about LE Modesit. Though I have not read him yet.
Tad Williams is one that Brandon read as a kid. I think he is more of a Tolkein clone, but I am not sure. Have not read them.

I really liked Weiss and Hickmans Deathgate Series from the 1990s. They are the founders of the Dragonlance universe.

Michael Moorcock from the 1960s Elric books. These tend to be shorter. The world is not as complex. However, it is very dark and basically nihilistic. These are pretty short books.

A woman I used to work with really likes Jennifer Roberson.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: calvin on September 02, 2010, 02:12:03 PM

I think you'll really enjoy Stephen R. Donaldson.  I've read and reread his entire Thomas Covenant series (actually 2 and 2/3 series so far) several times.  He's one of the best world builders around in my opinion, with rich development of his races and totally unique magic systems.  He is a lot like Tolkien in the questing format, but I enjoy him more. 

If you're on Lord Foul's Bane, go ahead and get the next two, because you'll be frustrated if you finish and can't move right into them. 
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: Munin on September 02, 2010, 02:52:52 PM
I recommend basically anything by Robin Hobb. Start out with the assassin trilogy (Assassin's Apprentice is the first book). It's not as good as her second trilogy (the Liveship Traders), but it's still quite good. You can read Liveship Traders first and understand it completely, but it WILL spoil some major plot points from the assassin series. She also wrote a third trilogy in the same world (the Tawny Man), which goes back to the characters from the first trilogy, and is currently working on a fourth (the Rain Wild), which is shaping up nicely.

Finally, she wrote an unrelated series called the Soldier Son trilogy. It's... unusual. Definitely very unique. Overall, I'd say I liked it, but it can be hellishly slow at times. Some people love it, and some people hate it.

Daniel Abraham's "The Long Price" series definitely has a very unique magic system: poets use words and thoughts to bind living ideas into human form.

It's somewhat hard to follow at times, though. Still, the first book (A Shadow in Summer) is probably worth a look.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: Kierlionn on September 02, 2010, 09:21:36 PM
@Calvin: Try the audiobooks for your second run through. The readers are very good. They get a few pronunciations wrong in the first book, but it is corrected after that. They are very good to listen to if you have read the books (so you have an idea of what is going on) while doing other things. Your library should have them all since they are best sellers.

I just started reading Lord Fouls Bane from Stephen R Donaldson. I do not know if his fantasy world is as complex as some authors today. However, he seems to be considered a classic and alot of modern authors site him for inspiration. I think Brandon has and I think Bookstore guy has said he likes.

Alot of people on the Books forum really like Stephen Erickson. The first book did not do anything for me. People keeping saying it is the 3rd book that grabs you.

Brandon has also raved about LE Modesit. Though I have not read him yet.
Tad Williams is one that Brandon read as a kid. I think he is more of a Tolkein clone, but I am not sure. Have not read them.

I really liked Weiss and Hickmans Deathgate Series from the 1990s. They are the founders of the Dragonlance universe.

Michael Moorcock from the 1960s Elric books. These tend to be shorter. The world is not as complex. However, it is very dark and basically nihilistic. These are pretty short books.

A woman I used to work with really likes Jennifer Roberson.
It's been a while since I have read Stephen R Donaldson but he is an amazing writer, I especially liked his Mordant's Need. It was really amazing, the series is like a war against reality though it can get very graphic compared to some books and I would definitely say it is for adults (Not one but my dad didn't remember that being in the books).

And yes Weis and Hickman are amazing world builders, I have 12 books of theirs from Dragonlance and  I love everyone of them.
Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: ErikHolmes on September 03, 2010, 02:06:00 AM
It's hard to say that an author is like Brandon, his style imo really stands out. Having said that here are some authors I really like that I think are like like Brandon in some small ways:

Steven Brust - Almost every one of the Vlad Taltos books is a little like Final Empire. The main character runs a gang of criminals who have to work together to take out other criminals, steal something, kill someone, etc. Its one of the most high magic worlds I've read about. Sort of like Elantris in that the people in the city all have godlike magic, except they don't use it for the good of everyone like the Elantrians did.

Roger Zelazny is my all time favorite. I don't know if I'd say that his books are a lot like Brandon's but his world and magic is very unique. Their magic allows them to walk across dimensions, finding exactly what they desire. The stories are pretty epic.

Sabriel by Garth Nix is a great read and one of Brandon's favorites I think.

The Dresden Files is a must read.

Fred Saberhagen's Book of Swords is pretty interesting. Each sword possesses a certain magic and the story revolves around how they interact.

Title: Re: Other Writers Like Brandon?
Post by: Munin on September 03, 2010, 02:25:11 AM
Saberhagen is a good author, but I feel his characters are often somewhat bland.

Brandon tends to use his characters as a focus, with the magic and setting forming the backdrop. Saberhagen puts the magic center stage, and the characters feel secondary.

That's not to say the characters are entirely one-dimensional, but they're not well developed, either.

That's how I see it, anyways.

Zelazny is a good author, I agree, though I'd recommend skipping the last five Amber books.