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Games => Video Games => Topic started by: ostain on July 03, 2009, 05:34:16 PM

Title: Mistborn RPG video game
Post by: ostain on July 03, 2009, 05:34:16 PM
an MMORPG for a mistborn game would be to hard to do because trying to make the mistborn world right would not include a million x-wow players jumping all over the relitivly small world of the final empire. so mabye its not that small but still it would take away from the feeling of a lonly world.

a Mistborn game should be a mix of open-world/sand-box like Prototype, the Fable/Fable 2 type of game, mixed with  World of Warcraft without the MMO, and the feeling of The Force Unleashed.

told from a whole new point of veiw from mabye a character not in the books mabye before, after or during the timeline though, giving you the ability the completly costomize your character and give it chooses between good and evil.
Title: Re: Mistborn RPG video game
Post by: Matty on July 05, 2009, 05:59:03 AM
an MMORPG for a mistborn game would be to hard to do because trying to make the mistborn world right would not include a million x-wow players jumping all over the relitivly small world of the final empire. so mabye its not that small but still it would take away from the feeling of a lonly world.
a Mistborn game should be a mix of open-world/sand-box like Prototype, the Fable/Fable 2 type of game, mixed with  World of Warcraft without the MMO, and the feeling of The Force Unleashed.
told from a whole new point of veiw from mabye a character not in the books mabye before, after or during the timeline though, giving you the ability the completly costomize your character and give it chooses between good and evil.


An MMO of mistborn simply won't work for a while for a number of reasons.

The market is too WoW'd. An MMO isn't a "success" these days unless it has a million subscribers. (literal number there) There hasn't been such a market saturation of 1 game across an entire genre this strong since DOOM.

The technology really isn't there. If you're able to create a GUI in which you can control the allomantic powers of a Mistborn, then you're a step ahead of me. With how underwhelming the Wii is in terms of precision and execution of it's mobility aspect, I can't imagine a console or a computer game that could do it.

We'll have to settle for the pnp RPG for a while, until the technology catches up  :).
Title: Re: Mistborn RPG video game
Post by: Rezo on March 28, 2010, 12:13:07 AM
The World of Warcraft showed everyone that simplicity is what everybody want from a MMO game. Not acrobatics, not a sandbox world, not moving around the world like Spiderman, but statistics, levels, numbers and stuff. For that, a Mistborn MMO would fail now, although in incoming games like APB or Sould and Blade we can see that maybe a new MMO era is coming.

But other than that, the world with thousands of Mistborn flying around would not be the world we loved so much. It would destroy the feeling. Sure we can use Mistings, but who would ever want to play a Misting?

But the single player version is something I would love to play. Take the great sandbox-based world from Prototype, hiding in shadows from Splinter Cell, fighting from Force Unleashed and there you have it, a perfect Mistborn RPG.
Only don't take the series' plot to the game, it doesn't fit at all.
Title: Re: Mistborn RPG video game
Post by: Miyabi on March 28, 2010, 09:46:10 AM

@Rezo, you could say the exact opposite thing and compare it to Assassin's Creed.

I think the Assassin Creed engine would be way cool for a Mistborn Game.
Title: Re: Mistborn RPG video game
Post by: Stormblessed on October 08, 2010, 02:35:58 AM
A mistborn game needs to be done. An MMO would be cool, but I don't think realistic. However a multiplayer like the new Assassin's creed Brotherhood would work I'm sure.
Title: Re: Mistborn RPG video game
Post by: Celegus on October 13, 2010, 09:21:13 PM
Oh man... Assassin's Creed + Mistborn. Holy crap.

I would want to shoot myself if they turned Mistborn into an MMO, but it could make an awesome single player game. I don't really ever see either happening anyway, so I'm okay with just imagining everything in my head.
Title: Re: Mistborn RPG video game
Post by: Kykeon on October 17, 2010, 11:55:55 AM
Co-op of mistings/mistborn against computer generated enemies on a seperate map for each team?
Yes, maybe.
MMORPG a lá WoW?
Assasins Creed with Allomantic powers?
Title: Re: Mistborn RPG video game
Post by: yohung777 on March 03, 2011, 01:32:09 AM
I think instead of everyone is a mistborn, we could have mistings running around. When they reach lv. 55, they could choose to create a Mistborn. Like in wow we could only play a certain type of character only if one of our other character reach that level. And we could have two or three teams,  like the mistings and mistborn of slaves in one  team;  the government's mistborn/misting another team (of course their powers must be a little different from the ones in slave's team) ; and then we could have different religion, two gods  the caos god and the preservation god. The world in mistborn is actually pretty big, takes days for Vin to travel from between major cities. And that is she is a mistborn. You'll need a horse for a Misting. :D
Title: Re: Mistborn RPG video game
Post by: Juan Dolor on April 12, 2011, 03:51:13 PM
I think a game like this has to allow for non-magical folks.  Like Elend.  And more than allow, they have to make it fun for those classes, and balance them with the magical ones.  The Wheel of Time d20 RPG did a good job of this, I thought.