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Local Authors => Writing Group => Topic started by: Robert_Boyd on April 06, 2006, 03:01:24 AM

Title: The new face of Krystal Unbalanced
Post by: Robert_Boyd on April 06, 2006, 03:01:24 AM
So I've decided to take my old Krystal Unbalanced characters and completely change the story around.  Here's the new set-up.

The Setting: The world of the Undead
The characters: A plucky young sand demon female & her fire demon cat partner
The plot: The two protagonists are just trying to make a buck (or a soul that is) through their bounty hunting business, but they get caught up in a conspiracy that could shake the very foundations of the underworld.
The genre:  Comedy/Cyberpunk/Dark Fantasy

Although I'll continue to write in my simple YA style, I think I'll try to sell it to a mainstream fantasy publisher since the themes will be more appropriate for an adult audience (though I'm sure some youngsters will get a kick out of it as well).

Unfortunately, I'm not sure that I can keep the old name of Krystal Unbalanced.  I mean, my earlier thought of having the main character be unbalanced in some way isn't what I want to do anymore.  Plus I'm thinking of renaming the character Molly just because it's the name that's in my head with her character and it's such a non-fantasy sounding name.  Now, I might figure out some way to keep the old name, but I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for new names I might try.  And yeah, I know I'm not giving you all very much information to work with here.

EDIT: I'm thinking of "Molly UnLiving."  Thoughts?

EDIT2:  As a joke, I find "The Morte of Molly" to be amusing.
Title: Re: The new face of Krystal Unbalanced
Post by: Maxwell on April 06, 2006, 06:03:10 AM
...Good Golly Miss Molly
Title: Re: The new face of Krystal Unbalanced
Post by: MsFish on April 06, 2006, 05:48:09 PM
Krystal Unbalanced sounds like a story about a 14 year old with mental issues.  
Title: Re: The new face of Krystal Unbalanced
Post by: Faster Master St. Pastor on April 06, 2006, 06:18:29 PM
Rather astute observation Fish, though the version I read had her more wacked out then metally damaged.

Title: Re: The new face of Krystal Unbalanced
Post by: MsFish on April 06, 2006, 06:44:35 PM
Wow.  And I thought I was being condescending.  
Title: Re: The new face of Krystal Unbalanced
Post by: Shrain on April 06, 2006, 07:01:01 PM
haha. Trying to make a buck--er, a soul. I like it. Wow, you've really gutted your original idea! This one looks pretty interesting too. But didn't you say that you're always coming up with new ideas and never getting very far into a novel? Hmm. Hope that's not the case with this one. :)
Title: Re: The new face of Krystal Unbalanced
Post by: Robert_Boyd on April 06, 2006, 09:03:47 PM
Well, it's not so much that I've gutted the original story as it is that I've had 3 separate story ideas floating around in my mind for a while now that I've wanted to work on (the original version of Krystal Unbalanced, a fantasy novel involving the undead, and a fantasy/cyberpunk hybrid like Shin Megami Tensei) and I just decided to merge the three into one.

And yeah, you're right.  I do have a problem with coming up with endless ideas and rewriting stuff (comes from my perfectionist side).  I think I've decided the best way to avoid that is to focus on stuff that I know I'm decent at writing like comedy instead of trying to make something with a message (I can always insert a message later after the story is written).

Now to see if I can pull of merging comedy, fantasy, sci-fi, the occult, and cyberpunk all in a single story... :)
Title: Re: The new face of Krystal Unbalanced
Post by: Maxwell on April 07, 2006, 12:50:22 AM
so your objective is to make a varitable baked potatoe of literature as it were...
well let me just say this. I sure do like them baked potatoes. Good luck and god speed.
Title: Re: The new face of Krystal Unbalanced
Post by: Robert_Boyd on April 13, 2006, 12:11:01 PM
The novel's final name?  MaZoGiDeSto: A Magical Zombie Girl Detective Story.

Basically, I'm trying to channel Douglas Adams, The Nightmare before Christmas, the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (really funny anime series), and Shin Megami Tensei (awesome cyberpunk/fantasy videogame series) into my own brand of weird humor.