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Departments => Movies and TV => Topic started by: Sminja on March 28, 2004, 01:32:29 AM

Title: Dawn of the Dead
Post by: Sminja on March 28, 2004, 01:32:29 AM
Ok, so there's this new movie out called Dawn of the Dead. Seen it? Let's talk about it. In my opinion, it was one of the worst horror movies, probably even one of the worst movies altogether, that I have ever seen. The main character has no scene in which she says a total of like more than 6 or so sentences, and all the one liners are so cheesy that I think the writers took them form a big book called "The Big Book of Cheesy One-Liners." Anyway, It's very disturbing at parts, too, but not in a "Oh my god I'm scared" sort of way, but more in a "What were the producers on when they made this" disturbing. Seriously. Don't see it. Unless you want to see it to know what I am talking about, or just to laugh at the hilariously funny parts that are supposed to be serious. There's a bloated zombie girl, and I thought she was pretty funny...and the movie has no closure at the end. If y'all would like, I'll spoil the movie for you since your probably not going to see it. Anyway, post your thoughts, opinions, etc. on this movie here...
Title: Re: Dawn of the Dead
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on March 28, 2004, 02:14:43 AM
You do realize that 1.) this was a remake of a CLASSIC movie, and 2.) you're seriously in the minority of people who saw it, and didn't like it.

Perhaps your criteria for movies is a bit skewed.
Title: Re: Dawn of the Dead
Post by: Sminja on March 28, 2004, 02:22:19 AM
Even if it was a remake, it was poorly done. Just because I haven't seen the original does not mean I can't make judgements like this about it. If I said they transitioned it badly or something, then I couldn't make judgments about it. Minoriy of people who saw it and didn't like...sorry, my brain's fried right now. does that mean that most people who saw it like it, or not many people saw it and didn't like it, both, or what. Yes, your right, perhaps my criteria for good mives are a bit skewed, but to each their own, right? Anyhoo, thanks for responding, I am glad to be productive and on topic here at Time Wasters!
Title: Re: Dawn of the Dead
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on March 28, 2004, 02:42:55 AM
My take on it, is that I don't even like the premise of it.
Title: Re: Dawn of the Dead
Post by: Maxwell on March 28, 2004, 02:48:26 AM
I've never really liked remakes, so i doubt I'll even see it plus, zombies are the only kind of monster(other than the scissor man, dont ask) that scare, i dont even know why tey scare but they just do, maybe i have necrophobia...
Title: Re: Dawn of the Dead
Post by: Sminja on March 28, 2004, 02:50:22 AM
Necrophobia? Is there such a thing? Fear of the dead..or darkness invloving things...or what?
Title: Re: Dawn of the Dead
Post by: Maxwell on March 28, 2004, 02:52:25 AM
i think it's just fear of dead shtuff.