Timewaster's Guide Archive

Games => Table-Top Games => Topic started by: Mr_Pleasington on August 15, 2004, 08:55:41 PM

Title: Heroscape
Post by: Mr_Pleasington on August 15, 2004, 08:55:41 PM
Anyone else pick up Hasbro's new boardgame, Heroscape?

It's pretty dang cool and you get a ton for the price.  Build your own battlefield and get like 30 minis to duke it out with aliens, dinosaurs, robots, and vikings.  

It's strictly beer and pretzels, but its fun.  I may get another set for the terrain alone.
Title: Re: Heroscape
Post by: Spriggan on September 15, 2004, 01:28:19 AM
*nudge nudge

we could use a review

*wink wink
Title: Re: Heroscape
Post by: Dex1138 on September 16, 2004, 10:01:50 AM
Haven't hit the toy stores in a few weeks, have to check it out. Sounds like my kinda thing.
Board Game Geek (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/11170) has a good write-up of the game as well as some house rules, including conversion for Star Wars minis!
The Hasbro site (http://www.hasbro.com/heroscape/) is a bit empty but has 2 internet exclusive scenarios.
Title: Re: Heroscape
Post by: Mr_Pleasington on September 17, 2004, 05:10:36 AM
I'd love to do a review...but the game is back in the states. :(

Speaking of reviews, I sent in a Warmachine review months ago and I completely forgot about it until now.  I don't think it ever got posted.  Did you all get it?  Or was it just a sucky review?
Title: Re: Heroscape
Post by: Spriggan on September 17, 2004, 05:59:05 AM
Don't think we ever got it.  Did you e-mail it or submit it?  There was a bit about 6-8 months ago after we switched servers where submitted articles never actualy got submitted.