Timewaster's Guide Archive

General => Everything Else => Topic started by: stacer on January 17, 2005, 11:36:32 PM

Title: My cute desk lamp
Post by: stacer on January 17, 2005, 11:36:32 PM
It's amazing how things improve when you're feeling better. I finally cleared off my desk and got my new desk lamp out (following a crazy incident in which my old lamp was so top heavy that it just cracked in two one day--very strange). And I realized: I have the lamp from the Pixar openers! See it here. (http://saintehlers.com/Stacer/gallery/Friends/cute_lamp)

I wonder if it will start hopping around on me. :)
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on January 17, 2005, 11:41:56 PM
Only if you get really sick again. Or start taking hallucinegenics.... drug things. Or drink my blood. Because I'm sure anyone will tell you that you'll start seeing things if you take a tap of my blood.
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: Entsuropi on January 17, 2005, 11:50:55 PM
Staples registration needed, or something.

Those guys didn't hire me. So sad. Thought I did good in the interview as well, sigh.
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: stacer on January 18, 2005, 12:00:08 AM
Hmm, that's odd. I don't remember registering. But I had a $20 gift certificate from them, so perhaps I did sometime.
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on January 18, 2005, 12:05:28 AM
All it did was ask me for a zip code as to where the thing would be delivered had I decided to buy it, presumably. Unless it's another attempt at taking the cookies my comrades made for me.
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: MsFish on January 18, 2005, 04:24:04 PM
Sad!  I want to see the lamp!  

Isn't it great to take joy in the little things?
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on January 18, 2005, 04:24:55 PM
it just asks me to enable cookies. But we won't go back into that again.
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: stacer on January 18, 2005, 05:41:03 PM
Well, if I could log into my gallery, I could pop the picture over there. But it's not letting me in again. This time it's not the Toshiba pinger or my firewall.

I think.
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: stacer on January 18, 2005, 06:43:34 PM
Yay! Now you can see it. Here you go! (http://saintehlers.com/Stacer/gallery/Friends/cute_lamp)
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: Mistress of Darkness on January 18, 2005, 10:19:27 PM
Stacer, you're reading lamp is really cute, but it doesn't look much like the Pixar lamp (http://www.pixar.com/shorts/ljr/).
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: stacer on January 18, 2005, 10:39:54 PM
Dang. I was going on memory. But perhaps it's an updated version for the new century.  ;)
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: Peter Ahlstrom on January 19, 2005, 12:58:41 AM
We had one that looked more like the Pixar lamp.
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: MsFish on January 19, 2005, 01:07:34 AM
Well, we can *pretend* it looks like the pixar lamp, right?  

Especially if it starts hopping.  
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: stacer on January 19, 2005, 03:50:09 PM
Rather than put up a new thread, I figured I'd just use this. I've finally scanned some pictures from the break, and thought some of you would get a kick out of a few of these. For example, I took this one (http://saintehlers.com/Stacer/gallery/Friends/parking_hearts) after it snowed one day. I have no idea if the driver did it on purpose--it was just something I saw out my back window in the parking lot.

I have a few more pictures from Halloween weekend when I came out to Utah, so I reposted the folder. (http://saintehlers.com/Stacer/gallery/Halloween-weekend)

Also, I took all of three pictures of people while I was out over New Year's. See them here. (http://saintehlers.com/Stacer/gallery/Friends?page=1)

Finally, just because I wanted to show you all what a big flirt my new nephew, Marshall, is, a few pictures from Christmas with my family. (http://saintehlers.com/Stacer/gallery/Christmas-2004)
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: MsFish on January 19, 2005, 06:30:14 PM
Stacy, those first pictures of you with your nephew are *so* cute!
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: stacer on January 19, 2005, 07:46:36 PM
Thanks. My grandma did pretty well. I was sitting there complaining that I never had any pictures of me because I was always the one behind the camera, and Grandma said, "Gimme your camera."  :) Marshall happened to be on my lap at that moment, and in a great mood.
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: Mistress of Darkness on January 24, 2005, 06:46:40 PM
Wow! Your hair is gorgeous!! Do you cut it any special way?
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: stacer on January 24, 2005, 08:08:04 PM
I barely ever cut it at all, maybe once every six months. Just a straight cut. Thanks.  :)
Title: Re: My cute desk lamp
Post by: Mistress of Darkness on January 24, 2005, 08:47:54 PM
Ah, it's been longer since I've cut mine.