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Messages - IngtarWhoStoleChristmas

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: April 23, 2009, 03:24:37 PM »
Am I the only one amused by the fact that
A. There is an anti-gay-marriage commercial with a gathering storm featured heavily in it,
B. Book 12 is called The Gathering Storm, and
C. Pillow friends?

Wow, nice reach

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Help with a research paper.
« on: April 21, 2009, 10:00:13 PM »
I have zero reculection on a Ham in WoT...refresh me please...

Well there is a Hamad that's one of Bashere's men, but I was actually thinking of Han the "short" Aiel clan chief.

honestly my answers were not intended to be serious as it appears to me that they are trying to get someone else to do their homework for them. However then I noticed that his initial post did have Interview in it, so I apologize humbly for being a jerkfish :-)

so to rephrase my responses

1. I would say that they are similar in that both are well written and have a feel of "real" people. In that they seem to reflect real people it's easy to see similarities as there are in any real people

2. My understanding is both his work on Mistborn and his Eulogy that can be found on his website both went really far in him being selected.

3. I agree with others. They both write big epic fantasies. Where they differ greatest is that Brandon's seem to wrap things up fairly neatly and don't go off on quite the tangents that WoT has to this point. They rank among two of my favorites.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Help with a research paper.
« on: April 21, 2009, 08:03:01 PM »
1. Are the characters in Brandon's work similar to those of Robert Jordan?
Obviously Vin is a direct rip off of Min, note similarities with their names. Both books have a big guy named Ham too.

2. Do you think there is something about the world Sanderson created that helped him get chosen?
Clearly Mr. Sanderson's great work on the Way Of Kings novel is what got him this gig. From beginning to end that masterpiece will forever be the pinicale of fantasy writing

3. In what ways do you think the writing of Sanderson and Jordan are similar?
Mr Sanderson using English. Mr Jordan did as well. I think they also wrote big books, that's pretty close to the same

I sure hope that helps you learn a valuable lesson about the purpose of doing research and homework

Brandon Sanderson / Re: C2E2: 1 year and counting
« on: April 20, 2009, 03:38:41 PM »
Haven't seen Brandon on here in quite a while. You might try contacting him through his website.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Would you have a second wife?
« on: April 20, 2009, 03:26:27 PM »
Not a chance. I have one, that's all I can handle thank you very much!

Mat is most likely Aemon (if he is in fact someone famous and not just "spear holder #3"); Perrin is a tough one, but I like the old soul idea, who knows maybe he was a wolf

I understood orginally they would be

A Memory of Light: Gathering Clouds
A Memory of Light: Shifting Winds
A Memory of Light: Tarmon Gai'don

Now I understand that book stores didn't want the AMOL part in there so I'm guessing that each one will change somewhat with TG actually being AMOL.

When the author has been dead for about 70-80 years I forget what the actual time limit is. There are sequels to Wizard of Oz being written now as an example. Some consider the Extended Universe of STar Wars books to be canon, even though none are written by George Lucas.

WAY off topic, but all Star Wars books are required to be authorized by people at Lucasfilm. They do a pretty good job of keeping everything very consistent from book to book and avoid contradictions. There have a been a few (some that are freaking HUGE) but hey there are some in the movies. Remember how Leia remembers her mom yet her mom lived all of about 8 seconds after her birth :-) For that I say they would be above fan fic (much like what Brandon is doing now, but the 'creator' hasn't passed away.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: April 02, 2009, 09:32:19 PM »
Has Joe gotten there yet??!! Remember he has not yet read the entire series. Let him finish the book before you begin talking about events that happen in it, you don't know where he is!

I remember a Moraine POV where she reflects on how Lan gave his heart to Nynave and how she had "seen that she would have him when Moraine was gone" or some such as that. so not really a spoiler there :-)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: March 31, 2009, 11:13:49 PM »
Herid and Fel are torn apart by a gholam. I actually don't remember who these people are. I won't go to another WOT encyclopedia because I ran across some spoilers last time.

I thought it was Herid Fel (one guy not 2). He was the philosopher at the school that Rand and Min go to visit who is helping Rand puzzle out the prophecies and such.

Keep reading em till you hit the end. If you're going to stop and give yourself a small break I would suggest between Winter's Heart and Crossroads or Crossroads and Knife of Dreams....I'm not too worried about you stopping, there is an ending in Crown of Swords that will compell you ;-)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: March 12, 2009, 09:30:42 PM »

That's the EXACT quote. I agree, it can be taken either way, but he says "Who Betrays me shall die the final death. Asmodean, Twisted by his Weakness."

I think the point the DO is trying to make there is that if he had realized that he just had to let himself be killed he would have been resurrected and still been able to serve. Remember the whole reason Asmo went over to the shadow was for immortality. Obviously this doesn't rule out balefire, but makes a pretty strong case that Asmo could have been resurrected had he continued to serve.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: March 12, 2009, 03:22:00 PM »
I agree with that.  Asmo just stumbled into the wrong room, where those "servants" Rand bumped into went to hide.  Also, another possible bit of evidence balefire was used: When Demondred meets with the DO in Shayol Ghul, the DO tells Demondred that Asmodean and Rhavin are beyond its ability to return their souls.  Balefire is the only thing that can do this.  Some argue that the DO chose not to resurrect Asmodean because of Rand, but then why wouldn't it say that?

Remember in Prologue of LOC the DO specifically mentions Rahvin dying of balefire and Asmo died the "final death for his treachery" - Again I'm just playing devil's advocate. The toughest thing about all of this is you'd never convict anyone in a court of law, too much room for "reasonable doubt"

Brandon Sanderson / Re: A Memory of Light
« on: March 11, 2009, 05:24:00 PM »
Before Rhuidean Mat had a smattering of the Old Tongue and a few not-quite-actual memories that popped up on occasion, and all of it was from "the Old blood", possibly from ancestors and not necessarily his own past lives.  After Rhuidean, all his memories from the Finns were just memories they happened to have on hand from various assorted people they'd had contact with.  The common thread between Mat and the people those memories come from is contact with the Finns, not rebirth or blood.  Heck, it's mentioned a few times that he actually has memories from opposite sides of the same battle in some cases.

Thats actually one of the most chilling scenes in the book. Where Mat comes to the conclusion that, since he has various memories of "himself" actually dying, the Finns actually can see through his eyes at all times. Very creepy.

Hmm perhaps this is why Mat may need to lose an eye? Maybe they can see thru one but not the other. If Mat plans to rescue Moraine from the Finns, it would be difficult if they can see someone coming towards them....

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: March 11, 2009, 04:37:15 PM »
What you say is true about channelling, but one thing I've always wondered about. How would they know that he would walk through a door that he had absolutely no intention of walking through? I think the overall reason is either A. Forsaken in the castle for another reason and gets lucky that Asmo walks in, or B. Someone who is doing something that they do NOT want Rand to find out about and kill Asmo thinking he is simply Rand's Bard.

Ludicrous example of B: Mat is really a darkfriend and is doing darkfriend things in the Room. Asmo walks in and catches him so Mat kills him to prevent him from telling about his DF status.

Obviously I'm not saying Mat did it, but I'm willing to rule out most of the Forsaken ideas, and Channelling may or may not be necessary. Overall I'm inclined to believe that the killer was a DF in hiding, simply because why keep it a big secret unless there is going to be a reveal latter and it will completely mess up the twist?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: March 10, 2009, 08:52:24 PM »
lol I had forgotten the Narg angle. Talk about the Law of Charachter Conservation!! :-) Perhaps the two of them worked in tandem? Ahh we'll find out soon ;-)

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