Author Topic: Warmech - Homebrew Help  (Read 8462 times)


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Warmech - Homebrew Help
« on: November 18, 2003, 02:31:25 AM »
I love giant mech games.  I mean really love them.  Battletech, Heavy Gear, etc. are all a lot of fun, but none of them are quite the game I'd like them to be though.  So I decided to make my own.

The system is a conglomeration of Battletech and Warmachine, with each being ripped off about an equal amount.  I'm still ironing things out, but I think it has a lot of potential for fun.   I've got some great ideas for campaign rules too :)

So here's the problem.  I'm great at coming up with fun and interesting fantasy worlds to play in, but I'm terrible at sci-fi it seems.  I want a universe of psuedo-hard science where hulking machines of death and destruction are prevalent, but still special.  I want humans only, no aliens, and I'd like for there to be a lot of politics...much like the Battletech universe.

So, please, assail me with your ideas!  Help me out.

I don't know if there will be interest in making this an "official" TWG project or if Fell thinks that's wise.  But once its done we could post it much like the TWiG fantasy setting.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2003, 02:32:32 AM by Mr_Pleasington »


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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2003, 06:28:55 AM »
I'll see if i think up anything :)
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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2003, 10:16:30 AM »
"Think, think think. Have you thought of anything yet? No, neither have I."

I will cogitate startign on Dec 1


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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2003, 01:46:57 PM »
Here are some questions to help you get a foothold for your backgroud.  They aren't intended to develop your whole setting, but give us an idea on a base concept.  The questions are listed in no particular order.

1)  Is the setting takeing place on a single planet?  A planet and its moon(s), star system, universe or larger?  exp:  the Gundam anime series takes place on earth, space and space stations that don't go too far past the moon.

2) Who are the major players or how many are there?  is there just 2 sides? or mabye 6.  Is it between differnt goverments, sepertist groups, or different coperations vieing for control of natural resources.  It's not important to list all the groups or any of them, but knowing how many there's going to be is helpfull.

3) what type of mech are there and how much more powerful are they then normal vehicles?  So are they like the robotech ones (mostly transformable), humaniod, animal like (ie Zoids).  are they much more powerful then say a tank in the game or a jet fighter?  Are they slighly larger then humans (8-10 feet), or just a few stories tall (15-20 feet), or towering (30+ feet)?

4) how common are mecha?  Whole common solders have them?  Or just special opps?  Maybe there's only a coupple hundred between each side.
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2003, 09:57:01 PM »
Mechs rule. This project interests me, and I'll pay attention as it develops. um...I'll possibly think about ideas later.
Go go super JP newbie slapdown force! - Entropy


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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2003, 10:15:11 PM »
I've got those questions downpat, Sprig.  In order to figure out scale, and power of weapons several of those had to be set out before I begin. Some of them are in a grey area though...particularly the rarity of mechs.

I would think they'd be about as rare as in the Battletech universe, which is not uber-rare, but pretty rare.  

Let me give you the basics as I see them:

1) Multi Planet, Multi Solar System.  The human race has spread its seed.

2) I was hoping for you all for major players.  I was hoping between 6 and 8 major and minor players with a few subfactions thrown in.  

3) Mechs are not mecha.  They are hulking machines carrying vast arrays of armaments that stand a few stories tall  (20 to 50 ft perhaps?) and weight between 20 and 100 tons.  They do not transform and are piloted by one individual.  Again, think Battetech size and archaicness with a dash of Heavy Gear's slickness :)

4) Mechs are the kings of the battlefied, powerful, mobile, and tough to take down.  They are accompanied by an array of vehicles and infantry though (to be included in the advance rules).  Infantry are both in power suits and in normal armor depending on the wealth of the faction.  

So here's my request.  Each of you is the leader of a group sent to colonize distant planets from Earth in the past of our setting.  Describe your people, your philosophies on life, military, art, science, and the goals you set forth for the future.  If someone wants to break into a subfaction from one of the main ones, that's cool.  We'll get you guys set in the universe and then have you colonize til you collide and have to deal with each other.  Basically, we'll roleplay out different groups as they take over the universe.  This will be the basis for our setting.  So go to it!

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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2003, 10:39:17 PM »
My faction would be the Glittering thousand suns faction, a Chinese-Korean-Japanese group descended from colonists flung out into space by the Asian Co-prosperity Sphere in the late 23rd Centurie. Using modern technology and ancient customs the GTS has created a society that centers around the aesteics of nature, beauty and contemplation. Its austere Warmechs are simple and clean lined without adornment, tending toward the simple.  The greatest challenge to our people is living in harmony with the worlds around us, and we have achived much of what we had hoped. Our cities are harmoniously carved from living rock, or grown in the form of genetically altered trees or even encased in bubbles of force beneath azure seas.  We use natural power and fuzion technolgy as well as supermicronized machinery.   Artistically we seek to enhance nature around us, or or harmony with it. It is not uncommon to find scultures of living plants or genetically designed animals in our copious gardens. Our designs for the future are simple, to protect our lifestyle and culture from all outside influence. To this end we have commissioned a Warmech Corps or Glorious Fusion Soldiery to respond to threats against our society. paired with a 5,000 battleship strong navy we feel safe. For now.
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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2003, 11:13:04 PM »
Hmm..I'm hoping this fits in, but I think it sounds ok.

My faction are the Geeks. They'd pick a better name than that, but noone can agree, so almost every individual person has their own name for it, but the name "Geeks" is universal. Basically, as the universe was being settled, the Geeks, feeling themselves outsiders and harbouring a grudging against most  forms of authorities, united temselves. On their own, self-funded and run, they found and colonised the first of their planets - three small Earth-like planets next to each other in the same Star System.  This happened in a mass-exodus kind of way, and a new society was established.

The Geeks live using a political system that they call "Open-Source Anarchy". There is nearly no government - the only official system is there to trade with other societies, and make available a public listing of what jobs need to be done, and employ whoever wants to work there. Everyone is expected to perform a job, and simply choose one from the list of available jobs. Taking ideas from the open-source software development ideology, the leaders of anything are those who are best at it, simply through respect of their achievements.

In this society, original ideas, and technical skills are both heavily emphasised and admired. The staple form of entertainment are such things as Video Games, and peoples jobs themselves. Since robots are able to do all the simple jobs, 99% of people enjoy the job they do.

The military is organised by the limited goverment not as a form of power, but simply as their jobs. It exists primarily as a defence, not an attacking force. While soldiers are often less skileld than other societies, they make up for it through more advanced technological skills, and the use of biological science to make up the difference. Geek mech pilots can, for example, press a button to give themselves a shot of adrenalin when necessary. Of course, the med computer can do this automatically. As extremely advanced tech, mechs are well-liked.

Art is well-respected, though not as widely enjoyed as science. Both are in high-esteem, as are any other forms of thought, such as philosophy. Organised religion is not common, but many people claim to have a faith of their own, often shared with others.

The Geeks goal is to enjoy themselves, play with tech, and advance the human race. A lot of this boils down to proving that they are in fact better than the rest of society.

It should be noted that not *all* geeks were united here, just a lot of them. Also, these are majority views. Individuals have their own opinions, and this is encouraged.
Go go super JP newbie slapdown force! - Entropy

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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2003, 11:13:26 PM »
Yeah, well on december 1, 1999 hour 2001, I'm going to deciclarcimatize. See SE, I can make up words too.
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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2003, 12:12:05 AM »
wow, JP, that's a very idealized version of geek culture? what about hacker/cracker/phreak types?

My faction is led by an emperor who carries the title Artorius Caesar, in recognition of two of the greatest European leaders. They are primarily of Germanic/Franco/Britanic descent. THey have a strict code of honor and set codes of behavior that have firm roots in both the ancient Roman and Britonic eras. there has even been a recent revival of Chivalric love, though as often as not anymore the gender roles of the medieval texts are reversed. This Chivalry is even practiced in courts: There is a strict caste system of nobility (think Dune) though an elected two-body legislature also exists. The nobility and legislature are often at odds with each other.
It is a very militaristic society, and they refer to mech pilots as Knights, though Roman titles are typically used for officers (centurian, legionaire, etc).  They even follow a campaigning season, and not a lot of aggressive warfare is waged outside this time. They have a complex set of rules of engagement and warfare that hearkens back as much to the late 20th, early 21st century as it does to Medieval times. Though they are smart enough to know that they cannot count on other groups int he universe to abide by these rules, and are always on their guard against such dirty play. Once warfare rules have been violated, the enemy is no longer due respect or honor, and it is no shame to resort to ANY tactics or practices to defeat them. In fact, it is considered a point of near religious piety to get rid of these people.
While they still follow a Pope, they are very tolerant of religious practice, though other groups that violate political or military ground are often vilified in religious terms. Once ground is conquered, it is often left as is, Roman style, so long as peace is kept and tribute paid.
The empire is quite large, covering many systems. Political offices are typically thus: The ruler of a system (though somtimes an individual planet or even smaller colonized body) is a King, chosen by the locals in whatever tradition they want. Smaller territories are ruled by dukes, barons, lords, etc, though these territories may grow as big as a planet. Some nobles control territories in multiple systems, and are therefore beholden to more than one lord. All nobles and royalty, however, ultimately bow to the emporer, who controls the imperial military directly, and must have skill at command. There is a dynastic practice, but since internal conflicts are not uncommon (all nobility are allowed to maintain whatever military they can afford, though they often get culled by the emperor, so local militias may be large, but are usually inexperienced), dynasties may change frequently.
Again, the territory for the Britonic Union is vast and takes in hundreds of systems. Their ultimate goal is to have their emperor controller of the entire galaxy, but they seem to have reached a mass that is difficult to grow, and conflicts with even small powers make it hard to expand territory. Shrinkage, on the other hand, does not seem to be an immediate threat. Stability and static borders seem more the rule, which may set the scene for internal conflict to damage the empire

The Britionic Union admires art and literature and music that depicts traditional heroism. The main European mythologies are preserved and frequently read. They don't favor one form or another, or focus much on art, though artists are welcome entertainers. Wagner is still a favorite composer.
Science, on the other hand is a tool, and despite their traditional outlook, the military is surprisingly accepting of new tactics, methods, and weaponry.


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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2003, 12:27:00 AM »
Excellent work so far, gentlemen...except for Gemm, whose response seems to reply to something on another thread.

JP, that's one of the most interesting society concepts I've heard of in some time. Please find a more suitable name though.  The original name is apt, but not too flavorful.  It should be interesting to see what happens to your society when it encounters some of the more militiristic ones.

Seriously, if everyone submits the level of creativity these three did, we'll have this hammered out in no time.

Once we get a few more, I'll start asking more specific questions about your faction, your leaders, and your methods.

Then we'll play things out from Earth to present and see how your faction does. :)


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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2003, 10:31:59 AM »
I'll work on some stuff, but I'd just like to point out Mecha is plural for Mech.  Mecha dosn't imply it's an anime style robot.  But many people missuse it as singular and plural.

Also JP, maybe GEEKS can me an anonym (is that what their called?) where each letter is the first letter of a word.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2003, 10:52:07 AM by Spriggan »
Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2003, 11:06:12 AM »
G(rand) E(lectronic) E(mpire) K(nights) S(pectacular) ;D   ?
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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2003, 12:36:28 PM »
(G)iant (E)lectric (E)els (K)now (S)tuff

Screw it, I'm buying crayons and paper. I can imagineer my own adventures! Wheeee!

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Re: Warmech - Homebrew Help
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2003, 01:16:13 PM »
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