Author Topic: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .  (Read 59410 times)


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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #135 on: December 11, 2008, 09:19:29 AM »
Elend: Tom Wellings(Smallville)

Kelseir: Nickolas Cage

Marash: Hughe Jackson

Vin: Ellen Page(Juno)

Sazed: Laurence Fichburn

Breeze: John Goodmen

Clubs: Gordon Remsey ^-^

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I believe in angels.
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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #136 on: December 23, 2008, 04:40:57 AM »
I'd... actually be afraid of a mistborn movie...
Brandon put great effort into the whole "You can only push or pull"  I can just imagine a movie making it practically look like they're flying or cutting it up so horribly to make it fit into 1 1/2 hours.

If anything, I hope Mistborn goes the way that A Song of Ice and Fire goes and Showtime picks up the books.  Taking each book and making it a season long (2 hour pilot movie, 12 episodes total per season, 3 seasons).  Just make sure that somebody like Showtime gets it, or it'll be butchered like The Sword of Truth.


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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #137 on: December 23, 2008, 06:33:50 AM »
there a movie/show for A Song of Fire and Ice?  ???
"All because of you
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
no, not the kind with halos;
the kind that bring you home
when home becomes a strange place.
I'll follow your voice;
all you have to do is
shout it out!"
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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #138 on: December 23, 2008, 06:46:10 AM »
I'd... actually be afraid of a mistborn movie...
Brandon put great effort into the whole "You can only push or pull"  I can just imagine a movie making it practically look like they're flying or cutting it up so horribly to make it fit into 1 1/2 hours.

If anything, I hope Mistborn goes the way that A Song of Ice and Fire goes and Showtime picks up the books.  Taking each book and making it a season long (2 hour pilot movie, 12 episodes total per season, 3 seasons).  Just make sure that somebody like Showtime gets it, or it'll be butchered like The Sword of Truth.

Actually, I think it could be done as a movie, but it absolutely could not be done in just 90 minutes. It would have to be more on the scale of two and a half hours (almost LOTR film length), then I think a very proper adaptation could be done, one which is snappy enough, yet packs enough detail in. Of course, a 150 minute film is a very tall order, since theaters don't like them that long--it makes them show the film less times, which obviously can be a detriment to ticket sales from a purely quantitative perspective.

But it certainly could never work as 90 minutes. That's not epic. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #139 on: December 23, 2008, 05:56:58 PM »
First I will respond to this post
Elend: Tom Wellings(Smallville)

Kelseir: Nickolas Cage

Marash: Hughe Jackson

Vin: Ellen Page(Juno)

Sazed: Laurence Fichburn

Breeze: John Goodmen

Clubs: Gordon Remsey ^-^

Now I don't know about you but since when was Nick Cage a good actor. I mean I think I have seen him in two roles I really liked (Lord of War and The Rock). Most of the time he is fairly unbearable. He just has this annoying quality that I cant quite peg. Also Laurence Fichburn. . . ? Really? I mean he is a pretty good actor but I don't know about this one.
Mind you, I don't have a list of my own so I wouldn't know who would be better. Also this is just my opinion. I'm not trying to say what you think is stupid.

I agree with Chaos. If Mistborn was made into a movie then it would have to be on the 150 min scale. Unfortunately I doubt we will ever see one. It would however be cool to see it on one of the subscription channels like Sho. I wasn't aware that Song of Fire and Ice was done that way. I like the idea. I have yet to read those books but I have been meaning to. And lastly lets not mention Sword of Truth. It makes me cry.
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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #140 on: December 23, 2008, 10:19:24 PM »
there a movie/show for A Song of Fire and Ice?  ???

Not yet, but I heard that HBO has picked up the rights to create one!


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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #141 on: December 24, 2008, 06:31:04 AM »
i wont lie. my list was mainly thrown together cept for Tom Wellings as Elend. everytime im reading about elend he pops in my head(creepy i know).

I would much like to see A Song of Fire and Ice on TV, but the book isnt even finished. make you wounder how long before in comes out as a movies :3

oh id like to change a name on my list

Breeze: Robin Williams ^-^
« Last Edit: December 25, 2008, 02:47:23 PM by SirZelig »
"All because of you
I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings,
no, not the kind with halos;
the kind that bring you home
when home becomes a strange place.
I'll follow your voice;
all you have to do is
shout it out!"
Rise Against- The Good Left Undone


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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #142 on: December 27, 2008, 12:54:25 AM »
there a movie/show for A Song of Fire and Ice?  ???

Not yet, but I heard that HBO has picked up the rights to create one!

the Pilot was greenlighted :)

Breeze: Robin Williams ^-^
As long as it's not kiddy Robin Williams


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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #143 on: December 27, 2008, 06:29:07 AM »
i dont know... Morgan Freeman could pull off TLR, but he might be too old (remember, most of the time TLR is on-screen he is pretty young), and it would give it away if all Terrismen were played by black people. I think that we could fit Hugh Laurie into the cast... might have the personality for Clubs, even though i imagined him shorter and older. Vin would need to have short hair, in my mind, and I wouldn't have Elend be too "dreamy" in the first one, more bookish. Umm... the guy who plays Adam Shore in Boston Legal could play Dox, i always imagined him as kind of boring looking. Remember some of Brandon's descriptions though, he has said that Kelsier has curly hair, i think. Kelsier/Marsh and Elend/Zane need to look alike, as well. Well, i'm finally through with unraveling nearly every idea in this thread.


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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #144 on: March 15, 2009, 03:05:55 AM »
Stephen Frye as Breeze - amazing!  I totally agree.  I can see Sazed as well, but Breeze is funnier, and I think Frye does funny better than intellectually distraught.

Sumer Glau as Vin - also brilliant, she's got the bad-a** down and has the intensity necessary for Vin.

Part of me wants to see Sean Connery as the Lord Ruler.


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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #145 on: March 17, 2009, 01:57:03 AM »
I don't have a good memory for actors off the top of my head; I just read through the entire thread going, "Oh, yeah, I know that guy - he played ___."

But if Mistborn was a movie, the trailer and the first film would both have to start with a narrator whispering (or just saying in a low voice), "Ash fell from the sky."  And of course you'd need all kinds of flashbacks and things showing the epic backstory.  Lord of the Rings length?  No, the backstory needs to be as long as Fellowship of the Ring was.  The whole movie would take five hours if it was done right.  As much as I'd love to see a Mistborn movie series, I have a sinking feeling that if it's done at all, it won't be done right.


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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #146 on: March 17, 2009, 05:53:41 PM »
But if Mistborn was a movie, the trailer and the first film would both have to start with a narrator whispering (or just saying in a low voice), "Ash fell from the sky."  And of course you'd need all kinds of flashbacks and things showing the epic backstory.  Lord of the Rings length?  No, the backstory needs to be as long as Fellowship of the Ring was.  The whole movie would take five hours if it was done right.  As much as I'd love to see a Mistborn movie series, I have a sinking feeling that if it's done at all, it won't be done right.

But a lot of the backstory of Alendi's time wasn't talked about in Final Empire. There were references to the Deepness and the Well of Ascension, but it was integrated into the story well without flashbacks, and they didn't really reveal what happened. I also don't think you'd need the narrator to say "Ash fell from the sky". The advantage with films is that we get the visual cues. We would not need a narrator telling me this when we can see quite clearly the ash, the sun, the dead planet. It's far better seen than told.

I'm more concerned if Allomancy can be accurately displayed in a way that makes sense to viewers--all of the powers and such. - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #147 on: March 19, 2009, 11:51:17 PM »
I'm more concerned if Allomancy can be accurately displayed in a way that makes sense to viewers--all of the powers and such.

I agree, that would be one of the hardest parts... Allomancy is, in the first book, basically nine different powers. And most of them would be incredibly difficult to portray visually. Pewter doesn't have any visual effect, except perhaps in their posture. Iron and steel would probably be the easiest. They might almost have to just have Kelsier explain to Vin, "our powers are based on metals. By burning metals in our stomach, we can strengthen our bodies, influence others' emotions, and push or pull on metals around us." Then they could have some beautiful visuals of super-enhanced jumps by pushing coins into the ground. They wouldn't have time to explain everything--what gold does, the subtleties of bronze, and so on.

I think the hardest part would be the book's beautiful surprise ending when Vin realizes the Lord Ruler's identity with Malatium. I don't think it's possible to portray that in a movie--you need to understand the whole story of Alendi, Rashek, and the Deepness to get it. Maybe the surprise ending could be when she draws on the mists--that was pretty significant, though we didn't actually find out why until Hero of Ages. Ooh--Marsh would be a pretty awesome surprise at the end, too. :D I'm imagining the Steel Inquisitors being the ultimate enemy for the first part of the movie, until Kelsier fights one. That'd be the most emotional part of the movie, I think... the people rising and everything. :)
"Yes," Elend said softly. "The law allows for you to change your vote, Lord Habren. You may only do so once, and must do so before the winner is declared. Everyone else has the same opportunity."
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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #148 on: March 20, 2009, 01:50:04 AM »
But a lot of the backstory of Alendi's time wasn't talked about in Final Empire. There were references to the Deepness and the Well of Ascension, but it was integrated into the story well without flashbacks, and they didn't really reveal what happened. I also don't think you'd need the narrator to say "Ash fell from the sky". The advantage with films is that we get the visual cues. We would not need a narrator telling me this when we can see quite clearly the ash, the sun, the dead planet. It's far better seen than told.

I'm more concerned if Allomancy can be accurately displayed in a way that makes sense to viewers--all of the powers and such.
Meh, that's the difference between a movie and a book.  But IMHO the trailer needs to quote that line.  Not the movie itself, I guess.  I was thinking weird that day.  But here's what I would have said, I think, had I not been distracted.  The film needs to somehow convey the story of Alendi in a way that makes sense - otherwise the "main" plot kind of falls apart.  They do have to appeal to those who haven't read the libretto yet, after all.  And it's either 10-second flashbacks at the beginning of every scene (to drop little epigram-esque tidbits) or a miniature exposition at the start of the film.  And to keep it interesting, it'd need to go into more detail than the book did - not less.  When we're only seeing a little bit of it every five pages or so, it's fine to just have a general idea of what's going on, and it's enough to just "hear" Alendi's voice.  But if we're getting it all at once (and I really think it'd have to be done in one go, to keep the plot moving), it's got to stand on its own as a full story, which means we need background and detail for the background story itself.

And then I remember that there's a bit where Vin steals the book that has the epigrams in it and I realize that's the perfect time to tell the story, and it still doesn't have to go into much detail, because then it'd make sense to just let Alendi's voice narrate while 10-second flashbacks are played with special-effects borders, and I think how stupid it is that I just wrote two paragraphs about how well it'd work to do something different.  Self-facepalmed.

I'm of the opinion that a film based on a book has to deviate slightly from the written details in order to better convey the essence of the plot.  In an entirely different medium, what matters is not whether they got the color of Vin's hair right; what matters is whether they portrayed her character accurately and told the basic story successfully.  I actually don't mind added content, as long as it's good content, and I don't really care if they have to cut out a few things from the source material, as long as the things they cut are unimportant.  I think the Lord of the Rings trilogy did this very successfully.

So, no, it's not necessary to explicitly say, "Ash fell from the sky." at the beginning of the movie, but it'd still be a pretty good line for the preview, IMO.  Then again, Brandon didn't need to say it in his book, either; in fact, he did a pretty good job of "showing" that ash was falling indirectly immediately afterward anyway.  But (!) it's a great opening line; while it generally hurts any medium (writing, film, etc) to explicitly tell the audience about...things... that line in particular was a pretty good exception - at least for the book.  Which is why I think it'd work in a preview.  Anyway.  I'm gonna stop flapping my, uh, fingers.

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Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« Reply #149 on: March 20, 2009, 05:35:14 PM »
Oh come on. You know that Mr. Movie Voice Guy's Replacement will say, instead, "IN A WORLD...where ash falls from the sky."
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