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Messages - Lorenzo

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Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: December 29, 2006, 01:08:33 PM »
Hey Guys! So, it's the end of 2006, and also the end of the Blink Thread! Weekly updates will continue in the Blink Blog over HERE, hope to see you in there, peeps!




Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: December 22, 2006, 02:00:41 PM »

Well, here it is, my official Chrimbo-yuletide-happy-holidays post here in the ole' Blinky thread! It's been an awesome year posting up in here, so thanks to everyone who's taken the time to support this stuff, stop by, or post a comment. I hope you all have an absolutely fantastic holiday, and that peace and goodwill are indeed all over the lands!

Here's my Chrimbo piccie, well, actually, it's part of a little fun-sack of Xmas treats over in the Blink Blog, so why not GO HERE for a yuletide game, an excellent song, a shmultzy message to my girl and even a pic of the Blink Chrimbo tree!!

Why not indeed?!



Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: December 19, 2006, 10:46:21 AM »
Hey-hey, folkses! Well, I had promised lots of Chrimbo treats, but as is the way with these things, MOON! has gone and gotten in the way, so it's just gonna be a couple of posts for this week. Here's the first, for those of you who haven't seen it in it's full-colour form, my Survivor pic for the Eatpoo Sketch battle...

There's a wallpaper for ya!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: December 15, 2006, 07:48:35 AM »
Another image from the Super-secret-special MOON! Project! This one of one of the many Make-Up trailers on the sets of MOON! Movie Studios. The whisper on the wind is that we'll be able to tell you about this project soon, how exciting!

Before that though, next week is Christmas week here in the ole' Blink Thread, so expect festivities, excitement, and lots and lots of fun stuff for your eyeballs! Cheers!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: December 11, 2006, 09:17:11 AM »
Biddily-bong. Here I am!

Well, we just had a really rather awesome time at the Birmingham con, but more of that later...

After 3 years, 300 pages of script, 220 pages of art, tons of covers, specials, sketchbooks and suchlike, it's time for Malcolm Magic to finally hang up his ears.

Without the dedication, enthusiasm and downright genius of my partner in command and bro Robin, who created this entire adventure from scratch and then penned each issue in a way which a dumba$$ like me could understand ("Malcolm goes on the left of the panel...the LEFT. No, your OTHER left.." etc) none of this would EVER have happened. So thank you bro, for showing me that a little spark can start a VERY large engine. In fact, you better get up here on the Bridge, and bring Marky, 'cos MOON! ain't gonna drive itself you know...

HA-ZAA! We did it!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: December 05, 2006, 08:51:50 AM »
So, a TINY little panel today, just 'cos I thought you guys might like the design I came up with for the the Pseudo-Bamboo-Tiki "Pwisun". Haha!

Then, as it's con week, I thought I'd continue to harp on about some of the stuff we're gonna be releasing. Apart from the final issue of Malcolm, and the 6th MOON! SB, we're gonna have the first (and probably last) ever Malcolm print available! A limited edition of just 20 numbered and signed bad-boys, these utilise my favourite ever Malcsy image from the cover to Book 3, appropriate as we're waving goodbye to our big-eared chum! Here's a shot of the print, along with a (typically blurry) shot of my one framed on the red, red walls of the Great Blink Hall! GO HERE to check out all the other great stuff going on at the show!



Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: December 04, 2006, 09:15:23 AM »
Hey Skar! Man, thank you sooo much for taking the time to vote, dude! Yeah, I think the pic could have benefited from alot more focus, and will take that on board for future stuff. Plus, the results of the after-poll are in, and I get to live! Yeah! All turned out okay in the end, then! Thanks soooo much for the help their, pal! Cheers!

Holy Frappola! It's the Victor's Fruit Parade through the grand old streets of Happy Hippy Dale!

Goodness...this is a RIDICULOUS comic, huh?

Hoho! Ride that Banana, Chester!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: December 01, 2006, 11:22:11 AM »
Well, I sure got MY a$$ kicked! Hoho!

Thanks to all the guys who took the time to vote; as expected, I got thoroughly trounced by Sunder! Hoho! I am, however, still just about alive, and my survival has been put to a vote...let's see what happens..!
While I'm rolling around on the dust of the coliseum floor, you guys may enjoy, from the comfort of your easy chairs and laptops, another piece of MOON! concept art. A sketch here of a corridor aboard the vastness of the MOON! studios, this is a piece from the 6th MOON! Sketchbook we're releasing at the BIRMINGHAM CON next weekend, hope you dig...!

Lorenzo "ave" Etheringtino

Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: November 30, 2006, 09:14:45 AM »
Okay, this is the last time I harp on about this. I promise. Here's the facts, folks...!

#1 I'm entered in the Eatpoo Survivor Sketchbattle.

#2 There is no prize of any kind for the winner, just survival. ALL the losing competitors get deleted from the site. PERMANENTLY.

#3 Your vote will make a difference, but you have to be a registered member of the forum to place it. REGISTER HERE (standard comic art forum, takes about ten seconds!)

#4 Once regitered (or if you're already a member) GO HERE, AND VOTE! (Lorenzo, hopefully!).

#5 Of course, I don't expect you to do all this for any old piece of scribbled pap, so I hope you dig what I've come up with. If you need further convincing, see below for the pencils, shadows, and a couple of blow-ups of some of the characters. To be honest though, you really need to see  THE MASSIVE, FULL COLOUR VERSION HERE!

Okay, voting ends midnight TONIGHT, so I hope you guys will take a few moments out to get involved, we don't need many votes to swing it, but if a decent number of folks participate we could get a landslide, which would be very cool.

If not, I'll be starting tomorrow's post with "well, I sure got MY a$$ kicked!!"

Thanks to all the guys who have already voted – absolutely awesome of ya! Thanks for the support!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: November 29, 2006, 10:52:29 AM »
Well, more from Malcolm today! Another little shot of "party central" Triffic City...

Streamers and tikkkerrr-tape will be added in P-shop! Hoho!

Next up, Monday was our 300th Deviant Art deviation!! Man, only seems a month or so since our 200th...

Okay, so it's not ALL art; there are a few pics of the Blinkers monkeying around in there too, but it's 99.9% pure comicy goodness! GO HERE to have a look around! Cheers! And here's to the next 300!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: November 28, 2006, 08:26:28 AM »
So, we've had alot of requests for link bars for the site recently, and I've been having a bit of fun knocking around some designs. Here's a few ideas I thought you might like to see...!

In the mean time, the Eatpoo Survivor Battle continues, and those with strong nerves should go check out the entries, including a brand new HUGE full colour pic from me. I have no delusion that I'll win this, but it'd be nice to get a few votes nonetheless, so if you wanna, GO HERE (it's a link, guys!) and support your pal L! Here's the blurb that goes with my piccie...

Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: November 27, 2006, 08:42:14 AM »
Okay, more from Malcolm 12 here, folks...!

On another note the big Eatpoo challenge Fighter thread is now up! SERIOUS WARNING! Some of the images in the thread are already proving to be rather nasty, I'm NOT kidding, guys and girls, DO NOT go in there if you're easily offended, please! Or, on the other hand, DO go in there and vote for Lorenzo BECAUSE he never offends anyone!! Raise a sword for feel-good scribbling, folks! Between now and midnight I will unleash not just a fighter...but an ARMY...HERE! 

Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: November 24, 2006, 02:41:28 PM »
Sketchbattles. They're pretty cool, right? Right. But sometimes they lack that  bite to get you to really do your best. But what about a battle with no prize for the winner, but REAL punishment for the losers?!! Well, a site that's lost none of it's teeth is the almighty EATPOO, and their Survivor Battle, has got just that right mix of fear and creativity that gets my scribbling hand drawing.

This really is a Battle to the Death, with nine of us going into the Arena, and only one coming out, all eight losers being completely and permanently deleted from the Eatpoo forums! Yikes! That's the prize; no cash, no rewards, just survival. It's gonna be quite a show, and I hope you'll wanna come along and vote for/support your ole' pal Lorenzo, or at least witness my very public and very conclusive defeat! Never let it be said that I'm too proud to take getting my a$$ kicked publicly!

A little warning, this is a site of fairly hardcore guys, and as such, the easily offended should steer clear, as the language flies around like poop off a well-oiled shovel! If, however, you just wanna see a low-down-and-dirty sketch rrrumble to the death, go [size=18]HERE[/size] and cheer along/throw insults at we nine fighters, and on Monday they'll post a new thread for the final Gladiators to enter and then the voting begins!! I'll be in there, and I'll be bringing a little something I think you guys might likey...

[size=18]Are you not entertained?![/size]

Lorenzo "deathwish" Etheringtino!

Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: November 23, 2006, 08:03:34 AM »
More from the forthcoming issue 12 of Malcolm Magic, this final issue is quite a talky one, which gives me a chance to have some fun with the environments...

Oh, and check back in tomorrow for news of a FIGHT to the DEATH!!!


Rants and Stuff / Re: STUDIOBLINKTWICE, new stuff (hopefully!) weekly!
« on: November 22, 2006, 07:50:52 AM »
Went sketch-boozing with  good buddies Badger and James from Concept Art again recently and knocked out a few designs for environments for the super-special-secret-MOON! project. This, as you can see, is an overhead shot of "APOCALYPTO" - a nice little city!

On another note entirely, it's my wonderful girlfriend's birthday today, here's a pic I posted for her on the Blink Twice Blog. GO HERE to read my romantic ramblings, and see some other stuff not posted anywhere else!



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