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Messages - Loki76

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mormon Doctrine & Sanderson's Writing
« on: March 18, 2009, 03:27:31 AM »
Skeptic..... Ok, First I would like to point out, that I do not consider myself mormon.  I was raised LDS and have a fairly good understanding of the church, however the last time I went to church, George Bush SR. was president.  However I see so many assumptions and closed minded arguements that I have to comment here.

It is disingenuous to argue that Mormon preaching and practice as directed by the leaders of its church wasn't racist until quite recently (after 1978).

Ok,   So have you not considered alternative ways to think about this?  Here is one.  I am not saying it is true, simply that it is a simple, and logical, way to consider this in a different light then what you think of it as.

    Fact 1. those of African decent were not allowed to hold the preisthood in the mormon church until 1978.   This is undeniable. It is simple fact.

Postulate 1:  "fact 1 is proof the doctrine of the mormon church was racist until 1978"

  However it does NOT alone prove that the doctrine (aka preaching and practice) is racist.   You could safely postulate that it enables racism.  But not that it is inherently racist.   Like all theories, your assumption here must withstand the test of reason from all directions.  A single example of a non racist way to interpret this is enough to prove it false. So here is one off the top of my head.  If the mormon church practitioners themselves were not worthy of accepting blacks as equals, then perhaps this privilege needed to be withheld until they attained enough tolerance to accept it.  There is no need for the doctrine to be inherently racist.
    Given that the rights to vote for African Americans were only firmly protected in 1965 by the National Voting Rights Act,  It is safe to say that a large portion america was very much racist for a long long long time.   Does this make every American racist as well?   Does this make the government racist prior to 1965?  No.  However a government's responsibility is to look after the stability of it's people, (as well as the rights, freedoms, and protection thereof)  at the end of the american civil war, the laws that abolished slavery did not go over smoothly, and the conflict over these festered for years.    While the 15th amendment  in 1870 required the right to vote be extended regardless of race,  it was NOT heavily protected by action for a long long time. (1965)  it took 95 years for the american population to get used to the idea enough  to consider it reasonably enforced.  Was this the blacks fault?  No.  It was simply the fault of the population itself.   This does NOT mean the U.S. government was racist. although the idea that many of them were not would be ridiculous, given they are still just people. with all human weaknesses and little different from the rest of the population.  Hundreds of years of social preconceptions do not overturn quickly or easily.  This is no different from church leaders.  They were simply men, with the same human weaknesses.  I would be surprised if none of them could ever be viewed as racist.  however this does NOT prove the doctrine is racist.

The Lamanites are generaly assumed to be native americans.  This is hard to deny, given that this is taught freely among mormons.   They are definately described to be cursed.  But also listed to be among the most blessed peoples as well.  While calling them cursed is not exactly praise, from a realistic point I find it hard to deny this.  If you wish for proof, then look no further then native american history following 1492.........  if you wish I could provide some nice flashy links,  but I don't think it's exactly needed, as you don't seem like a complete moron.  They hardly have an attractive history.  In fact it's more brutal and disgraceful then any work of fiction I have read (including George R. R. Martin's works)    Yes calling them cursed and other less savory adjectives is hardly pleasant,  it's hard to refute the simple fact that they have had a hard, brutal history.  Perhaps this is simple bad wording on the part of early church leaders?  It's rather hard to claim it's not plausible...

As for the Mountain Meadows Massacre.   well this AND the Aiken Massacre which you could have mentioned but didn't, were both decided in a court of law to be the work of local groups, NOT church leaders.  Your claim that Brigham Young ordered The Mountain Meadow's Massacre is entirely unfounded and simple propaganda.  There is no proof one way or the other.  If you wish to try to prove the mormon faith wrong, stick to facts please. NOT your own personal speculation based on nothing more then your bias, and the rumors of other people equally biased.  When you use claims like these, you simply undermine your entire argument.  After all, if you state falsehoods on one front, then your entire argument is cast into doubt.  As for the fact that mormons DID in fact murder quite a few people.  well, avoid looking at the history of your own ancestors. you might find equally unpleasant truths there as well.

Your claims that educated mormon men were persecuted by church leaders for their beliefs is also inherently flawed, as even IF you could prove any sort of cause and effect, you still would have to know the entire situation from both sides to sort through either case.  As an example of alternate ways to view it.  Sure we have genetic testing to prove closer genetic background with Asians then with middle eastern background for the native american population.  However the book of mormon does NOT rule out the existance of other populations in north america OTHER then the nephites and lamanites.  Given a relatively small group moving into a region with a much larger pre-existing population, you are going to have any genetic traits in that larger population become dominant after a couple generations,  let alone after 2600 years or so that the book of mormon claims.    Genetic testing does NOT disprove the book of mormon.  However if someone DID try to say it disproved it, well, First this is a false assumption, and Second, if  a well respected, and educated man, made the mistake of claiming it disproved his religion, well, can you honestly blame the leaders of said religion from not wanting him to be a part of their religion if he was undermining it?  This is the actions of any leaders of any large group, as long as they are acting responsibly.   (The responsibility of a leader is to protect the group as a whole.  simple logic dictates that if one member of a group, or even a small minority of said group is damageing to the larger group as a whole, that actions must be taken to protect said group)

None of this proves the mormon church is true either.  Because there is no proof ANY religion is true.  we simply have to take our own beliefs on faith, whatever they are.   However there isn't a single thing you have said that proves mormons, or their beliefs, are ANY worse at all then anyone else.  In fact everything you state simply proves they are as human as the rest of us.   So they made some mistakes.  So have you.  Who cares?   None of your obvious bias and prejudice against the mormon church inherently has anything to do with BS.   In fact your claims, which were FOUNDED on claiming they were biased against race at one point, are heavily undermined by the rather obvious bias you have demonstrated here.  You are the raven calling the crow black.     I personally do not believe that the mormonistic trends in places in his books are hardly noticeable enough to complain about, and as other people have stated, Harriet is editing this book, just like all the books she edited for her husband (robert jordan) Also, Robert Jordan outlined everything, left SO much notes and tapes, and even told the story to Harriet and a relative of his (Wilson) prior to his death.  (I was reading his blog regularly LONG before he died, and personally remember when Wilson posted having just heard the entire story....)  Conclusion.  The last WOT book will be every bit as good as if James Oliver Rigney himself wrote it...


Brandon Sanderson / Re: What's a good follow up to Mistborn? THoA Spoilers.
« on: February 19, 2009, 04:58:48 AM »
I have to play devil's advocate here.  George R.R. Martin's books (a song of ice and fire) (ASOIAF)  are most definitely "raw"  which is both good and bad.  I agree completely on the issues regarding language, sex, and overall dark feel to the book.  I enjoy these aspect myself but not everyone would.  However while the author does lack communication skills and the book is taking a LONG long long long time,  it's going to get finished, quite certainly.   Martin seems to have more things on his plate then the one book, and ASOIAF is just one of his series he handles.  he just got the next book out in the wildcards series for instance.    I do agree he should communicate more,  but that doesn't change the fact that the books are easily among my favorite I have ever read, and I am looking forward to reading the next ones when they are out

BTW. he started whats called "rewriteing" once he finished with ADwD.  Its a process all authors do if they want the book to be the best it can be.  The feel I get from this author from reading his blog for years (since he started blogging in his "not a blog" blog,  is simply that he wants the book to be the best it can be, more then he wants this book (or the last ones) to be out fast.    but he still SHOULD add a bit more info......  ok a lot more info...


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Jewelry (and Elantris as well)
« on: January 02, 2009, 11:30:25 PM »
Ok, sorry that we were not able to have the Mistborn jewelry up in time for christmas.  the season ended up being too crazy for us to get it online.  However, its all approved, and the last things are done, so you should be able to see and order it online in a matter of a few minutes.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn series (HoA) ending. Major *SPOILER* (duh)
« on: December 30, 2008, 03:32:27 AM »
I kind of disagree.   I quite enjoyed the fact that the ending managed to kill off two of the main characters, but made the deaths seem natural and not as sad as they could have been.  But then, I think this better fits with my personal ideas about death.  (when the characters have a definite afterlife to go to in a book, death isn't quite as tragic. I think that's part of what made it less sad)  I actually have a lot more respect for the books mostly because the ending works in the ending and destruction of most of the world, yet I get more of an emotion of peace out of the end of it, then sadness.


Ok, I am quite surprised that people have not noticed this yet.  the position of the dot denotes elements from alloys.  in all elements the dot is on the outside.  for the alloys, its inside the pattern.  also on the wheel chart, the alloys are in two groups, as are the elements.  (the top 8 "normal" metals are divided into the physical and metal quarters.  the elements are on the left side of the mental quarter, while they are on the right side of the physical quarter.  the chart is well organized with patterns.  ;D


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Jewelry (and Elantris as well)
« on: December 17, 2008, 04:36:17 AM »
waiting on approval still. Brandon has had time to look at, and likes the pieces, however we are waiting on him to find the time to look over the cards of authenticity to get final approval to sell.  I will post here as soon as we have that approval.

I definately like the metalmind ring jewelry idea.  Going to think on potential designs there as soon as I have spare time to think. (this time of year is rather hard on jewelers)


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Jewelry (and Elantris as well)
« on: December 07, 2008, 05:05:54 AM »
thanks for the suggestions on the spike ring jewelry. might have to do that one soon as well.  Going to have the mistborn things up on the web as soon as approved by Brandon. (we already sent them for approval. so its just when he has time to take a look and e-mail us now)  The first things are not the only things we will be doing, we do have a ring idea in the works for single metal symbols in a signet ring style. but wont be out before christmas.  also working on getting the earring/charm metal symbols done, as well as a few other things that are in the works.  although time to spend on development this time of the year is difficult at best, and impossible at worst, so no promises on what we have out in time for christmas.
   The things we SHOULD have up in time for last minute christmas orders are the metals table medallions (heavy silver circular, with all 16 metals on it) as well as the single metal necklaces.  also have the mistborn vial holders sent


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« on: December 07, 2008, 04:57:52 AM »
personaly I have to say feruchemy would be far more useful to me I think then allomancy.  reasons?

#1. I would love the ability to place a few unpleasant memories into a metalmind, then um, lose it somewhere :D  and be able to keep any memories I DONT want to lose forever.

#2. the storeing youth etc would be REALLY useful back in the days when I was younger. i.e. want to go out drinking and gambleing but only 16? no problem, store some youth and be older for a day. :D nobody questions someone who looks 40... then when one gets old, but wants to go have some fun like you were young again, all that stored youth from being young could really come in handy.....

#3 storeing weight? ok cant underestimate the ability to get heavy, OR light at any moment. same with strength. store some,  you want a mean punch, tap the strength right when you start punching, and tap stored weight.  you want to jump high? strength + store weight = fun of flying without the need to carry coins... st

Storing strength.  somewhat overrated probobly. but then probobly useful when one is trying to fall asleep and rather wound up (provided you stored mental speed as well, should be an easy way to fall asleep)

#4 storing warmth... ok, ever been way to hot? no problem.  too cold? no problem,  always comfortable. easily one of the best abilities

#5 storeing health. refer to comments about when one is young and in school, and wants to call in sick..........  *cough cough*   and same for work when you are older.  then access the stored health whenever you need it. both storing and tapping are still quite useful

#6 storeing senses. um, I cant count the number of times I wished to get rid of my sense of smell or taste. for a little while...  hard to beat this one.  probobly useful sometime to tap it. but far more useful to store it imho.

#7 storeing mental speed.  would be useful anytime I wanted to be a little more numb to listening to something I really wouldnt be listening to, and dont care about.  again, for more opportunity to store then need to tap. so again no shortage of power

overall virutaly any ability would be at LEAST as useful to store as to tap. leaving an easy and probobly neverending supply of power on demand :D  where as allomancy = weak once you run out of metals.


Brandon Sanderson / Mistborn Jewelry (and Elantris as well)
« on: December 03, 2008, 08:47:01 PM »
Comming soon, from

we should be sending pieces to Brandon for approval in the next day or two.  our mistborn jewelry will be up on the site a few days after that (as soon as he approves them)  We already have licensed pieces for Elantris on our website.

Pieces we are working on for Mistborn:  first batch are pendants of the metals symbols,  (earrings/charms of the same symbols to come later)  and a silver necklace that holds vials holding metal powders. 

Also working on for later batches: Vin's Earring, a pendant of the entire metal table, and possible other designs.

Anyone want to suggest anything else we should consider for designs? Given that we are still in the creation stage, we are quite open to suggestions at this time.


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