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Games => Video Games => Topic started by: Faster Master St. Pastor on January 23, 2007, 04:53:20 AM

Title: Gears of War
Post by: Faster Master St. Pastor on January 23, 2007, 04:53:20 AM
Hey, so I've heard some really good things about Gears of War lately, and added to the fact that it was the game to finally knock Halo 2 off the number one most played games on Xbox Live I'm seriously considering checking it out. The problem is, some of the people I've talked to it about aren't exactly those whose opinions I respect, so I'm interested in finding out what people here think. So...on with the talking! To those of you who have played it, what are some of the things that you liked or didn't like, and would you reccomend getting it?
Title: Re: Gears of War
Post by: Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock on January 23, 2007, 01:40:15 PM
I have this, and it's fun for what it's supposed to be. I mean, even though you do just run, gun, duck, cover, and do it all again, there's something about that that just makes me say "squee!" I haven't played much of it on Live, but the little that I have I can say that it was fun.

My favorite part is the chainsaw. Oh yes, definately loving that every time it goes through their body. I'd say this should be on your shelf next to Call of Duty 3.
Title: Re: Gears of War
Post by: Faster Master St. Pastor on January 26, 2007, 12:01:56 AM
Alright, it looks like I'll have to check this out, but on the other hand, I've heard some reviews of Call of Duty 3 that have been less than exemplary. :)
Title: Re: Gears of War
Post by: Robert_Boyd on January 26, 2007, 05:39:39 PM
Gears of War is a good game.  I haven't tried multiplayer yet (just got a Gold account earlier this week and I've been busy with Heavy Weapon), but single player was fun.  Too short (about 7-10 hours), but at least the three difficulty levels provide a nice graded challenge.  From what I've heard if you have a friend to play co-op with, it's incredibly fun. 

All in all, not as good as Resident Evil 4 IMO, but what is? :)
Title: Re: Gears of War
Post by: Spriggan on January 26, 2007, 06:20:24 PM
GoW sold about 2 million copys in 2 months and is the best reviewed game for the 360, heck it's even selling well in Japan which FPS never do because Japanese hate them.
Title: Re: Gears of War
Post by: Faster Master St. Pastor on February 01, 2007, 09:42:27 AM
Yeah, well a bunch of my friends kept talking about it, which is why I started wondering if I was missing out on something cool. Of course, thats pretty much stopped now that we've started having weekly Halo lan parties, but still.
Title: Re: Gears of War
Post by: pengwenn on February 06, 2007, 05:59:46 PM
I'm more of an RPG gamer than a FPS gamer, but I love this game.  There's nothing like that "Oh crap" moment when you realize you're being flanked by the enemy and you've got a man down.  My style of play is more "run and gun" so being cautious and remembering to use cover can be a challenge for me sometimes.