Author Topic: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12  (Read 124160 times)


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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #120 on: December 15, 2007, 02:29:00 AM »
I'm not asking Brandon anything, I'm just trying to have a semi lively discussion of TWOT, instead of 8 pages of how wonderful Brandon is.... not to say he isn't, I'm just getting bored  ;)


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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #121 on: December 15, 2007, 11:39:05 PM »
Congrats BS, I just decided to come over from wotmania and say it.  As you already know since they've interviewed you before about your other books and you post there, they are a nice community and any questions you have will be answered promptly there, they also have a fairly recent faq that is still be updated if you didn't know.

I also came here to give you a warning, wot fans can be.... hmm temperamental?  so i guess what i'm saying is if you forget about bela, there is a good chance that you might find yourself with a mob wielding two rivers long bows and some trolic armor outside your house the day after it's released. (btw, bela is that horse from book 1 that jsut keeps re-appearing in all the books....)

anyway good luck to your Brandon and i hope you can deal with all us wot fans.  btw, use wotmania over dragonmount, we like you more :) .


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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #122 on: December 16, 2007, 01:53:47 AM »
I will have to check stores here in AZ.  Considering Wal-Marts here carry LDS books hopefully Borders or Barnes and Noble have adjusted as well and have books by LDS authors.

The two ideas don't really have anything to do with each other. Tor is a national publisher, not an LDS publisher. They just happen to have a few authors who happen to be LDS.
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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #123 on: December 16, 2007, 05:35:29 AM »
So despite my lifelong scifi/fantasy addiction, I hadn't come across Brandon Sanderson's work prior to hearing that he would be writing the twelfth volume of the Wheel of Time.  I'd be interested to see a chart showing his Amazon sales rank following the announcement, because I assume there are a lot of people like me who immediately went out and bought some of his books.  I'll admit I was a bit nervous. 

Over the past 24 hours, I've finished mistborn and am working on well of ascension.  I've loved them both, and I'm also looking forward to Elantris (had to order that one online).

I'm no longer worried about having Brandon finish the Wheel of Time.  Only one issue gives me pause.  I realize that when I registered for this forum I agreed not to post anything "sexually oriented."  I hope this doesn't qualify, though it's indicative of my worry that his forum has this qualification.  Robert Jordan's books contain sex.  While I have yet to finish the Well of Ascension, so far I've found nothing "sexually oriented" in the books (I don't count a few kisses and lap-sitting).  This certainly doesn't keep me from enjoying the books.  I don't even think it lessens my enjoyment of them.  But the characters in the Wheel of Time have sex; they have explicit adult relationships, both in and out of marriage.  And I want that to be part of book 12.  I remember sitting seven years ago with a friend discussing when Elayne would finally hook up with Rand.  I loved reading about it when it finally did happen (book 8? 9?), and reminiscing with that same friend, who by then lived across the country.

These books have been an important, continuing part of my life.  Like many others, I haven't loved how the later books have expanded the plot lines almost beyond the point of no return.  But unlike many of my friends, I've continued to love and read and reread the books.  I started reading them when the Dragon Reborn was in hardback.  Since 1991 I've been reading them (I just looked that up).  That's 16 years now.

Based on how much I like his books, I think Brandon is eminently capable of finishing the series masterfully.  I can't wait to read his addition.  I just hope that it models the tone and content of the books that Robert Jordan wrote.  An earlier poster listed the things he wanted to see in the final book.  I want to see all of those as well.  But I also want to see Tuon and Mat move beyond kissing.  I want to see Egwene and Gawyn's relationship develop.  I want to see Rand's women interact as they deal with being in love, and sleeping, with the same guy.  I want more of Faile's blushing sexual innuendo.  I love the relationships that the characters have - I've come to care about them.  If everyone becomes suddenly prudish in the final book, or if sex is only alluded to obliquely, I'll be very disappointed. 

I grew up in Utah, and many of my very good friends are LDS.  I grew up reading Orson Scott Card's books, and loving them.  But I do worry that an LDS writer won't give me all that I'm looking for in the last Wheel of Time book.  And that's really it.  It's just that so much of what Jordan's characters are is derived from their fully developed adult sexuality, and I hope that remains a major element of Brandon Sanderson's contribution.  Maybe my worries are unfounded and as I read further into the Well of Ascension the characters will start hooking up like mad.  We'll see.  But all of my friends who like fantasy are probably asleep by now, and I needed a place to vent my worries. 

Good luck Brandon, I think you're a captivating writer, I wish you all the best, and I'll be buying all your books - WoT or otherwise - in the future.


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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #124 on: December 16, 2007, 08:33:21 AM »
Actually, I personally found the characters a lot less interesting when they all went all sexual. The women all started melding into one character with different dresses, who all pulled their braids and focused on their breasts a whole lot more than any normal woman really would.
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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #125 on: December 16, 2007, 09:44:21 AM »
I'm not asking Brandon anything, I'm just trying to have a semi lively discussion of TWOT, instead of 8 pages of how wonderful Brandon is.... not to say he isn't, I'm just getting bored  ;)

You can all start talking about how great I am instead, I'm sure you could get a few months worth of discussion out of that.
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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #126 on: December 16, 2007, 11:24:43 PM »
I will have to check stores here in AZ.  Considering Wal-Marts here carry LDS books hopefully Borders or Barnes and Noble have adjusted as well and have books by LDS authors.

The two ideas don't really have anything to do with each other. Tor is a national publisher, not an LDS publisher. They just happen to have a few authors who happen to be LDS.

If bookstores do not cater to the demographic then they are running a pretty lame business.  If I were in an area with a heavy Jewish population I would think it would make sense to carry more than average volumes of works by Jewish authors.  Not a very complex marketing idea, ya think?


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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #127 on: December 17, 2007, 03:24:58 AM »
I have to agree about the sexuality aspect of the books.  Its perhaps the one thing that maybe won't and can't transfer between certain authors writing styles.  If I read Min's vision of Aviendha correctly in Winter's Heart, Aviendha is going to have quadruplets with Rand being the father.  Since she isn't pregnant now, that pretty much means she has to have sex with Rand in the future, and is perhaps the remanent of the remanent of the Aiel that shall be saved.  It is most likely the reason the Wise Ones were so insistent that Aviendha start sleeping in the same room as Rand.   Even so, its not as though Robert Jordan went into such explicit details that it can't be mentioned in the books.  In Far Snows in Fires of Heaven where Rand loses his virginity most likely with Aviendha, it wasn't as though he described their couple hour romp in the sex igloo.  The Far Snows Dance written online a year or so later did that, and it got through threatened with legal action and was taken down.  It is mentioned, but never described, so I hope that Brandon will continue to mention sexual occurances, even though he doesn't have to describe them.  I think certain children from these couplings are fufilling a few prophecies so have to take place.  If all of a sudden Aviendha shows up pregnant without at least a mention of Rand spending a few hours alone with her, that will be a little disappointing.

But as to that, I think all the WoT transfers to this board need to lay off what should be and what shouldn't be in the books.  RJ left an outline and notes.  Brandon's job is to flesh it out.  I know he said Perrin is his favorite character and looks forward to finishing out his story.  I can say that Mat went from being my least favorite to most favorite character over the life of the series and look forward to his expanded role in the Seanchan Empire.  The fact is, Brandon has been entrusted to the series, so Brandon shall write the series, and no amount of pleading would have swayed RJ, so there is no reasong to sway Brandon.  He has done a masterful job on his others books, and I've enjoyed reading Elantris and Mistborn.  Took me a day for each in my days off work, and look forward to reading Well of Ascension once I get my next day off.  Keep up the good work Brandon, and have fun with this.  Hopefully your other book sales have skyrocketed over this news announcement.


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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #128 on: December 17, 2007, 04:21:39 AM »
The fact is, Brandon has been entrusted to the series, so Brandon shall write the series, and no amount of pleading would have swayed RJ, so there is no reasong to sway Brandon.  He has done a masterful job on his others books,...

I agree... I have also devoured his writing even though I had nto intended too.. curses for Warbreaker being online.. it was just TOO accessible... I couldnt resist.. and now I have read Mistborn and had to rush out to get Well of Ascension while I was at it I also picked up Elantris so I should be done with those by this weekend. His work is phenominal and I am glad he was chosen to finish the series for us, even though I was just hoping for RJ's notes to be published instead. I am glad the announcement has introduced me to an author who has captivated me with the same intensity and madness in which I was first captured by RJ.

Well wishes in your career Brandon. I look forward to reading many more of your works. Just take your time with AMoL, if we have to wait 3 years to read it then so be it, we have waited all this time anyway. :)
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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #129 on: December 17, 2007, 10:07:45 AM »
I for one would prefer less sexual content…

Ultimately, I trust Brandon's discretion.
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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #130 on: December 17, 2007, 08:00:52 PM »
I agree about all of the girls melding into the same person--except for a few exceptions--like Egwene (because Gawyn is gone...).  They've gotten better--but after Nynaeve got married I was so angry.  I'm like--where is her character?  Does she just exist to please Lan?  Same thing happened to Min, in my opinion.  It's like--in real life, just because a girl is having sex, does that make her completely change and spend all of her time trying to seduce her man?  In my experience, no. lol


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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #131 on: December 17, 2007, 08:09:10 PM »
I've read your first book and was "mildly" impressed, Your series was MUCH better, and  convinced me that you would be adequate to complete WOT.  Thank you.. .the final Book has been a Long time Coming.


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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #132 on: December 18, 2007, 03:52:35 AM »
I find sexual content to be a lousy deciciding factor. We're not talking about a Harlequin Romance Novel, and RJ did not bring sexuality into it until later, Avienda and Rand was hardly provocative and I find the 11th book to be obnoxiously reminiscent of our society today.

I think Brandon is a good writer who can do justice to the book without sexuality.... as that is hardly the main point of the storyline.
I'm not asking Brandon anything, I'm just trying to have a semi lively discussion of TWOT, instead of 8 pages of how wonderful Brandon is.... not to say he isn't, I'm just getting bored  Wink

You can all start talking about how great I am instead, I'm sure you could get a few months worth of discussion out of that.

Yes! Exactly what I was looking for... 8 pages of thread on Spriggant.


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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #133 on: December 18, 2007, 10:22:19 PM »
While I have yet to finish the Well of Ascension, so far I've found nothing "sexually oriented" in the books (I don't count a few kisses and lap-sitting). 

Might try downloading and reading Warbreaker.  ;)
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Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« Reply #134 on: December 19, 2007, 12:19:37 PM »
Krelian - In your post about Aviendha's quadruplets you said It is most likely the reason the Wise Ones were so insistent that Aviendha start sleeping in the same room as Rand.  However Min had her vision of Aviendha's quadruplets well after Aviendha had stopped sleeping in the same room.

If, on the other hand, you mean that the Wise Ones were hoping for Aviendha to be the mother of the "remnant of a remnant" and so had her sleep near him in the hopes of something happening, then it's more likely.

My own personal opinion is that since the Aiel have such a complicated social system, they wanted Aviendha to teach him Aiel ways so that he would not offend anyone through ignorance.