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Messages - WEKM

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Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 29, 2008, 12:57:12 PM »
No, the only challenge is to keep myself on task :P It's not hard to get me distracted.


Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 23, 2008, 07:59:56 AM »
Well, I won't risk your wrath as a Mod by calling you a N00B then.  ;)

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 23, 2008, 06:53:11 AM »
No, that would be silly of course. There can only be one trinity, and I would hate to see Howard in a black leather cat-suit. Ewwwwwww!

Yea! I do not have to fill the roll of resident old fart, I get to pass that on to Karl.  ;D

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 23, 2008, 04:42:03 AM »
Haha, I figured you might. I'll put you down.

Just be sure and give any positive feedback first.  ;)
If nothing else, you can always say that at least I know how to spell "teh".


Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 23, 2008, 04:27:59 AM »
Great, I get to be the old man of the group. I will be 40 in January.

Hi! My on-line name is WEKM, my RL name is Jon.
Despite what others have said, I am NOT a radio station. WEKM is short for Wide Eyed Krupp Monster. I got the nickname in BoyScouts. It later got shortened to WEKM in the Marine Corps.
If anyone asks, the stickers all over the world that say "WEKM was here"; it wasn't me. No, seriously, these are not the droids you're looking for...

I have been writing since I started Jr. High. Everything from poetry to Sci Fi to epic fantasy, even wrote some DnD adventures back in school. I was always tasked as the one to write up new character background for new guys. In High School, I even helped write an all original play that we tried out in drama class. I still have a destroy on site order for any of the surviving videotapes. I'm sure someone is hiding at least two copies, which is why I can never run for public office.

I am working on several projects at once, but my biggest push was triggered by my desire to enter the writing contest at the local Con that will be coming up next year. This is a first for me.
As well, This story is not one that I have been working on for an extended period of time, but developed fresh for the contest. I may also toss in a short story on the 15th to be chewed up, as I am trying to decide whether to throw that in the short story contest as well, and if I do, it most likely needs to be picked apart and put back together as well.

I was one of the most vocal about starting this writing group, as I have an unstable schedule and an on-line group such as this will allow me the freedom to be able to participate much more than an in person one would.

I too live here in Utah and have had the pleasure to become friends with Howard, and to meet Dan and Brandon.  I have not as yet wormed my way into the two of their lives yet, but I am planning on it in the future, as part of my plot to take over the world. :o

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 21, 2008, 10:05:14 AM »
I would like to submit on the 1st, just because I'm rearing to go, (and I desperately need the feedback).

Reading Excuses / Re: Mod Voting!
« on: November 21, 2008, 12:13:56 AM »
I vote for both Raethe and Chaos. If nothing else, if things get too tense, we can sit back and watch them mod each other to death.

Reading Excuses / Re: Genre?
« on: November 18, 2008, 08:36:22 AM »
The man card is very sacred. One can no longer pee standing up if it is revoked.  ;)

I have a book I bought but am afraid to read. It is about Christmas and everything I have heard so far, you end up just bawling by the end. Not sure I'm up for that just now.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List
« on: November 18, 2008, 08:30:52 AM »
Hence why we tried to get this going.

I was pushing for the 1st because I'm impatient and wanted to get some feedback. But the 15th works well for me too.
Yes, purely selfish motives on my part.

Reading Excuses / Re: Genre?
« on: November 18, 2008, 08:22:47 AM »
Do I have to give up my man card if I admit that I read my wife's romance novels after she is done with them?
She tends to read supernatural romance and I kind of like it too.

Reading Excuses / Re: Genre?
« on: November 18, 2008, 06:10:26 AM »
Yes, and sadly it looks like I'm really in the minority here.

I also have a pure romance that is on the back burner right now. I am working on it with my wife, but she is dragging her feet.

Reading Excuses / Re: Genre?
« on: November 17, 2008, 06:29:31 PM »
I am all over the board when I write, but the piece I'm currently working on will be a fantasy adventure. Actually, it is my take on a Magic Girl team as they get started.
There will be some mild romance, mostly towards the end, (not sure how well I'm going to pull that off)  but on a whole it is going to be about the main character growing and learning to deal with the changes and trials he/she goes through.
Funny thing about a Magic Girl team, after you join, it wants you to be a girl. Opps, guess the other members never though about that before they asked him to join. ;)

I may also submit a super hero genre story after I get done with that. I have that already written, it could probably use a look and a thorough trashing.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List
« on: November 17, 2008, 06:33:11 AM »
I think that the 15th will work well this time around. That also sets up a good point for everyone to shoot for.
I also agree, one chapter per session. Unless of course, it is a short story and can be considered the equivalent of a novel sized chapter or two. Let's just not go crazy and have everyone submit their entire work from NaNo.

Should we break up the discussions into separate threads for each submission once we start? That way everyone knows right where to go to see comments on their work.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List
« on: November 17, 2008, 02:38:44 AM »
How about a monthly schedule. I know that right now is hard. We could all submit at the first of Dec and go from there, with the deadline for the next session the 31st of Dec to be reviewed during Jan. Then you have some time to work on a section as well as time to review submitted sections.

Dan Wells / Re: UK cover
« on: November 16, 2008, 05:43:29 PM »
I just LOVE it. That is the sort of thing that would have grabbed my attention. Also, if they turn it over be sure there is something mentioning that there are NO vampires in this book.
Everything YA these days seems to be all about vampires.

Seriously though Dan, you scare me, and I scare myself. Your book should not be read by someone who has any sociopathic tendencies. It really makes you question yourself.

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