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Topics - Mr_Pleasington

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Role-Playing Games / Necessary Evil
« on: October 06, 2004, 08:02:13 AM »
So I downloaded the one Savage Worlds Plot Point Book that I've been waiting for (well, other than Deadlands Reloaded).  I wasn't sure that Savage Worlds could do Supers, but it sure looks like it can.  The power system is the popular 'buy a power and then modify it' seen in Mutants and Masterminds and several other games.

The plot is pretty amazing too, for those who haven't heard.  An alien race has wiped out or caputered the superheroes of the Earth.  Who is left to save the Earth from these vile invaders?  Why, the supervillains of course!  

I've only skimmed the plot points, but it looks like a pretty awesome storyline.

I'll write up a full review once I digest it, it deserves one.

Rants and Stuff / Pasteurization...uh...
« on: October 06, 2004, 04:56:09 AM »
One of my supervising clinician's (John)  beach house neighbors is a 22 year old guy who works at the organic supermarket. He's a beach rat, not well educated as he's addicted to the beach. Nice guy though.

Anyway, he comes over for a few drinks on Saturday night. He mentions how great it is at the organic supermarket and how wonderfully healthy all the food is. He was even drinking vodka mixed with some wheat juice stuff (how the heck do you get juice from wheat?). He's disappointed John will be leaving soon as he said we'd have to try the espressos at the market. He claimed what made it so good was that is wasn't homogenized nor pasteurized.

Huh? Rewind that.

I had too much to drink at that point to bring up that there was no legal way to get unpasteurized milk and that he was most likely mistaken. I instead, after choking a laugh, asked him how he steralized the milk since cowpox still exists in untreated milk.

Steam, he said. The coffee was steamed in the shop. Uh-huh. So the shop has an autoclave? Exactly how many ATMs are you inducing? What followed was an explanation of bacteria, how they survive, and how you kill them...and why Louis Pasteur was a genius.

He then complained that pasteurization changes the chemical structure of the milk and changes the taste. He specifically cited the increase of people who were lactose intollerant. First I had to explain that pasteurization doesn't change the chemical composition of milk nor the taste, that's why it has been around so leaves milk as milk but gets rid of bacteria. Second, there hasn't been an increase in the number of lactose intollerant people. It's just that medicine now has been able to diagnose and treat a disease that we couldn't do anything for until recently. It used to be thought these people were just allergic to milk and couldn't drink it. Now that science has come along we understand they lack the enzyme to break down milk and we can give drugs that replace the enzyme.

Then he moved on to complaining about antibiotics in animals. Long story short, the antibiotics help the animals and keep the meat from getting infected. If there is any residue of this when we eat the meat, it passes right thru. There is no harm in this at all, in fact, it's a good thing.

Next we tackled genetically modified food and how horrible he claimed it was. Of course that depends if you're more against pesticides on your food or genetic engineering. We've been able to cut way back on harmful pesticides by engineering foods that are natually resistant to bugs, plus they produce way more food. This is the stuff that is helping starving nations. Call me crazy here, but I say less pesticides please.

Uh. Science has always had a problem with helping the layperson understand recent discoveries. The result of this is backlash that drives people to eat organic foods and try holistic medicines. People long for the good old days where we didn't need all these pills and treatments.

People, the 'good old days' sucked. I despise taking pills, but I don't want to go back to the world before antibiotics. There's a reason life expectancy has jumped up exponentially in the last century. I don't want to die from a cut I got on my hand while gardening like happened in yon good ol' days.

Medicine has responded to the holistic medicine craze in an appropriate way. We're putting the remedies to the test, the same way we test any other drug. Double blind tests where there is no bias. We're testing what the old wives tales and anecdotes have said for years and we're finding 99% of them to be completely false, in some cases causing further harm. The people who support holistic meds claim these trials hold no water because they don't believe in the science behind it. Trials aren't any crazy-science, they're just controlled studies to see what works. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

Oh, lastly, any of you who use holistic meds and herbs and think that they're not drugs. Sorry, they are. Most of the drugs used today were at one time as natural as the holistic drugs claim. Now we've just found ways to synthesize them at lower costs so people can actuall afford them. So don't fool yourself, that natural remedy is a drug.

So there's a rant...

Books / The Dark Tower Concludes
« on: September 23, 2004, 04:28:48 AM »
The Gunslinger was one of the first 'adult' novels that I read when I made the switch up from the Hardy Boys.  King quickly became my favorite author (though I didn't appreciate his books the way I do now).  The Dark Tower has defined great fiction for me, and there was always another novel, usually years away, to look forward to.

The final novel sits before me, looking beautiful.  It's calling to me to read it, but I'm having trouble getting up the gumption.  

See, if I start reading, it ends.  No more books.  Nada. It's bittersweet, really.  While I'm dying to know the conclusion,  it's all over once I do.

I don't want to start because I don't want to finish.

Aw, who am I kidding?  I won't be able to resist but for a few more minutes at most.  

CCGs / Guide Me Back To Magic
« on: August 27, 2004, 03:30:33 AM »
So I haven't played Magic in years.  Since like 1998 or so.  But looking at the art on some of the recent cards I was pretty blown away.  So I'm semi-interested in getting back in (at least until Pirates of the Spanish Main is back in stock).

But I have no idea where to start.  Guide me back!

Everything Else / To Austalia!
« on: August 19, 2004, 11:12:49 PM »
 On Sunday my plane departs for Down Under.  I'm really excited!  I may or may not have frequent computer access, but if I do I'll be sure to stop in (hopefully this won't be as long as my recent hiatus from here).

Jam, email me at hoodyfrickinhoo %%%at%%% yahoo dot com and we'll see if we can get together.

I'm staying in Brisbane, in a place called FORTITUDE VALLEY

How cool does that sound?

Of course, given all the poisonous creatures down there, I better have good fortitude.

Table-Top Games / Heroscape
« on: August 15, 2004, 08:55:41 PM »
Anyone else pick up Hasbro's new boardgame, Heroscape?

It's pretty dang cool and you get a ton for the price.  Build your own battlefield and get like 30 minis to duke it out with aliens, dinosaurs, robots, and vikings.  

It's strictly beer and pretzels, but its fun.  I may get another set for the terrain alone.

Table-Top Games / Savage Worlds: Showdown
« on: February 25, 2004, 12:05:55 AM »
Shane just released a free download that streamlines the mini rules for competitive tabletop play.  It has all the rules but character generation.  Plus, there's a free 50 Fathoms miniature scenario book using those rules for free also.  You don't even need the SW book!  Highly recommended...

Role-Playing Games / Buffy RPG -  Gateway: Season 1
« on: February 12, 2004, 01:21:19 AM »
First, the teaser trailer:

Fade in onto a barge floating in the middle of the river.  A couple of men stand near the wheel, sweeping their searchlight across several upcoming bridges.   The camera steadily zooms in until the wheelhouse is in full frame.

Man 1:  Quiet night…

Man 2:  Yeah, I think we’ll make good time through here.

Screen fades to black.

Text fades onto the screen:     <in> This fall <out>

Fade back to wheelhouse

Man 1:  Hey, you ever actually been to St. Louis?  Frank says that some place called &#8220;The Landing&#8221; is not to be missed.  Drunken girls everywhere!

Man 2:  Nope&#8230; Never really had any mind to go.   One bar&#8217;s a good as another to this old riverman.  And I wouldn&#8217;t pay much heed to anything Franks says.

Man 1:  Yeah, well Frank&#8217;s seems to know&#8230;

A loud crash against the bottom of the barge startles the men and shakes the entire boat

Man 1:  What was that?

Screen fades to black

Text fades onto the screen:     <in> On the WB <out>

Screen fades back to men scrambling

Man 2:  Don&#8217;t know&#8230;must have hit something.

They sweep the light around the water near them.  Just past the edge of the light, something disturbs the water, but quickly submerges as the light approaches.  The men look at each other with wide eyes confirming that they both did see it.

Man 2 (nervously):  Better have a look to make sure we&#8217;re not taking on water&#8230;

Screen fades to black

Text fades onto the screen:     <in> The Gateway City<out>

Screen fades back to men walking toward the starboard side and then peering into the water.  Suddenly, another loud crash rocks the boat, sending the two men to the floor.  Large tentacles burst forth from the water, gripping all sides of the barge.  The men scream as the barge is capsized and drug under water.

Screen fades to black

Text fades onto the screen:     <in> Earns Its Name <out>

Screen fades back to the now calm waters where the barge drug under

Close up on Man 2&#8217;s hat floating downstream.  The camera pans up to reveal the Arch and the St. Louis skyline.

The screen flashes and fades to black

Everything Else / Sweet Technology
« on: February 10, 2004, 11:17:57 PM »
So I swore to myself that I'd never buy a PDA (personal digital assistent, not public display of affection...though the comment stands for both).   I never use a planner, my address book is in my phone...why do I need one?

But I just bought one.

After seeing how useful they are in clinic, about half my class took advantage of the deals as old models are being cleared out for new.  I got a Sony CLIE SJ-xxxx22 and it just arrived in the mail today.  

Now I can look up any drug I don't know in less than thirty seconds and immediately know its contraindications, interactions, and proper dosage.  Not sure how to treat a disease? I can look that up in a split second too.

And let's not even get into the cool ways it can be used for gaming!

So I broke my vow.  I own a PDA.  I am a geek so many times over that its not even funny.

Video Games / Metroid: Zero Mission
« on: February 06, 2004, 04:42:50 PM »
As a fan of all things Metroid, I can't wait for this game!

It's not supposed to be released until the 9th, but Tycho mentioned picking up a copy in today's news post at PA.  He specifically mentions getting it at a store, so its not a review copy.

Anyone seen this in stores yet?  If it released early I'll be devoting a chunk of my weekend to it.

Rants and Stuff / Emphatic Profanity Strikes Again!
« on: February 04, 2004, 02:07:54 AM »
So it was a good day.  Cold, but good, with a forecast of even more cold and lots of snow later this week.  Today, however, it was just warm enough to start the thaw on the top layer of snow (which will ice over soon enough).  

I leave my apartment this morning noticing a hint of something burning in the air. It's very faint so I just figure one of my neighbors (six in my building) burnt something cooking.  I notice the smell is still there when return from clinic.

The night was going to be a busy one...I had a bunch of contact lens problems to go over and some reading to do, so of course I must waste some time on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance before I start.

I'm about a half an hour past when I last saved (grumble) when the power goes out.  I look across the street...power's on over there.  I look at the rest of the comples...power's on over there.  I hear the beeping of the emergency box downstairs. So I grab my flashlight and head down, meeting with a few of my neighbors on the way.  The smell of something burning is thick.

A maintenance man is down there, stopping by as his last duty of the day to deliver a piece of mail to a resident.  He smelled the smoke and the lights just happened to go out as he was leaving.  He immediately called the fire dept. and the maintenance crew.

So there I was stranded outside in the cold (as we had to evacuate) with a few of my neighbors when several fire engines, ambulances, and the fire chief's ride show up.  I guess it was a slow night in Richmond Heights. They're not telling us much other than we best look for options for a place to stay tonight.

After about forty-five minutes outsides, in which I got to meet my neighbors finally (silver lining), the maintenance guy comes over.  He tells us that melted snow (water to you laypeople) has been seeping through a crack in the basement and has been dripping on the fuse boxes.  Specifically my fuse box.  He thinks that the other apartments will get power soon, but mine won't.  We later find out that no apartments in the building will have power until morning.  

I've been trying to call my girlfriend through all this, but her phone is off because she's watching American Idol.  I pack up my stuff and head over anyway, as I assume I'll be able to stay.  I was, and am, which is how I am writing this now.

Best of all, I got the work done that I needed to.  So tonight, while a bit inconvenient, was a bit of an adventure and all turned out well.

You'll have to do better than that, Winter.

Everything Else / Compliment The Person Above You
« on: February 02, 2004, 11:20:16 PM »
This topic has been moved to [link=;action=display;num=1134492355;start=0]Rants and Stuff[/link] by Tagenog.

Rants and Stuff / Compliment The Person Above You
« on: February 02, 2004, 11:20:16 PM »
I've had a pretty bad day.  Nothing big, just a lot of little factors adding up.  I'm starting this to try to spread some cheer.  The only rule is that you must give an honest compliment to the person who has posted above you.  Be sincere, please (this means you, Saint).

Since there is no post above me, I'll compliment TWG.  I lurked here for a long, long time before I actually posted and ever since I have I think I've been addicted.  I visit a lot of message boards and this is by far and away my favorite.  It's one of the few boards I've actually got to know people on.  The reviews of the site itself drew me in, along with the Talisman article.  I've tried to give a little bit back review-wise, but wish I could write more.

The best compliment I can give TWG is that it fulfils its mission statement.  Like now, for instance, when I should be working through contact lens problems, I'm here typing this.  

Movies and TV / Freddy vs. Jason
« on: January 30, 2004, 02:06:31 AM »
I'm a great fan of B-horror movies.  Love them to death, in fact.  So it is no surprise that I spent many a night in high school renting and watching the good, the bad, and the absolutely terrible movies that these two giants of horror had been featured in.

I waited years for this movie to get made...ever since the end of Jason Goes to Hell when Freddy's hand pulls the hockey mask into the dirt..., expecting the worst.  I mean, c'mon, how could anyone do justice to this concept.

Well, justice was done.  This was such a fun movie and it was done perfectly.  If you're a fan of either of the 80's great horror icons, you have to see this.  I doubt you'll be disappointed.

Writing Group / West/A Rustler of Years
« on: January 15, 2004, 01:09:48 AM »
You all should have recieved the first one and a half chapters last night.  I was hoping I'd get to the first action scene before sending it out, but I think I need feedback for the opening.  

Here are some questions to ponder:

1) Is it too slow?  There's a lot of exposition and subjects are really only hinted at.  Action is coming, but I'm debating how soon.

2) Does the dialogue seem natural?  One thing that always jumps out like a thumb for me is unnatural dialogue.  I can never detect this in my own stuff though.  A lot is said in the silences between the characters.  I want to know if that's coming across.

3) Do I need to throw in a solid hook instead of all these hints?  The main plot won't be introduced for at least another chapter.  I'm hesitant to introduce it too early, but if chapter 1 is completely boring I may need to throw something in.

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