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Messages - Pieces

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did you find out about Brandon Sanderson?
« on: June 16, 2009, 04:30:57 AM »
I was in a Borders in Chicago with a few friends on a class trip. Of course, we were in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section, and my friend pointed out Mistborn. I didn't have a book to read at the time, so I bought it on a whim. Well, that turned out to be a bad idea because its cost me ~$50 for the rest of his books  ::). Oh well. Maybe someday I'll try and drop into a release party.

I'll throw in my two cents:
I think releasing the book online was a good move. I read it, found it great and now intend to buy it as soon as I get some money (poor college student getting married leaves little room for books, sadly). I really enjoyed the Mistborn trilogy (currently, I think it is my favorite series) and Elantris. When I discovered that Mr. Sanderson was releasing Warbreaker as he wrote it, my respect for him increased greatly. In a time when copyrights are a subject of huge debate and publishing companies are yelling about piracy, Mr. Sanderson has the respect for his  fans to release his work into the public with no guarantee of return. I'm sold on buying his books from now one (unless something horrid happens to his writing  ;)).

I haven't seen any figures for how Warbreaker is selling, but I hope its doing well. I have bough copies of all the other books, and I will get Warbreaker too as soon as I can.

Can't wait for WoT and The Way of Kings.


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