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Topics - Jelly_Belly

Pages: [1]
Everything Else / Proposals to Bookstores
« on: August 09, 2006, 06:59:35 PM »
So one of the other editors at TLE contacted some bookstores about selling the mag in their stores. Many seem interested, but want a proposal. We really don't want to come off as unprofessional, but we don't know what should be in such a proposal. We're going to do some research to figure this out (by talking with Mel Thorne and the BYU Bookstore and whatnot), but if any of you (*Jelly turns to Stacer) have any thoughts or knowledge on the subject, we could really use your help.

I know Stacer used to work at a bookstore (Barnes and Noble, was it?). But anyone who knows what would go in a good proposal, we could really use your advice.

Brandon Sanderson / Hey Brandon
« on: August 02, 2006, 02:09:41 PM »
So I emailed you about this, and have not received a response yet, but since you seem to check the forums . . .

Just wondering how the article for TLE is coming. The sooner the better, but it'd be nice to know if we'll be getting it in time for this issue. I also need to get you a contract and whatnot.

Everything Else / Contest at Work
« on: April 04, 2005, 05:15:45 PM »
Hey, my work wants ideas for a contest they can hold for their employees. It is a software company with hundreds of employees (I'm not sure how many). Do you guys have any ideas?

Movies and TV / Gilmore Girls
« on: March 26, 2005, 09:28:00 PM »
Okay, I know that most of you like Sci-fi and fantasy more than anything, and so do I, but Gilmore Girls is one of the greatest drama tv series I've seen. You know how I started watching it? I was flipping through during commercials, as I'm prone to do, while waiting for the sitcom I was watching to come back on. I found an episode of Gilmore Girls playing (this was in the first season) and I was immediately hooked and so didn't finish watching the other show. It's not like teen dramas with sex and pregnancy and all that crap (although I admit that sex is a sidenote on the show, just not in any way its focus). It has great intellectual humor (mostly things said than anything) and it has great eccentric, but realistic characters and a lot of heart. It also is closer to reality than most shows I've seen. The main character, Rory, goes off to college (Yale--they live in Conneticut) after having two different boyfriends in high school and then doesn't find anyone to date the whole year--although she's interested in a couple of boys. Sound familiar to anyone? Then there's this guy who likes her, but she just sees as a buddy. She is always wanting to hang out with him because she enjoys his company, which causes him to fall in love with her, but she doesn't like him like that. He finally tells her and she's like, Um, I don't feel the same way and she makes him promise they'll still be friends, but you know that's not gonna happen. Anyway, the point is it's really great and if you get a chance check it out (although my advice is start with the earlier ones so you'll understand the later ones better). This is great television people!

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