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Children's Books Recommendations

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You can't go wrong with The Princess and the Goblin and its follow-up The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald if you're looking for a couple of fantastic fantasy books that'll spark your child's (and your own) imagination.  These stories are reported to have been favorites of Tolkien in his youth and speaking for myself, I enjoyed them a great deal as an adult.  I managed to score a really old copy several years back and the musty smell, combined with the sweet story, still stays with me.

Patriotic Kaz:
In 1st of 2nd grade i started reading Fantasy and one of the series that hooked me on the genre was Diadem (Books of Magic) by John reading level was higher than the average person my age so i have no clue if it is a childs book or YA

This is maybe a bit older than "children" but for like 9-10 year old kids (and older; I still read them), if you wanna introduce them to a bit of fantasy, The Children of The Red King series is pretty good IMO.

Thomas the Tank engine books are all great, as are the Dora and Diego books. Always good grammar and proper English (and Spanish! lol) and always always moralistic and educational, yet fun.

When I was little, I always liked 'King Bidgood's in the Bathtub' and 'Piggie Pie.'


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