Author Topic: What else are you reading, lately?  (Read 10767 times)


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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2008, 12:58:04 AM »
I think any reader who enjoys Brandon will enjoy the works of Scott Lynch (Lies of Locke Lamora) and Pattrick Rothfuss (The Name of the Wind).   If you haven't read them yet, I'd say bump them up to the top of your list.

The last few books I read were:

- Robin Hobbs Assassin trilogy (starting with Assassin's Apprentice) - The first two are great, the third is worth reading.
- MB:HoA - Amazing.  I'm as much of a super fan as many of the other people here, and this won't disappoint.
- The Eye of the World - I just started this, about 1/2 way through and enjoying it so far. 

I think my next book is going to be Brisinger when it's released in a few days.  I know the Eragon series get's a lot of criticism, but I found the other two entertaining enough to read twice.   After that I'll probably continue with the Wheel of Time.


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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2008, 02:58:18 AM »
- MB:HoA - Amazing.  I'm as much of a super fan as many of the other people here, and this won't disappoint.
I think SOMEBODY made a typo. ha ha.

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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2008, 07:24:53 AM »
Or not. There are ARCs out there, you know. Harriet Klausner has already written her review.

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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2008, 02:17:59 PM »


In general, I'd agree with you, Ookla, since there's a perfectly good "What are you reading" thread in Books. But since the OP was asking Brandon's fans specifically, and many may not frequent the other parts of the boards, I think it's all right this time. Especially since a lot of the posts are 'If you like Brandon's books, these others may interest you as well" types of posts.

Though might I suggest to everyone that if you'd like to discuss what you're reading in general, as opposed to "in lieu of Brandon's newest books since they're not out yet," to please join the discussion in the Books section? Thanks!


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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2008, 04:11:15 PM »
Are mods able to close/move/merge threads?
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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2008, 05:02:34 PM »
Having managed a book store, I have to disagree with you Ookla (I know, it rarely happens).  This is actually the BEST place for a thread of this SPECIFIC nature.

People like to know what authors will appeal to them after having read a certain author.  I DO think, however, that while posting on this thread, you need to make certain that you are posting "If you like Sanderson, you will like (insert author here) BECAUSE (insert reason here)." 

What I mean is, simply saying what you are reading doesn't actually fit in with the OP's question.  People want to know what they should read BECAUSE they enjoy Sanderson.  Does that distinction make sense?  If you are just posting what you like, they by all means, get the heck out.  However, if you are posting reasons why people may like, say, Rothfuss because you see similar themes or writing techniques, then that is fine. 

Please remember, a lot of book sales are done through recommendation.  But, it has to be done intelligently - not just a list of what you think is neat.

For example, I would never recommend Brooks, Eddings, or Paolini (read: rip-off of the prior mentioned authors and Star Wars) to people who read Sanderson if they are over the age of 14.  They dont have the depth, technique, or intelligence to match Sanderson's novels.

In my experience, many people who read Sanderson's novels tend to gravitate towards the following (note: there are exceptions to all of these):

Guy Gavriel Kay - Something about the settings, and politics seem to strike similarities.  In addition, he is an author that Brandon recommends.

Steven Erikson - He's not for everyone.  But the people who like the intelligence and depth of Brandon's work, and who want even more, really dig this guy.  He is my personal favorite.  I actually sold more of his novels than i did of Brandon's (which says a hell of a lot).  I think more Erikson readers will read Brandon's stuff after reading the 3rd MB novel.

George R R Martin - There will be an endless debate over this and the, uh, appropriateness of some of his writing.  However, it was hard for me to ignore that readers tend to like both.  I think more Martin readers will go for Brandon's stuff after reading the 3rd MB novel.

Patrick Rothfuss - They are friends.  They like each other's work. 

Scott Lynch - Locke Lamora is a great novel.  The similarities begin with the heist theme that is introduced in Brandon's MB1.  They diverge after that, but people like them both for the Heist theme.  Beware of language in this book.

Abercrombie - All that you've heard is true.  This guy is great.  Really, he is a 2nd tier "if you like Brandon" book.  The reason being that he is more of a variation on the grittiness and humor found in Martin and Lynch. 

Those are a few people I recommend "If you like Sanderson's novels."  There are more, but it all is very dependent on what you do and DON'T (very important - arguably more important than what you DO) like.

So, I, Not Bookstore Guy Anymore, approve of this thread.

As long as you do it my way.  Because that is the correct way.

The End.
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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2008, 05:15:57 PM »
Buddha agrees with Not Bookstore Guy Anymore.

And to follow NBGA's formula:

If you like Brandon's books, I think you'll like Jack Vance's Lyonesse series because the magic system and world building are very original.  Very un-tolkien in a good way.
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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2008, 05:31:20 PM »
i just don't know if i can say that  because i like Brandon Sanderson i like other certain authors. i don't even know if any authors i read are all that similar.  i tend to change the style of the books i read to what i am in the mood for.

currently i am reading the orc king by R.A. salvatore. if your looking for an action packed book with lots of fight scenes i have to recommend any of the Drizzt books by Salvatore.

last week i read the fall of angels by L.E. Modesitt Jr. it is i think book 6 or 7 in his recluse series. the first book the magic of recluse was a little confusing at first but the following books were generally pretty good. his main characters tend to be builders or engineers of some sort and go into their work in some detail, so if your into that he is pretty good.

ill probably start on the third book in the sword of shannara trilogy i think its whishsong of shannara next week brooks writing is simple and doesn't go real in depth which is just a nice read sometimes.

another writer i like for his in depth and political writing is Alexander Dumas. he doesn't have any fantasy novels but i would definitely recommend the count of Monte cristo to anyone who loves Sanderson. its a huge book around 1500 pages very in depth, a very good revenge plot and just plain good writing.

on a side note i do appreciate the language warning from not bookstore guy anymore. i really do not like to see bad language in any books that i read i think it shows bad taste and lack of creativity. but that is just my opinion.

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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2008, 06:48:54 PM »
A thread about other books aimed at Brandon's readers could still be located in the Books forum. People new to Brandon's forum are still asked to post in the main "introduce yourself" thread rather than making threads or posts about that here, even though their interaction is spawned by Brandon's forum alone.

My point is is Brandon's forum supposed to exist as its own little isolated community, or do we want people to be encouraged to visit other parts of TWG? I believe people should be encouraged to think, when they are out of Brandon topics to talk about, "Hm, what's going on in the other forums here? I see a books forum; I wonder what other Brandon fans are saying about other books there" and not just ignore the books forum and ask about it here.

I think that at this point we can assume a majority of the new traffic coming into this forum is coming because of Brandon, even though it didn't start out that way. That makes it almost like a WOTmania situation, where there's a Wheel of Time forum and an Other Fantasy forum. People who want to know what authors other Robert Jordan fans read have to ask in the Other Fantasy forum, not the Wheel of Time forum.
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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2008, 07:15:34 PM »
Here's some book Discussion.

Ok, close er up. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.
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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2008, 08:34:43 PM »
Makes sense. Cant a moderator move this thread to Books? I know Ive seen Sprig move threads before.
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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2008, 09:08:55 PM »
If threads start getting moved that many believe are BRANDON SANDERSON Specific to non-Sanderson forums because a few select people believe it belongs in a less populated forum to promote traffic to other less used areas of a website then Brandon should start looking into organizing his own personal forums where third party politics don't interfere with his rapidly growing fan base. Traffic has probably increased 50 to 100 fold since taking over WOT, and AMOL will escalate Sanderson to rock star status in the fantasy world. TWG should embrace new fans, not bicker over petty issues like where certain threads should be posted. It just makes those few who complain look like little kids throwing a temper tantrum. 

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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2008, 09:17:52 PM »
Let me put 2 examples out there:

1) When I set up Brandon's MAJOR signing, it was for Mistborn 1.  His table was set up in the front of the store.  When we brought in groups of people to have their books signed and numbered (we had over 200 reserved copies, all of which sold and more besides), we filtered them through a certain area of the store by which we had set up tables upon which were stacked books that were "similar" in style and taste as Brandon's.  People didn't have to leave the line or the area to browse an entire store for something very specific.  Guess what?  People liked that we had done that.  They requested that things like that be done again.  They asked me if there was a mailing list they could sign up for - an electronic version of what I had set up.  We sold a TON of extra books that day because it was geared and marketed to a SPECIFIC FOCUS GROUP.

2) When you go to a bookstore, and you ask for a specific book, does the bookseller tell you to go to another part of the mall before he answers your question?  Does he tell you that for "specific questions" you should go to a different bookstore?  No.  While this example is a bit extreme, it is still relevant.  If people have specific questions about books that could be considered similar to Brandon Sanderson's books, then they should be looking on a specific Brandon Sanderson Thread.  If they cannot do this, then, from my point of view, that specific area of the forum has failed.

I am not telling people to post "I r reading neat stuff" topics here.  That is for the other GENERAL forum.  I am telling people that this is an entirely appropriate place for people to ask questions regarding books that could be considered liked by readers who enjoy Brandon's work.  There is a HUGE difference there.  Skar's example was spot-on.  It's like when authors give other authors cover-quotes.  You don't see Robin Hobb saying, "If you like Brandon, you'll like Patrick Rothfuss!" and then putting that cover quote on Stephen King's books.  This is the same thing.

So pardon me if I think you are all incorrect.

Perhaps something more organized should be started in this specific channel of the forums.  Thread where the original posting is continually modified to reflect  books that could be similar to those that Brandon writes, or even books that Brandon himself likes.  If people was to send me books they have read with reasons why they are similar, I can make and maintain a post that will give people this info.

This type of thread BELONGS HERE.  Anything else is piss-poor marketing.  As the previous poster stated, there is a lot more traffic here than before, and it is directed at this channel in the forum, not the other ones.  The better info in this one of a specific nature, the more likely people will branch out to other threads (good comment mrod271).
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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2008, 09:32:38 PM »
I can come up with examples too:

I am interested in people's opinions. Should I trade in my Honda Element for a hybrid? What are the pros and cons? Please, I only want to hear from people that are intersted in Brandon Sanderson like I am.

As someone who frequents too many forums to count, I can understand the need to stick with forum guidelines. It's bad enough when someone like me derails threads at will, its another when moderators allow off-topic threads from the get go.
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Re: What else are you reading, lately?
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2008, 09:42:21 PM »
I can come up with examples too:

I am interested in people's opinions. Should I trade in my Honda Element for a hybrid? What are the pros and cons? Please, I only want to hear from people that are intersted in Brandon Sanderson like I am.

As someone who frequents too many forums to count, I can understand the need to stick with forum guidelines. It's bad enough when someone like me derails threads at will, its another when moderators allow off-topic threads from the get go.

Since Brandon is in the book business, and not in the car business your example is off-base.  A person asking Brandon Sanderson readers, on a Brandon Sanderson Channel, about books that they can read that are similar to his is perfectly reasonable.  The posters in the General Books forum review and discuss all books - doesnt matter the genre, author, or similarities. 

Now, if you go back and read my posts, you will see that I have said that posts of those themes belong in the General Books area.  I have posted there.  The things I say there are very different from what I hope gets started in Brandon's specific Forum, because there its general.  Here, it is specific.  Does that make sense?
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