Author Topic: WOT Help  (Read 151534 times)


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #255 on: February 22, 2009, 12:32:57 AM »
Interesting about the lack of description of Elaida as I never noticed that she was never described before. Even the Wikipedia page doesn't describe her except in general Aes Sedai tems. However, she is from Murandy as is Padan Fain and the Dabel Brothers graphic novels portrayed her as a light skinned brunette.  Not sure but I would guess Robert Jordan saw those and would have shot anything down that was off.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #256 on: February 22, 2009, 01:44:00 AM »
Casco, please watch the spoilers.  Any plot points after the beginning of The Fires of Heaven are off limits for this thread until after JoeC posts that he's gotten to them.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #257 on: February 22, 2009, 10:01:27 PM »
Oh sorry about that ! :(  I will try to be more careful with exploiting the story.

Ye you are right, my english isnt the best in the world, its school english (im from Sweden) and im 42 years old :) 25 years take alot of grammar away from a language if you dont use it every day :) I hope you understand me anyway, im doing the best i can.

Back on Topic, I think Elidas looks is described in the book New Spring to, dont remember exactly where. Could it be when Siuan Sanche and Moiraine Damodred was writing down names on children in the village outside Tar Valon? Elida arrive there with a Yellow sister and i think RJ describe her there.
I did read New Spring first, and i have allways "known" she did have blond hair after that book. It must be in there..


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #258 on: February 22, 2009, 10:39:42 PM »
Oh sorry about that ! :(  I will try to be more careful with exploiting the story.

Ye you are right, my english isnt the best in the world, its school english (im from Sweden) and im 42 years old :) 25 years take alot of grammar away from a language if you dont use it every day :) I hope you understand me anyway, im doing the best i can.
No problem! Learning Spanish in school has given me a lot of sympathy for people speaking in a non-native language...and English is harder to learn!
I too have this feeling in the back of my head that Elaida is blond. I'm not sure why that is.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #259 on: February 23, 2009, 02:02:34 AM »
Wow I feel like a total jerk…I'm really, really sorry, Casco–I don't know what was wrong with me that day (that wasn't the only insulting thing I said that day, as I'm sure some of you probably know). I'm really, really sorry–I didn't even consider that English was maybe your second language. Please accept my apologies.

I never thought of Elaida as blond; I don't know why. But now that we're having this discussion, it's weird–I can't even remember what color I thought her hair was.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #260 on: February 23, 2009, 07:32:04 PM »
I lissen to the english audiobooks now (half way past EotW now) and i will keep my eares up for any details on Elidas hair :) Im afraid the answer will come in the last book (KoD) though, so it will take some time :)
I could however listen to NS after EotW. I will se how i do.

Np Shaggy, it happens to us all :)


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #261 on: February 23, 2009, 08:27:28 PM »
I have the EOTW audio book but could not bring myself to spend 50 each on all the others when I have the books as well.   I always pictured her with dark hair in my head though.  Not sure why. 


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #262 on: February 27, 2009, 01:14:49 AM »
Update guys! I'm on page 460 now. Almost done! I was going to wait until I finished but you guys seemed to be getting restless. Man you people are needy!! j/k

Okay. This is honestly my favorite book out of the series so far. No offense to all the people who said SR was their favorite. Maybe it's because SR set so many things up to be good!

-Rand and all the Aeil tribes he's gathered have chased Couladin and his tribes all the way to Carhein.

-Aviendha has certainly evolved very much during these stories. Ran'ds camp is attacked by Darkfriends and she shoots fire out of her hands and kills a Drakghar to save Rand's life. Then, after Rand walks in on her naked, she somehow makes a Traveling weave and winds up in some arctic land. Rand saves her life and makes an igloo......and then they sleep together!! One of the best scenes of the entire series IMO. Aviendha telling Rand she can't hold back anymore...grabbing his hair...WOW. I kinda saw this coming, just not this soon. I bet she has some guilt with this and her friendship with Elayne. Then the two run into Seanchan at the gateway home. (Where the hell were they?) I liked this scene, but I did wish they saved the two damanes and killed the leader. I'm VERY interested to see where their story goes from here. Also, Asmodean showed that he really is Rand's friend by not closing the gateway even though he could have. This I didn't see coming. I keep looking for hints that he might betray Rand, but they're not there. I can't wait until Rand finally confronts Couladin. It is unfortunately taking a long time to get there.

-Suian, Min, Leane, and Logain have found the gathering of the Blues in Salidar. I'm glad that they're safe now. I had this bad feeling that something bad might happen to them before they got there. Gareth Bryne has arrived there too. I guess they think they are going to form some sort of army to take the Tower back, while simultaneously maintaining the illusion to the rest of the world that the Tower isn't broken. A tough task indeed. I like where this is going.

-Moghedian has personally taken control of the Black Ajah. WOW did she put Liandran in her place. I've been waiting to see that happen (although I wanted it to be Nyneave who did it...but this is cool too lol) Moghedian seems really ticked that Nyneave almost stilled her (wouldn't you be?) and really wants some revenge. Liandran was foolish to try battling Moghedian. This is a good storyline to follow. I'm loving the developments here.

-Nyneave, Elayne, Thom, and Juilen have taken up with with a traveling group of performers and are acting in the entertainment to hide until they can get to Salidar. They are also running from Galad because he is a Whitecloak now. I think it's hilarious that even Nyneave is struck by how good looking he is LOL. She says it's "unfair" how beautiful he is. I wish a girl would say that about me hahahahaha. Anyway, another great scene is the one where Moghedian interrupts Nyneave's meeting with Birgitte in the dream world. I honestly thought Nyneave was done for until Birgette shot Moghedian with an arrow. Awesome scene!!! Somehow Birgette is brought into the real world and Elayne saved her life by bonding with her to make Birgitte her Warder. Very interesting. Now, Birgitte entertains with the troup by shooting apples off Nyneave's head. Now THAT is a funny sight. Last, they are on there way to Salidar.

-Foolish Liandran tried to capture Moghedian after she woke up from the dream world with an arrow wound. Moghedian showed her who's who even though she was injured. She somehow blocked Liandran's access to the Power with a weave and tied it off. She didn't still her, but left it so that Liandran will have to find somebody skilled enough to untie that weave to ever touch the Source again. This scene left me breathless. I also have a new appreciation for how strong Nyneave is with the Power for overpowering Moghedian.

-Morgase realized she has been being manipulated and been forced to exile her allies. She escapes with Lini to find her TRUE allies and take back her crown. This is an unexpected storyline. Interesting though. I'd like to see how this pans out. Especially when she finds out that one of the Forsaken is responsible for all this LOL.

-Still no Perrin. I DO miss his storyline, but it isn't oppressive because I am enjoying everything else in this book so much.
I have more to say but this post is long enough already and I have to go eat supper. Again, I'll keep you guys updated and thank you for reading!! I appreciate your comments.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #263 on: February 27, 2009, 01:23:54 AM »
Yay! A new post from Joe! Just a couple comments. Rand and Aviendha actually go to Seanchan. It's another continent across the ocean. You can see a map in the Wheel of Time encyclopedia book...anyone remember the exact title? Also, Moggy just uses a regular shield on Liandrin, but just ties it off in a super-complicated knot. So if she ever finds someone to unravel it, then she can channel again. What a great punishment for her :)
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #264 on: February 27, 2009, 03:44:08 AM »
I bet she has some guilt with this and her friendship with Elayne.
You have no idea.  Expect some interesting discussion when Aviendha and Elayne meet again.

Then the two run into Seanchan at the gateway home. (Where the hell were they?)
As melbatoast says, they went all the way across the Aryth Ocean to the Seanchan continent.

-Suian, Min, Leane, and Logain have found the gathering of the Blues in Salidar. I'm glad that they're safe now. I had this bad feeling that something bad might happen to them before they got there.
Well, it did, sort of.  The whole run-in with Gareth Bryne was, on the face of it, pretty bad.  His totally unexpected personal pursuit all the way to Salidar, though...  A whole bunch of Aes Sedai planning a rebellion with no general, and one of the universally acknowledged Great Generals shows up on their doorstep...

She somehow blocked Liandran's access to the Power with a weave and tied it off. She didn't still her, but left it so that Liandran will have to find somebody skilled enough to untie that weave to ever touch the Source again. This scene left me breathless. I also have a new appreciation for how strong Nyneave is with the Power for overpowering Moghedian.
Very nasty punishment imo.  Effectively stilling Liandrin, but leaving her just that tiny bit of hope that she might some day find someone able and willing to break that shield, strikes me as very sadistic.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #265 on: February 27, 2009, 05:02:47 AM »
Oh good it sounds like your almost there *grabs popcorn and starts munching away in anticipation*

Really glad your enjoying this book JoeC, it's my favorite as well and I was rather surprised by the Rand/Avi night in Seachan lands as well. Pretty hot really lol.

Please post here the instant you finish the book. *evil grin*
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #266 on: February 27, 2009, 03:45:56 PM »
I love Liandrans punishment.  She has the urge to channel but can't so she has to live with the itch for the rest of her life.  By not stilling her she wont just waste away and give up on life.  She can still sense the power she just can't touch it.  This will prolong the punishment. 


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #267 on: February 27, 2009, 04:23:21 PM »
Joe, you passed me in my reread!! **Reaches over to steal some of Shard's popcorn** I can't wait for this reaction!!


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #268 on: February 28, 2009, 12:20:06 AM »
LOL You guys are killing me with all these hints! I'm supposed to save the book for when I work my night shift job, but now I'm just about ready to spend my Friday night finishing it. And I have a date tonight!!! LOL  Believe me guys, you will all be the first to know my reaction to the end of the book. You've all been a real help and I'm surprised at the warm welcome the WOT fans have for people like me.

More on Liandran: Her punishment is probably the cruelist thing for an Aes Sedai other than physical torture. I figured Moghedian would just kill her, but wow does she think up horrible punishments quickly. Now they are making her serve the owner of the house they are in......a male no less......a male she used to abuse and yell at. That's rough. However, I don't feel Liandran is done with just yet.

I'm VERY excited for the next meeting of Moghedian and Nyneave. First, Moghedian had full hatred for Nyneave and a desire to capture her alive and torture her for life. Now Nyneave feels the SAME because Moghedian almost killed Birgette and Nyneave feels responsible. Oooooooh I can just picture it lol.

BTW, that necklace that controls a male who can channel that Nyneave fought Moghedian for in SR....where is it? I know Nyneave asked Domon to take her to the deepest part of the ocean and let her throw it in there...but that never happened. Or did I miss something?? It hasn't said whether she still has it or not.

Forgot to mention that Uno and Mesema are back in the story. They're with Nyneave now. Blast from the past! I'm starting to see what everyone was talking about how characters disappear and come back later in other books....sometimes in larger roles than before.

Once again thanks for the feedback guys!!


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #269 on: February 28, 2009, 01:15:49 AM »
BTW, that necklace that controls a male who can channel that Nyneave fought Moghedian for in SR....where is it? I know Nyneave asked Domon to take her to the deepest part of the ocean and let her throw it in there...but that never happened. Or did I miss something?? It hasn't said whether she still has it or not.
She didn't tell him to take her there so she could do it, she gave it to him and told him to do it.  It was last seen in Domon's possession and then went "offscreen" with him.

Forgot to mention that Uno and Mesema are back in the story. They're with Nyneave now. Blast from the past! I'm starting to see what everyone was talking about how characters disappear and come back later in other books....sometimes in larger roles than before.
I've seen it referred to as the Law of Character Conservation.  Pretty much, if the story calls for someone in a particular role to appear on the scene and there is any reasonable way for a previously introduced character to fit, the previous character gets used.  There are few exceptions in the entire series.  If a character even has a name, there's a pretty high chance (s)he's going to come back later.