Author Topic: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please  (Read 9002 times)


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2009, 08:33:22 PM »
Pretty basic stuff and some of it has already been said, but:
1)The ability to be an Allomancer, Feruchemist or Hemalurgist.
2)An established system for how Ruin effects people, i.e. if you use Hemalurgy, then you need to have a system for being corrupted by Ruin. This could potentially mean that players end up fighting each other.
3) A skill system for the allomantic metals, i.e. you don't just have the ability to burn steel, you have a certain amount of points of skill with burning steel that affect how well you can use it.
4) The ability to be creative with items. Ex: Feruchemical stores that pierce skin, Feruchemical stores that double as weapons, etc. Also, a clearly defined system for how much of a Feruchemical charge items can hold.
5) An intuitive way for gm's and players to keep track of metal sources in the area, especially metal items that are part of the setting, like torch brackets, hanging lanterns, window frames and such. Detailed maps of different settings would be helpful, for example.
6) Guidelines for what a Feruchemist's abilities will be when filling different metalminds. For higher level Feruchemists, perhaps the possibility of filling stores at different rates (instead of being completely weakened, you could only be partially weakened, and store strength more slowly, for example).
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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2009, 10:35:17 PM »
What about using True20 or Mutants and Masterminds then?

If we were going to do a d20-derived system for MBRPG, it would definately be one of our own. We've spent a LONG time getting things "right" on that front, and I doubt very much we would go to M&M (and True20 is right out).

Like I said, though, Fantasy Craft + a MB supplement should probably handle most of what you'd want out of a d20 version of the RPG.


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2009, 01:38:05 AM »
well i also want it set during TLR's reign but before the books. make it so mistings r more powerful than mistborns in their ONE talent (since mistborns have them ALL), there must be keepers but with limits like it takes a while to build up strength, weight, ect. oh and the thing with the peircing (i just cant think up of the names ) to become extra powerful (anyone should be able to do it) except it needs a good drawback to balance with the others. maybe less health since it only takes one pull on a spike (in the back) to kill it


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2009, 11:27:22 PM »
Major SPOILERS in this post.  Sorry, I just like explaining my reasoning.

If the story for the RPG is going to be in post-Ascension, pre-iceball Scadrial then there will be no:

Mistborn -- There would only be ten and they would either be or serve The Lord Ruler.
Feruchemists --  They were all turned into Mistwraiths so there is no one in the world with Feruchemical abilities.
Hemalugists -- I don't know if they existed before the Ascension, but with Mistings being so rare I doubt it. If so, only TLR can use Hemalurgy.
Kandra -- Only the Firsts would exist during this time and they were specific people(Non-PC).
Koloss -- All of them are under the direct control of TLR, if he's even created them yet.

In addition to all this, Mistings are going to be extremely rare because the top generals that are also Mistborn aren't going to have descendants yet.  As an expansion it would be interesting to do because of all these limitations, but the main people that are going to buy this at first are going to be those that read the series and the story occurring then would feel very limiting.
Mr. Sanderson seems to like having reality in his fantasy and I like that very, very much so I think I say this with a little bit of confidence: After TLR pushed the world too close to the star and how he ""fixed"" it, there would only be a few years(Probably less) that the majority of Scadrial would remain inhabitable.


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2009, 11:58:06 PM »
It wouldn't have to be right after the ascension.  There are a thousand years worth of time to play with.  I just think it would be more fun to play under TLR and would easily allow for two sects of good/evil.

ha ha ha. Mr. Sanderson . . . . that reminds me of an old topic called "MR. OR MRS. SANDERSON PLEASE READ" ROFLMAO! 

Anyway, generally we call him EUOL or Brandon on the forums. ;]


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2009, 08:17:40 PM »
I personally would like the setting to be very thorough in the game.

Descriptions of all the different cities (not just Luthadel), description (and/or maps) of the keeps. Paintings. Info on the Noble Families. The ability to play noble or ska or merchant.

basically a fleshed out highly visual world. Not just "go read the book" for the setting. The various cultures should be addressed. Skills or bonuses depending on upbringing.

This is not just a random Fantasy world, so extreme attention must be payed to render the setting correctly and make sure that the characters have something detailed and alive with which to interact.
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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2009, 06:35:51 PM »
I think it would have to be a point-buy system, like GURPS is. The setting would be completely up to the GM and the players. Why not be able to play in the period after Sazed's Ascension? Or anytime?

I think it would work best to have an ordinary, generic system, plus the ability to use your character's development points to buy certain abilities: Misting, Mistborn, Feruchemist, Feruchemical Misting (only exists post-Sazed's Asc.), Hemalurgist. Hemalurgists can get their abilities in several ways: they can get a single random spike, or they can be a Steel Inquisitor, Koloss, or Kandra. Although koloss may not be entirely sentient, so they might not be very fun to play.

Ultimately, it's the GM's responsibility to enforce things like Feruchemists being Terrismen, Hemalurgists being influenced by Ruin, Skaa mistings/mistborn being very rare and hunted by the Steel Inquisitors, and Nobles trying to figure out who is a misting/mistborn.

If you want to do a class system, I suggest this:
Basic Classes:
Skaa (With thieving, stealth, underworld contacts, crafting, and merchant abilities)
Noble (With diplomacy, contacts, merchant, scholar, etc. abilities)
Terrisperson (Spying, scholar, contacts)
Kandra (Spying, stealth, Blessings give bonus to strength&speed/senses/intelligence/emotions, speed for forming a new body--must serve Contract) (Kandra couldn't be a prestige class because humans don't become kandra through hemalurgy; mistwraiths do.)

You could also replace Skaa, Noble, and Terrisperson with Thief, Soldier, and Diplomat or some such thing.

Prestige Classes:
Obligator (from Noble or very, very well-connected Skaa)
Steel Inquisitor (from Obligator)
Crew Boss (from Skaa or Kandra)
Misting Specialist
Misting Savant (from Misting Specialist)
Trained Mistborn (must be Noble or have a trainer)
Keeper (from Terrisperson)

Sorry if that's too much. I really enjoy coming up with ideas for things like this. :)
"Yes," Elend said softly. "The law allows for you to change your vote, Lord Habren. You may only do so once, and must do so before the winner is declared. Everyone else has the same opportunity."
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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2009, 10:47:34 PM »
Thank you all for continuing with the feedback - the patterns are starting to show themselves, and maybe you all are starting to see some of the conflicts/challenges that arise from developing a game like this ("system should be generic" but also "the system needs to be specific to express the property", point build vs. class-based, etc. etc.) :) I *have* made a number of significant strides these past few weeks - including making a major system change (for the better) literally in my sleep! I ended up getting up at 3:30 a.m. and writing for an hour and a half on the structure so as not to forget...

So, let's ask some more specific questions in this thread. Question 1: Should Steel Inquistors be a playable character option? Consider that Marsh loses a great deal of control due to the drawbacks of his transformation - would you find something like not being able to control your character's actions interesting or frustrating? Why play an Inquisitor instead of a Mistborn (which will absolutely be an option in this game)?

Brandon has his own opinion about this, but I want to see what you all think.


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2009, 10:56:55 PM »
Thank you all for continuing with the feedback - the patterns are starting to show themselves, and maybe you all are starting to see some of the conflicts/challenges that arise from developing a game like this ("system should be generic" but also "the system needs to be specific to express the property", point build vs. class-based, etc. etc.) :) I *have* made a number of significant strides these past few weeks - including making a major system change (for the better) literally in my sleep! I ended up getting up at 3:30 a.m. and writing for an hour and a half on the structure so as not to forget...

So, let's ask some more specific questions in this thread. Question 1: Should Steel Inquistors be a playable character option? Consider that Marsh loses a great deal of control due to the drawbacks of his transformation - would you find something like not being able to control your character's actions interesting or frustrating? Why play an Inquisitor instead of a Mistborn (which will absolutely be an option in this game)?

Brandon has his own opinion about this, but I want to see what you all think.

It's good to hear it's coming along well!

As far as your question goes, I say absolutely! Part of the fun of an RPG is you can take control of a character other than yourself, good guy or bad guy. I think as you gain more and more spikes/become a stronger inquisitor, you should find it harder and harder to dictate your own actions. For example, in D20 sort of terms (just to put it in kinda a way many people understand) if you choose to do an action against what Ruin/TLR/whatever wishes, you have to make a save, with the DC being based upon your level.

I know it won't be D20 based, but just kinda what I would expect out of playing one. As such, I feel that you can allow Steel inquisitors to be significantly more powerful than your run of the mill misting and even most mistborn, because the draw backs can make it harder for a character to do what's needed.
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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2009, 05:43:20 PM »
While I personally wouldn't want to play a Steel Inquisitor, I think it should be an option. There's some opportunity for some epic tragedy there that could be appealing for some stories and wouldn't be the same if played as a Mistborn. Not being able to control your actions is an interesting wrinkle. There should be a way to resist Ruin's influence, especially so that the player can do something extraordinary at a pivotal moment, like in the books.


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2009, 08:17:03 PM »
For the Steel Inquisitor, you could have something like a resistance bar that builds up gradually. The longer you are obedient to Ruin, the more you can do when you decide to do something that Ruin doesn't want.
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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2009, 07:11:06 AM »
The Lord Ruler created the Steel Inquisitors, and during his reign he controlled them. During WoA, the Steel Inquisitors were largely controlled by Ruin, but seemed to have a small amount of autonomy (for example, Marsh apologizes before attacking Sazed). After Ruin was released, Marsh seemed to have difficulty so much as wiggling his finger on his own. It took all of his will to make one quick movement at the end. Afterward the world's rebirth, Sazed could have controlled Marsh, the last Inquisitor, but it seems out of character for Sazed to do so.

However, I think that some GM's will want to stray slightly from the canon of the books and allow Steel Inquisitors more autonomy, or allow them in time periods where they really did not exist. So, if you want players and GM's to have that kind of freedom, then go for it.

Regardless, you will definitely need mechanics for Steel Inquisitors. They'd make delightful villains, so GM's will need to know what their rules are.
"Yes," Elend said softly. "The law allows for you to change your vote, Lord Habren. You may only do so once, and must do so before the winner is declared. Everyone else has the same opportunity."
-- The Well of Ascension


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2009, 04:47:33 AM »
Personally, I would want to play a campaign with a mostly misting crew, probably pre-colapse.  Composition similar to Kelsier's crew, with maybe 1 mistborn, several mistings, and some ska.  I agree that game balance will be challenging but necessary (Snapping conveniently allows for players to "buy" mistborn status after playing for a while).  I also agree that I wouldn't want to play an inquisitor myself, though I would like the rules to allow for that.  I especially would like a list of hemalurgic spikes, with costs and benefits for each.  Enhancing mistings with small spikes is definitely a way for mistings to keep up with the party mistborn.

For the Steel Inquisitor, you could have something like a resistance bar that builds up gradually. The longer you are obedient to Ruin, the more you can do when you decide to do something that Ruin doesn't want.
I think that you wouldn't want your character to become that far gone.  In the long run, the "catch Ruin by surprise" will only work so often.

Personally, I wouldn't mind hemalurgic spikes not having any consequence (or only minor consequence) on "corruption", etc.  Example, one person has a single spike which gives them a minor advantage; you shouldn't need to worry too much about corruption.  Or, what if we stopped worying about players loosing controll, but treat it more as mental instability?  Pentalties to saving throws?  At low-to-medium levels of hemalurgic corruption, Ruin might be taking controll only once in a while.  I think the question of mental influence will have to be worked out somehow anyway, if only because of Soothers and Rioters.


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2009, 01:00:11 PM »
* What's your favorite part/most anticipated element of a Mistborn RPG? (1)
* What are some character concepts you were hoping to play/see at the table? (2)
* What parts of the game world do you most want to see done "right"? (3)
* Are there aspects of the Mistborn setting you would like explored further, beyond what the books covered? (4)
* Are there any particular elements that you have a tough time visualizing or would like to see an artistic treatment of? (5)


1) Uh... the fact we will all get to play it? Okay, seriously... I have to admit I'm an RPG-addict, and I believe Mistborn's world to be one of the best to hold an RPG.

2) Mistings of the allomantic metals that didn't appear in the books! That, and the fact I don't want any Mistborn as a playable character, or everyone will have Mistborn powers. Mistings are fine, though, and Terris people and hemalurgic "mistings" are, too.

3) Skaa plantations or villages. I believe thay should be a nice scenario for holding the RPG.

4) Terris people. Definitely.

5) Yes. I would like to know how exactly Atoum and Larasium are Ruin and Preservations's bodies, and whilst Preservation goes well with Larasium's effects, why Atium doesn't sound anything riuned.


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Re: [MISTBORN RPG] Your wish lists, please
« Reply #29 on: March 16, 2009, 08:50:15 PM »
* What's your favorite part/most anticipated element of a Mistborn RPG? (1)
* What are some character concepts you were hoping to play/see at the table? (2)
* What parts of the game world do you most want to see done "right"? (3)
* Are there aspects of the Mistborn setting you would like explored further, beyond what the books covered? (4)
* Are there any particular elements that you have a tough time visualizing or would like to see an artistic treatment of? (5)

1. Playing it! The creativity of being able to create and play all sorts of different characters?
2. Kandra are incredibly cool.
3. Powers. I'm hoping for a way to keep Mistborn, Mistings, and other characters balanced and realistic. (For instance, someone who spends all their time training their Mistborn powers may not be as knowledgable, diplomatic, or sneaky without their powers.) A simple battle system that doesn't bog down gameplay looking up endless technicalities and rolling endless dice would also be very helpful.
4. Yes--cities outside of Luthadel. Wouldn't it be fun to have a campaign in a yet-unexplored Dominance during the Collapse?
5. Art ideas... the inside of Luthadel keeps... Misting battles... Feruchemist feats... You could show a metalworker refining Allomantic metals.

Here's a quick idea: one hindrance for Mistborn and Mistings is that they need to buy their allomantic metals from a specialist, and they run out of pewter relatively quickly. OOC, they could have a pool of tokens representing their Pewter stores. The other metals tend to last long enough that they usually don't have to worry too much. They could flare their pewter by spending three tokens for double the strength (since flaring is less efficient).
"Yes," Elend said softly. "The law allows for you to change your vote, Lord Habren. You may only do so once, and must do so before the winner is declared. Everyone else has the same opportunity."
-- The Well of Ascension