Games > Role-Playing Games

Setting Ideas Contest

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What's the link?

And I'm not so sure it's a good thing. If I remember correctly, we never signed away creative ownership of these ideas--we just promised to do so if we won and Wizards paid us. If I'm not getting paid for my settings, I'd rather save them and use them for future novels. I suppose this doesn't prevent me from doing so, but I think it's pretty under-handed.

I don't think Morrus at ENworld is trying to be underhanded...most people just submitted their homebrew worlds and were never going to do anything else with them.  I think the database is a good idea and the contest  is alright.  

If you're planning on using your setting commecially, though, then putting it up for public display would indeed be a bad idea.

ENworld is at

IMO, it's the best 3E/d20 site on the net.  

Did anybody here ever find out the names or ideas of any of the winners?  Did they finally get a single winner?  I haven't heard anything on the topic for the longest time.

They've narrowed it down to the 3 (?) finalists.  Each has to submit a 100 page treatment on their world and I don't think they've hit the due date for that yet.

A lot of the ones who got eliminated in the last round shared a common theme of a "golden age"

Should be interesting to see what wins.  Well, hopefully it will be interesting to see what wins!

actualy they narrowed it down to 4.  they decided to add one more.  this happened about 3 or 4 weeks ago.  Now they have to write a 100pg manual describing the world.


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