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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #180 on: June 27, 2008, 09:09:19 PM »
thank you guys!

lol, Soryn, that was awesome.

And I really like Vin's skirt, Mr.Wednesday.  It's very graceful.  :)


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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #181 on: July 04, 2008, 02:31:11 AM »
You have a very odd style,
but it is aesthetic none the less.


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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #182 on: July 06, 2008, 12:54:39 PM »
Hey all,

I'm a big fan of the Mistborn books, and I love a lot of Sanderson's design descriptions enough to the point where they drive me to fanart. I hope this is the right thread for posting them (I've only skimmed the 13 pages of the thread so far, not read in detail, but if this thread is only for the OP's art just let me know. I don't want to be a threadjacker).

And feel free to crit as much as you please... I draw for a living, so I'm no stranger to it, and my skin is super-tough.

This is just a random Vin moment, from no place in particular in the books. I did want to try and get her design as close to Brandon's descriptions as I could, but I confess to relying on my unreliable memory for most of the details (aside from the mistcloak, which I actually looked up. Page 90 of the paperback edition describes it as being "made of hundreds of long, ribbon-like strips [...] sewn together at the chest and shoulders, but mostly they hung separate from one another, like overlapping streamers"). Her daggers are glass, her coinpouch is tied in such a way as to release from the belt if Pulled upon, and she wears trousers and a shirt and goes barefoot. I even put a couple tiny vials for metals (but I think I made up the gloves). Her hair is black, her build petite.

I think I got it all right, but it seems like this is the place to find out. Let me know what you think!


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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #183 on: July 06, 2008, 02:10:52 PM »
Rough sketch for Steel Inquisitors. I could not find (at least, on a couple quick skims) a description of their clothing, so I went on a bit of a tangent. All I can recall is that they wear robes, I think? Guess I didn't even get that part right, though...   ::)


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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #184 on: July 06, 2008, 05:50:30 PM »

As per the drawing of Vin, I noticed a few things.  1 - As far as I have come to notice there is no Ashfall at night, it is never mentioned in the book, and I believe many people on here have discussed the fact that it doesn't come at night.  2 - I know she is a Mistborn, but look at where her center of gravity would be. . . her positioning is quite odd in this picture and that makes it very hard to be believable. 3 - I know drawing in this style is very hard, and I was never very good at it, but why is her cloak black?

I would give it a 9/10 though, it is very well drawn, if it hadn't been for the inconsistencies I would have given it a 10.  (I'm sorry, I'm very critical.)

As per the Steel Inquisitor.  I don't actually remember if there was a description of their robes, but I've always imagined them differently.  Now however, I don't think I'll be able to imagine them in any way other than the way you have embodied them.  Excellent work.  The only thing that I found odd is the huge cuffs on the gloves.  I mean it looks amazing, but not sure I buy into that, but it is possible.

All in all, I'd have to give this one a 10/10.


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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #185 on: July 06, 2008, 06:49:16 PM »
wow ink that is really good, the folds on her clothes are nice plus i really like the gargoyle on the side of one of the buildings. Also that inquisitor is completely beast!!! i love the pose, cape, face expression, arms...also the symbol (is it steel?) he is wearing is cool.
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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #186 on: July 06, 2008, 08:09:35 PM »
Woah, nicely done!  They're both amazing!  (And I really love the vin one!)
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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #187 on: July 06, 2008, 09:23:33 PM »
I am now a huge fan of your work Ink :D I love them both, and the Vin one is probably my favorite of the two. I love the medium as well as the drawing. Well done :)


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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #188 on: July 06, 2008, 11:15:55 PM »
Thanks, folks! I'm glad you're digging it.


1 - As far as I have come to notice there is no Ashfall at night, it is never mentioned in the book, and I believe many people on here have discussed the fact that it doesn't come at night. 

I hadn't noticed, actually... but I counter with mists now coming during the day. It's weak, but I'll go with it. :D

Mostly I just wanted to include both ash and mist in the same drawing. All things considered, I wonder if mist would stretch up to the point that it obscures all but the uppermost towers of Luthadel anyhow. I can't recall if Sanderson ever said one way or another.

2 - I know she is a Mistborn, but look at where her center of gravity would be. . . her positioning is quite odd in this picture and that makes it very hard to be believable.

Ahhhhh... she's in mid-movement, just stepping but not standing on the spire? Nah... I got nothin'.  Mea maxima culpa. I went through a couple roughs with Vin standing in different ways, but decided on this because I liked the sense of motion.

3 - I know drawing in this style is very hard, and I was never very good at it, but why is her cloak black?

Ah, now this one I have a good answer for: because silhouettes are easier to deal with in B&W than hatch or pure contour. You can hide a world of sin in a silhouette, and part of my exercises in general lately involve seeing what I can do with solids rather than contours.

I would give it a 9/10 though, it is very well drawn, if it hadn't been for the inconsistencies I would have given it a 10.  (I'm sorry, I'm very critical.)

Pshaw. Ain't no needs to apologize. As I said, this is what I do... if I couldn't take the heat, I wouldn't scrub the pans.

As per the Steel Inquisitor.  I don't actually remember if there was a description of their robes, but I've always imagined them differently.  Now however, I don't think I'll be able to imagine them in any way other than the way you have embodied them.  Excellent work.  The only thing that I found odd is the huge cuffs on the gloves.  I mean it looks amazing, but not sure I buy into that, but it is possible.

All in all, I'd have to give this one a 10/10.

Thanks! The glove cuff honestly doesn't make much sense, except to make him look bulkier and heavier than ever. I originally had the wrist and bicep cuffs engraved with Allomantic symbols (like the symbol for "Steel" on his belt) but then realized that A)Inquisitors use Hemalurgy, not Allomancy and 2)wouldn't be smart to have big metal bracers on when fighting Allomancers.

On a second round (presuming I do another, which is almost certain since there's a new book coming out and I expect LOTS of Steel Inquisitors in it) I'll probably try something different with the costume. But the heads, the nails, the build... I'm happy with that, and I'll run with it until the canon tells me different.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 11:18:35 PM by Inkthinker »


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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #189 on: July 07, 2008, 12:48:18 AM »
All in all I like your art and your concepts though. Impressing me is a hard thing to do when it comes to art.  Ask my grandmother, she stopped taking me art shows.

The only thing I have to respond to is the (3) and I guess that it works.  It just confused me at first.  Ha Ha.

More drawings of yours would be much aspired for I would think.


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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #190 on: July 07, 2008, 04:44:10 PM »

Your drawings are the first on this thread to inspire me to comment.  I really like what you've done!

I actually like Vin's off-balance pose - like you said, it gives a sense of motion, and of the pewter-enhanced balance of a Mistborn.  Plus she's probably using Steelpushes and Ironpulls to stay up there.

At first I thought the city was flooded - I guess that's your depiction of the mists?  It looks like you see them as a fog, which settles low to the ground but can be surmounted; I was more under the impression that they continued up indefinitely into the sky and Mistborn were simply able to see through them.

I like Vin's appearance a lot, especially the way you've blended her hair with her mistcloak.  I also like the details of daggers and vials and coinpouch.  My one objection is that she strikes me as too curvy.  I pictured her having a more boyish figure.

The Inquisitors are perfect - scary while still more human than some of the outlandish monsters I've seen drawn.  I'm very glad you didn't draw their mouths open in a fanged snarl.  I've always pictured them as being the quiet, controlled, sinister kind of terrifying (like Myrdraal) instead of the rabid, feral kind of terrifying (like Trollocs), and I think you've captured that well.

Thanks for sharing some excellent drawings!
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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #191 on: July 07, 2008, 06:09:00 PM »
These are absolutely beautiful!
The sketches are great, I love what you did with the design for the inquisitors. They look so menacing!

As for the Vin picture, I have always loved that style (although I am terrible at doing solid light and shadow) and this makes me love it more! The outline of her face is amazingly well done, I love the expression. I also like her pose; it's perhaps my favorite part of the picture, because it captures a bit of her motion, almost falling (though we know she would control that), and then you have to scroll down to see the rest of the picture, emphasizing the movement, at least for me. :3
You did the clothing folds wonderfully, and I like how the ash reminds me of black snow, reminding me of its own eerie qualities.

I really hope you do more! ;)

P.S. Thanks Reaves, Ookla, and Obi for the comments on my doodles! ^^;
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 06:12:01 PM by Soryn »


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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #192 on: July 08, 2008, 06:40:20 AM »
The inquisitor was way cool Inkthinker, totally how I imagined them, good job!
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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #193 on: July 11, 2008, 04:11:26 AM »
Inkthinker, these are some of my favorite Mistborn renderings ever. I don't mind the off-center pose of Vin. As someone said, she is pushing and pulling on metal and maybe she's about to do a backflip or something. I love the Inquisitors too. The roughness of the sketch lends even more menace to them. I'd love to see more of your inkthinking. ;)
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Re: Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**
« Reply #194 on: July 16, 2008, 11:03:11 PM »
Sorry to sound redundant Inkthinker, but I love your picture of Vin, especially the pose, it looks almost casual, the way she's about to swing her back foot around and take off into the sky, and I agree with Sarah, I think the mist does reach into the sky, but cool effect nonetheless.  When I first saw it I thought it was during the day, I love the ashfalls by the way, they are just great, just great!
If your taking requests... do one of Kelsier, we don't get nearly enough of him!  Or the lord ruler, I'd be very interested to see your interpretation of him!
Keep them coming though, they are simply astoundingly amazing!!!!
Oh, and by Vin's hair length, I'd say this is later in the books, perhaps even book 2, and she'd be more mature, and have a less boyish figure by then I think, doesn't it say that in the books.
Anyways, you have some serious skill Inkthinker!
Oh, and are all you artist ok if we use your work for avatars, cuz it all rocks!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 11:31:13 PM by Comatose »
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