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Messages - CthulhuKefka

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 [43] 44 45 ... 47
Rants and Stuff / Re: These Stupid Titles VI
« on: September 12, 2008, 08:06:51 AM »
Hey, I'm no longer a dirty peasant. Apparently, I've showered and gotten a haircut and now am a "presentable peasant."  ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ruin and Preservation
« on: September 12, 2008, 08:00:43 AM »
I think I'll be sadder if he kills of Sazed than I was when he killed Kelsier, tbh. And unfortunately, Sazed's death could also serve sort of the same push Vin needs for something.  :(

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How long after HoA does the paperback come out?
« on: September 12, 2008, 07:58:33 AM »
Well, the Wiki for the WoT book has it slated for for an Autumn 2009 release, so November sounds about right. Then again, it is Wiki.  :D

I'd buy one for every single book he puts out.  :)

Leather bound is a really nice idea.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon's Book Tour
« on: September 12, 2008, 07:38:47 AM »
The eastern leg sucks! No representing for the southeast?

I'm hoping they plan to expand that up a good bit.

I agree, no Boston love.  :( However, I am eagerly awaiting sometime in the future when I can finally meet Mr. Sanderson and thank him for ruining my life with his awesome work!  ;)

Yeah but I think the Green Monster is Utopia so I dont need UtopiaGreen if you follow what I mean.

If you are referring to a certain, um, I dunno, "wall" that happens to be located in left field of a certain baseball park, then I'm right there with you.  ;D

Music / Re: What are you Listening to?
« on: September 12, 2008, 04:10:49 AM »
I saw Street Dogs last year at ShamRock Fest in Maryland and Dropkick Murphy's many years ago at the WBCN River Rave (back at the old Foxboro Stadium ;))

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Sarah Palin VP announcement
« on: September 12, 2008, 04:07:59 AM »
Oh?  Did you also smirk when Obama began blasting the McCain campaign for painting him as a muslim even though they didn't?  How about the guy who felt the need to coin the phrase "community organizer" as racist?  I hear so many people complain about how the media operates, and how they want someone to vote for that isn't a "career politician", but then most of those same people spew out catch-phrases and allegations they here from who?  The media!   The fact is people have become so enamoured with their party affiliation that they are unable to vote for anyone else, and thus only look for evidence to support their beliefs instead of being objective.  I may not agree with McCain and Palin on all of the issues, but at least they have shown that they will stand up to their own party and do what they feel is  right, even if it is unpopular with their political base.  I guarantee that you will never hear or see Obama or Biden go against their own party.

Whoa....I only smirked because it was refreshing to see someone calling someone else out on their BS. And for the record, I'm not even voting for Obama/Biden.

Actions speak louder than words, but sometimes words play just as big a part as actions. Ever since John McCain began overusing the P.O.W. card, he's left a vile taste in my mouth. Don't get me wrong, I fully respect him for his service to this country and the hell he went through as a P.O.W., but he's trying to make it seem like that qualifies him to be President. It doesn't.

McCain was a maverick back in 2000, but ever since he's sided with George Bush 90% of the time. That's not a lot of "going against his own party."

I'm terribly disappointed my candidate of choice didn't get nominated. Mike Gravel is one of the only "honest politicians" to ever have lived.

Rants and Stuff / Re: The Sarah Palin VP announcement
« on: September 11, 2008, 01:34:40 AM »

I have to admit though, I did smirk a bit when I heard Obama's response to the horrible media treatment. The guy calls it like it is.

It's like the McCain campaign is just reaching for something to swift-boat Obama on. It's like a kindergarten class! lol

McCain campaign/media: "OMG, Obama used a quote that's been used for years (included being used by McCain, Cheney, etc, etc) but since Palin used something similar in her RNC speech, he MUST be referring to her!!"

Obama: Wow, you are all dumb.  ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: To pass the time: Buy/Sell
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:45:15 PM »
 ;D Buy, but only because it is so random and funny.


In addition to the rutabaga, numerous other vegetables will play an key and important part in the quest to defeat Ruin.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn: The Retirement Years
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:36:33 PM »
Exactly! I don't think it would even be possible to regulate something like that.  :)

Or, if it was possible, it would be EXTREMELY difficult and probably not even worth the effort.

To put it in a democratic voting sense, how would one know if someone wasn't Soothing people to vote a certain way?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Does anyone still have Dragonsteel chapter 1
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:33:46 PM »
I'm in the same boat Shrain  ;D, but I think maybe my email address is too weird and annoying to look real.  :D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: To pass the time: Buy/Sell
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:27:58 PM »
Sell, but only because I hate Wolverine.


Hero of Ages will either have a cliffhanger ending or a Deathly Hollows'esque afterword.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Revenge of Grumpy Bear
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:26:28 PM »
Even though I can still be recalled and reactivated to active duty and sent to Iraq/Afghanistan, I'm not eligible for any military Tricare medical coverage. I'm in the Inactive Ready Reserves, which is like the regular Reserves, except I don't have to do the whole "one weekend a month, two weeks a year" thing.

Wish I had known this BEFORE I received my $2k+ hospital bill for a simple Staph infection.


Rants and Stuff / Re: The Sarah Palin VP announcement
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:22:52 PM »
The thing that really irks me is that all these petty personal attacks between candidates are so dumb. Seriously, it seems like the average Joe/Jane Q. Taxpayer is the only person during an election cycle that actually cares about the ISSUES, and not about some paltry personal attacks between the candidates.

I wish mainstream media would just stop focusing on things that don't matter.

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