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Messages - Shi

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Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: August 26, 2010, 09:51:48 PM »
Finished Mr. Monster by Dans Wells last night. So good! Beginning was a little slow, but once I hit the halfway point I had to read it all the way through. Good things I started reading it in the middle of the day, and not one of those "10 minutes before I go to bed".

It felt a little jarring to me that there was a Demon in the first book, but when the second book came out I was anticipating some sort of supernatural element--in fact, I probably wouldn't felt a little cheated if it didn't have them. It be like if Harry Potter suddenly decided not to use magic in book 4.

I agree with the others that if John had killed a human it would've pushed him over the edge. As it is he's horribly "addicted", I guess you can say, to killing. He needs to hunt Demon's because if he doesn't focus on them he has nothing else to cling to.

It's good to see you're still alive, Shi. :)

Thanks sortitus!

I wish I could get more people to read IANASK, but really most people I know either don't like to read or are very hardcore fantasy/sci-fi, and they're not gonna go for this horror/young adult-ish stuff (I have the british versions of the books, so I can't help but think of them as YA).

But someone saw me reading Mr. Monster yesterday and seemed intrigued. Hmmmm.

One directly, two indirectly. I read it and left it with my sister to read, but my brother and sister in law both read it as well. I'll steal the credit.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 25, 2010, 01:05:31 AM »
Way excited! Read the review for 'The Devil You Know' at Elitist book's and really wanted to read it. Right when I was about to walk out of the library book sale I found it! I know what I'm doing tomorrow.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 23, 2010, 07:00:48 AM »
Hey, thanks for all the suggestions! Yeah, I'll read books aimed at both guys and gals, so they all sound worth checking out. Looks like I have stuff to keep me busy for a while!

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:48:26 AM »
Finished reading Moonshine by Rob Thurman. Thought it was fun til the twist ending. Wft, how is anyone supposed to figure that out? Okay, so maybe figuring out wasn't the point, but if you're gonna set it up like a mystery/thriller, give me the satisfaction of at least being able to guess what'll happen. No scooby-doo moments, please!

On onto the next Cal Leandros book.

I'm kind of on an Urban Fantasy high. Any good suggestions? I've read Dresden, and Mercy Thompson (and right now Cal), along with a few others scattered here and there. Love to hear what others suggest.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: July 06, 2010, 10:28:25 PM »
Right now I'm reading Nightlife by Rob Thurman. It's kind of like Supernatural on crack, so I'm liking it.

Also reading Peeps by Westerfeld. Bought this book from a thrift store a while ago, and it mysteriously disappeared while I was reading it (this happens about once a year to me, call it a curse). After I searched the house twice, I finally swallowed my pride and bought a new copy. Anyway, excited to finally finish it.

There's a lot of beautiful writing in here, the way words and descriptions were pieced together had a nice poetic flow. Like in the first two paragraphs of the chapter one, I instantly felt like the city was a melting pot of cultures.

Also, the world created seems like it could be really unique. We have humans and gods-like creatures running around together like it's nothing new. There are people who can choose who they can worship and others who are forced into it. I found these things intriguing.

But I really have a problem with prologues. And I'll state right now that I've never liked prologues, it's not my thing, and I can think of only two books where I actually liked it. Though I know other people do like them, so take my view with a grain of salt. The problem I had is that the prologue felt so disconnected from the main story. I don't want to know what happened 3000 years before the actual story started, I'd rather learn about the event when I'm immersed in the story and care about the relevance of it to the characters. So to me, it came out more as a way to dump info than an interesting story. Then the story moves into a second prologue, and I felt even more disconnected from the book. I found the story much more interesting once it started following Kyrie.

In your writing, there were a few times the story would describe something about a character, and I wouldn't know who it was about. Mainly in the last scene, when Charon was watching Kyrie and Phyra, I thought, I never knew which character he was looking at or thinking about.

Anyway, I seems like you have a really interesting world set up, and the characters have my attention, but a good half of what I read was prologues, and you know, not my thing.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: June 17, 2010, 05:00:25 AM »
Finished White Cat by Holly Black. I must say, I wasn't expecting much since I really did not like Tithe, But the White Cat was really good.

Also finished Demon's Covenant by Sarah Rees Brennan, which was, sadly, disappointing. Could be because the book was from my least favorite character's point of view. But really, I think the book needed another draft to tighten it up, and it suffered from middle book syndrome, just setting up the final book.

I swear by The Demon's Lexicon though, best book evers.

And I'm halfway through The White Road by Lynn Flewelling.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: June 07, 2010, 10:14:45 AM »
Finished reading Small Favor by Jim Butcher recently. I love Harry, but now I'm scared because I'm onto the "dreaded" Turn Coat.

I'm currently reading The Demon's Covenant, by Sarah Rees Brennan. Who needs love triangles (though this book does have it) when you have brotherly love? Sibs rock!

Books / Re: anyone else get sleepy when they read?
« on: June 07, 2010, 10:07:26 AM »
I'm with Mack and Lord Terrisman, I get sleepy only when I stay up really late to read. But I guess that means reading keeps me up. :P

Dan Wells / Re: Official Fan Art Thread
« on: November 15, 2009, 09:05:25 AM »
Wait, why can't you blush?

Hmm, I'm half asian, so I think it was to do with my skin tone, or something. My face never turns red, no matter how embarassed I get.... the vampire explination is way cooler though!

Dan Wells / Re: Official Fan Art Thread
« on: November 14, 2009, 10:18:04 PM »
Hey, Shi. If you haven't already, check out Dan's website.

I did just the other day! Man, if it were physically possible for me to blush my face would be bright red, 'cause I'm so happy!

Dan Wells / Re: Official Fan Art Thread
« on: November 11, 2009, 10:03:06 PM »
It's very awesome.  You used Photoshop, correct?

Yup, I used Photoshop...CS (I can never remember which version I have). Oh, how I love photoshop.

And the book is awesome, well worth the wait!

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