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Comedy Images


this is for any funny pictures you come across online. i'll open with something spriggan told me to put up here after i showed him it  : a map of the world, according to america.

House of Mustard:
Lol.  Speaking of maps, I heard on NPR the other day that 10% of American high school students can't find the US on a map.  Not surprisingly, only 13% could find Iraq and even fewer could find Afghanistan.

Bwahaha, I shared that pic with all my coworkers. It's so true.

And I sincerely hope that statistic isn't entirely accurate. I mean, really, could american high schoolers get any dumber?

im always slightly suspicious of statistics like that - how do they genereate that number? maybe they just go to a dodgy catholic school in the bible belt and check there.

i read a brilliant book a while ago - "how to lie with statistics". They probably asked lots of small groups and then worked out the percentage for the lowest one, or the highest one depending how stupid these students actually are.


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