Alternate Realities > Endless Stars

Race Design

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I want races to be completely customizable and I figure I might take a page out of Civ III to do it.

Each race gets to pick from 2 qualities.  

Here are some examples of what I mean.  The rules aren't set in stone.

Religious:  Upkeep from Religious Sanctuary is reduced by 25%

Dedicated Scientists: Bonus to tech rolls?

Biomass Assimilating (ie Zerg): Begin with Organic Industry Tech

Telepathic Link: +1 Max Morale to each colony.

Unscrupulous: Bonus to Intel

Please add suggestions...

What about one race has a +Y when being attacked by x type attacker.  X could be a type of unit, or an enemy race.  Also you could do a race with +Y when attacking x.  get the idea?

That will be handled more by technology than races, Legion.  Since each player basically designs his own race, you couldn't have a +X vs. race.  

However, once you meet the enemy and see what kind of ships and weapons he's using, you could use your tech to design counters to them.  Or, at least, that's the goal.

but if you make that quilities it could work, just not the +X against a certain race, but you could do is

Anti-Air (quility) gives defense bonus to any land troops that are attacked by the air....also works the other way too.

But race qualities need to be a bit more broad than that.  It's a measure of the culture of the populace you govern.  Are they industrious? religious? etc?  If so, they get that bonus.

Along you line of thinking, we could give a racial beneift that applies to the military, either bases, supplies, upkeep, or costs.  We have to hash out a combat system before we can do so though.


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