Local Authors > Howard Tayler

Which cow are you going to kill?


At the end of http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20090212.html

When you make breakfast, are you going to kill off:
1. Holy cow!
2. More bull
3. Sacred cow

or some other flavor?
Enquiring minds want to know!

Howard Tayler:
I'm going to kill a cow AND a pig, thank you. Where's that option? I want bacon-wrapped tenderloin next to my eggs.

One cow and pig with commitment, one chicken with involvement.

Hey, can I get biscuits with red-eye gravy?

Since you have the pig for bacon anyway, why not add some sausage, biscuits and marmalade to that fancy breakfast? Don't forget to milk that mooker before you wacker for the butter (biscuits without butter??  :P).


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