Local Authors > Howard Tayler

What's So Great About Schlock Mercenary?

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So. Why should I read your comics? I've never really been big on comics or cartoons, unless you count Calvin and Hobbes in fifth grade  :P Why should I start now? What's your pull?

Basically, what's so great about Schlock Mercenary?

Other people besides Howard feel free to chime in too  :P  Just tell me why I should be interested  :D

Howard Tayler:
Epic space opera, told four panels at a time.

There's the pitch. :-)

somehow I knew you would give a short answer...  :P

Its like if Battlestar Galactica and mystery science theater 3000 had a baby and then that baby hooked up with a pile of green goo.


--- Quote from: bhthomas on February 09, 2009, 07:48:45 PM ---Its like if Battlestar Galactica and mystery science theater 3000 had a baby and then that baby hooked up with a pile of green goo.

--- End quote ---

I'm sold.


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