Local Authors > Howard Tayler

Foreshadowing for the long stretch?


Hum - is Dec. 19 to Feb. 3 too long for a foreshadowing "we're getting ahead of ourselves" bit?

See the note on http://www.schlockmercenary.com/d/20081219.html

Although I have to admit, I vaguely remembered it. And found it without too much trouble.

Because it's a daly strip, there's a lot of foreshadowning I don't remember.

Um, yeah.  That's foreshadowing, all right.  I've never really thought before how tight the plotting would have to be to pull together a sequence like this, but yeah.  It's working right now.

Howard Tayler:
I'm glad you're enjoying it. This piece needed to be foreshadowed for 'Chelle's arrival to seem more heroic, and to build tension.

As should be clear now (as of this writing, at any rate) both Legs and 'Chelle live. Yay!


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