Author Topic: 1/12/09 Crystalheart: Chapter Four  (Read 1649 times)


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1/12/09 Crystalheart: Chapter Four
« on: January 12, 2009, 11:40:50 PM »
Wow, we are truly drowning in submissions this week. Anyway, if you do make your way to this topic I want to thank you for once again giving me your thoughts and impressions! Specifically, I have questions about pacing. Too fast? (not likely.) Too slow?
Also, what about Ilis? Just tell me your general ideas about her, her characterization, etc.
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!


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Re: 1/12/09 Crystalheart: Chapter Four
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2009, 01:22:28 AM »
Yeah, that was what I was just thinking (about the submissions) but I thought some of the others might appreciate a break to catch up, and I have had several interesting/frustrating things happen related to my story this week that you probably don't care about, but it may change/delay my submissions go for awhile.... Anyway, must get my Chrystalheart update, so here we go!

Thoughts while Reading:
Aw... you mean the crystal didn't work? :(, though I suppose it is too early in the story to start fixing things...

Okay, I can see this could be important stuff, but it is a pretty good chunk of sitting around thinking and something has to be happening to break it up. I don't know what would specifically do to help with that, except, maybe get the poor guy a friend/henchman he can talk some of this stuff over with?

Eating breakfast is not important. We all do it, and no one needs it spelled out for them until you have it in the background of something else.

Loved the image of him running and startling the poor maid, but maybe you could break up some of the infodump on Grutner, by giving us some of his dialogue/actions to characterize him further?

Yea! He has someone to talk to!

Some nit picky thing I noticed a few times: an action, though it can be used in place of a tag, is not a tag and needs its own sentence for the most part. Like this one:
"I had hoped to find it myself, but it appears I was too late," he smiled ruefully.
Either say 'He smiled ruefully.' or 'he said smiling ruefully.'

Wait, Aermyst says he needs to go, and it is Tristan that leaves? I suppose it could happen, but I thought I would point it out....

Not too much to say about the sword talk... most of it goes over my head so all I can do is smile and nod and hope you know what you are talking about, but good work anyway....

Not seeing any real significants to the sunset except to say that Tristan is just weird/creepy...

Ilis seems a little out of the blue. I mean, I know that we met her once before but she kinda got buried with all the other shop people we met and for her to show up in a scene that does little other than hint that their could be an attraction there seems a little funny.... But hey, its a nice enough scene and I like it.

Overall impression:
There are lots of things to like and little things that made me smile in these sections, but I kinda get the impression in this and the last one that he is wandering around aimlessly and all his thoughts/encounters are kind of random. Is there a way you could emphasize a few more of the character goals and make the more significant stuff stand out more? Try to skimp through the mundane (like breakfast and thinking points) and give him a few mini missions and things to interact with while we worry about the 'big problem.'

Good work! :)
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Re: 1/12/09 Crystalheart: Chapter Four
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2009, 02:57:31 AM »
Ilis seems a little out of the blue. I mean, I know that we met her once before but she kinda got buried with all the other shop people we met and for her to show up in a scene that does little other than hint that their could be an attraction there seems a little funny.... But hey, its a nice enough scene and I like it.

I agree with frog on this one.  Maybe having Aermyst think about seeing her sometime?

"He stepped out of the dark smithery…"

I think that it would still be called a smithy.  Though I could be wrong.

"Fighting over crystals in the ruins was one thing, fighting in a city was something quite different."

I think I see the point you are trying to get across.  I would suggest making your MC a little more clear on just why he wants to avoid other crystalhearts though.  I think its because of embarrassment/shame (mainly), but also a little fear.  At this moment it seems like its more 50/50, but leaning more toward fear.  On the other hand, this could be what you’re going for.

"Tristan. Who is he? He was probably the strangest person Aermyst had ever met.  It seemed to fit him, staring at the sun like a pining puppy. "

Fit who?  Tristan or Aermyst?

All in all I love this story.  And like Frog I was disappointed that he didn't get his heart back already.  But I'm root'in for 'im. :D
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Re: 1/12/09 Crystalheart: Chapter Four
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2009, 03:22:47 AM »
Most of these things I was already afraid of, as far as his encounters seeming random, relationship with Ilis, etc.

The sword thing I'm probably gonna edit out...because really, I just made all that crap up :P And it really doesn't seem like the sort of thing that you can just google. Although I did google Really Big Swords, so the part about using Really Big Swords against cavalry is accurate.

As for Gurtner, I really just needed some way to get Aermyst into the library...and seeing that he is on a quest to save his soul, reading is not a top priority for him.

Next chapter though he starts getting a bit more proactive in trying to hunt down the silver-haired man.

The stuff that is really gold for me are the general impressions of what works and what doesn't: your overall feelings of the chapter.

Tristan is supposed to be a romantic; not in the romance sense of the word but that do you say it? Art, poetry, drama, things like that. Any ideas on how to flesh that out a bit? Because he is really a rather important begin to find out why around chapter 8.
Thanks for the comments guys, these are really helpful!!
Quote from: VegasDev
RJF: "AHA! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Cairhien, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a warder when he is only the distraction! Get him Rand! Buzzzzzzz!


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Re: 1/12/09 Crystalheart: Chapter Four
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2009, 03:40:46 AM »
The sword thing I'm probably gonna edit out...because really, I just made all that crap up :P And it really doesn't seem like the sort of thing that you can just google. Although I did google Really Big Swords, so the part about using Really Big Swords against cavalry is accurate.

While I didn't really agree with the sword styles being only for practice thing, the sword smith was an interesting character.  Since your MC seems to like a katana-like weapon; you could google or wiki that.  Japanese sword forms and the like.  I had a book that went over that, and you had at least made it sound plausible, so it could still work.

Tristan is supposed to be a romantic; not in the romance sense of the word but that do you say it? Art, poetry, drama, things like that. Any ideas on how to flesh that out a bit? Because he is really a rather important begin to find out why around chapter 8.

I guess it all depends on how you want him portrayed.  Creepy, weird, or just plain crazy.  Or do you want him to be more of a Renaissance man?  If you want him to be crazy, or weird, or creepy, then just add some attributes that help with that.  But if you want him to be a Renaissance type, then you could comment on how in fashion his clothes are, or his exotic weapon of choice.  I don't know why, and it might be cliche, but a hat with a feather in it might help as well. ;D
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Re: 1/12/09 Crystalheart: Chapter Four
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2009, 08:08:50 PM »
page 1...  Big info dump about the Sacramency.   Consider thinning that out and revealing the info in more interesting and motivated scenes.

page 3...
Something about this whole conversation struck Aermyst as...odd.

*snark*  That makes two of us.  ;-)

It does flow awkwardly. Why would Tristian be looking for that book if he already had it memorized?  And if he wanted it, why did he refuse it when Aermyst offered it to him?  Lots of mixed up motivations here.

More generally, a lot of the dialogue felt forced in this chapter. Both with Tristian and the blacksmith in the next scene.  Both of these conversations have messages in there that you want to deliver, but those messages appear to be lost in the awkward beats.  (Believe me, I struggle with this too!)  Consider outlining these scenes: for each one, list out what each person knows, what they are hiding, and what they are willing to reveal. Most importantly, list out their motivations. For example, WHY does Tristian even bother to share all that info with Aermyst? You don't need to tell the reader, but you need to know why.  A normal person would just say "May I see that book when you're done?" Motivation. Motivation. Motivation. :)

(Can you tell I'm a film guy? LOL)

BTW - the scene with the blacksmith was great. It reminded me a lot of that chapter in the first Harry Potter where he goes to get his wand.  The most important part of that scene is where he gets the tips on fighting Sephiroth.  (err.... Silver Haired Man).  I also like you directly address the impracticality of a sword that's 7 feet long. :P

The scent of fish was everywhere; Hallastan was built on the shores of the Ened Sharnen, the great lake fed by the Dule. Its main source of food was derived from that water, as the arid desert allowed little farming. To the north there were pastures suitable for raising animals and the lands closest to the Dule were good for cultivation but there was little else.

Finally, some info on how the city functions on the edge of the desert.  Consider putting this in the previous chapter. (See my notes from ch 3)

The two halves of the city were seperated by a canal, into which the entire city threw its refuse.

World building note:  why would a city on the edge of a desert... probably one that values water a great deal... throw its waste into the river?

Also, in the notes for chapter 3, I challenged you about having all this water randomly in the middle of a desert. Your reply was that it was similar to the Nile.  (Touche!)   You make a great point. Still, I suggest you do your homework here and make sure your geology is sound. It may fool folks like me who haven't studied geological science since high school, but some day you may have a geologist reading your books and you may want to at least have some reasoning for things.   Plus, I suspect that by doing research, you'll find a plethora of ideas for other things going on in the city. 

pg 6...
The figure shoved its way through the masses of people, sprinting away. Aermyst squinted in the growing darkness, then dashed after the figure, dodging passers-by and slipping between knots of people. He had a feeling that he knew that figure.

Small suggestion here.  You show Aermyst taking action BEFORE we know why.  The way it reads now, we have no idea why he takes off, until after he's done so.  If you put that last sentence ("He had a feeling...") before saying that he runs, you give the reader a chance to make the same decision as Aermyst.  You give them a chance to connect with him.   Does that make sense?    That way, the reader thinks "Oh, he knows that guy possibly. Let's chase him and find out!" Then ... BAM, Aermyst takes off.   Also, his taking off after the dude also becomes motivated.     It's a small distinction, and I hope my point is clear.

The last scene with Ilis was nice.  I enjoyed reading somebody else's POV, and, I admit, a little surprised that she came back into the story.  I like how we get into her head and see things from a new perspective.  Three things stood out to me:  1) Everything she thought of revolved around her attraction to the protagonist  2) I didn't feel as though there was sufficient motivation for Aermyst to give her a romantic gift.  It almost seems like we missed a scene earlier where they had a second chance to build a relationship.   And 3)   This line: 
"You are one of the most insufferable men I have ever met!"
  reeks so heavily of Nynaeve from The Wheel of Time that it made me laugh out loud.  :)

Looking forward to chapter 5!

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Re: 1/12/09 Crystalheart: Chapter Four
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2009, 08:19:55 PM »
Most of these things I was already afraid of, as far as his encounters seeming random, relationship with Ilis, etc.

The chapter didn't feel like a waste to me.  You introduced an interesting new character (Tristian), helped evolve a mystery (how to fight the Silver haired man), and started a new mystery:  What is Tristian doing with his sun-gazing?

Two suggestions that would make the chapter feel tighter perhaps: 
1) Let the reader know in advance what Aermyst is up to.  What's on his "To Do" list today?  Give him a set of tasks, and work out with the reader how those things are going to get solved.

2) Conflict.  Add some.  Maybe he has not enough money to buy the sword.  Maybe his chase through the city is more elaborate, and at the last minute he has to choose:  does he somehow expose himself as an ex-Crystal heart? Or let Tristian get away?

They're just suggestions, but I do see some good potential for this chapter.

That said... we need some explosions (physical or emotional) next chapter. hehehe
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