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Farscape official cancled!

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Ya i didn't beleave it myself but according to the producer and Ben Browder (chrition) they're tearing up the sets this week.

you have to scroll through some stuff about who the SCIFI ceo's are before you get to the news.

After the last episodes air in January, the critically acclaimed Sci Fi series Farscape will be no more. Sci-Fi has decided to opt out of Season 5 and cancel the series. The executive producer David Kemper and series star Ben Browder (Commander John Crichton) entered the official Sci Fi chatroom and announced this earlier tonight. As Ben put it, "They're taking a chainsaw to Moya next week" meaning that the sets are scheduled to be destroyed within a matter of days. "

here's the scifi link:

I don't really know what TV executives are thinking. TNT decided to cancel Witchblade even though it has great ratings. Showtime decided to cancel Stargate:SG1 which was fortunately picked up by SciFi where it's ratings improved. Now SciFi is canceling Farscape which is one of its top performers. Of course, all of these shows are canceled so that they can make room for new shows. I guess, TV networks have a severe case of "bird in the bush" syndrome.

according to SCIFI they don't want to cancel Farscape but the companie that ownes it (Verdi int) dosen't like the cost of the show (it's rateings aren't high enough for the show).  Also they want to spend more on SG-1 so getting rid of farscape will allow for more money to be spent.  But fans have been harassing execs and SCIFI's phones crashed monday and all voice mail were full of complaints.  It appears that most people are telling SCIFI that if they cancel Farscape then they'll stop watching SCIFI.  Besides MST3k reruns there's nothing besides farscape worth watching.

With that last statement I heartily agree.

Well, that is very sad, but the sadder truth is that basic cable companies just don't have very much money. If the company actually producing Farscape pulls out, there's nothing SciFi can do about it.

Still, I hope I'll be able to catch Season 4 reruns somewhere. The last season cliffhanger I saw is still just killing me.


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