Author Topic: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker  (Read 7991 times)


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I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« on: June 10, 2009, 12:47:49 AM »
I have to say I'm impressed with his blog and the way he's handled the release of Warbreaker.  I don't follow the blog religiously, and honestly didn't know he had a book about to be released, but as soon as I read his post on Warbreaker I printed out my Border's coupon and walked over to the store and bought it.  I didn't read any of the book  online to see whether I might like it,  but I figure I haven't read a bad Sanderson book yet.  That, combined with his well written post respectfully suggesting people to buy the book if they like it, struck me as exactly the right kind of thing to say to win people's respect.

I also really like the idea of showing people the writing process and releasing the book electronically for free. I think it shows a level of respect for his fans in trusting them to buy the book if they want to support him. If they think it sucks, and don't want to support him, well then they got to read something for free and it didn't cost Brandon anything.  I can't really say if this will make Brandon more money or not, but from a consumer's point of view, I love it.


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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2009, 06:29:46 PM »
I love it too.  And honestly, I didn't even read the free online copy.  But just knowing it was available makes me want to buy the book.  At least in hardback.  I have all his books, but I usually get it from the library and wait for paperback to buy it.


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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2009, 01:54:18 AM »
Yes, I was very impressed by Brandon making the book freely available.  I've long been partial to the Creative Commons philosophy, and am just generally thrilled to see experimentation with the new dynamics and possibilities of the "information age".  (Brandon's annotations are another example of this.)  I'm especially impressed that Brandon would experiment with something so important to his career -- that took courage, and more than a little trust in his readers and fans.

I'm another one who didn't read the book online, despite being tempted from time to time.  I did make a point of buying the hardcover the day it was released, something I don't think I've ever done before.  I really hope the book sells well -- if it doesn't, I worry that Tor (and the rest of the publishing world) may come to see experimentation of this sort as a threat.


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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 04:24:37 AM »
I'll throw in my two cents:
I think releasing the book online was a good move. I read it, found it great and now intend to buy it as soon as I get some money (poor college student getting married leaves little room for books, sadly). I really enjoyed the Mistborn trilogy (currently, I think it is my favorite series) and Elantris. When I discovered that Mr. Sanderson was releasing Warbreaker as he wrote it, my respect for him increased greatly. In a time when copyrights are a subject of huge debate and publishing companies are yelling about piracy, Mr. Sanderson has the respect for his  fans to release his work into the public with no guarantee of return. I'm sold on buying his books from now one (unless something horrid happens to his writing  ;)).

I haven't seen any figures for how Warbreaker is selling, but I hope its doing well. I have bough copies of all the other books, and I will get Warbreaker too as soon as I can.

Can't wait for WoT and The Way of Kings.

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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2009, 06:33:13 AM »
Brandon posted on Twitter today about Warbreaker! "Warbreaker is #24 on the NYT hardcover fiction list. Woohoo! Thank you all for being awesome." Woohoo!
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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2009, 07:40:19 PM »
Personally i think that him realising it online for free was a bad idea that probabally hurt sales. he should of put sample chapters up


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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2009, 08:14:17 PM »
I wonder if putting on Kindle for free would have been a good or bad thing. People who read on Kindle might not by the print copy, but how many people have Kindle? (or whichever e-reader.)


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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2009, 11:22:07 PM »
Maybe this is just me, and i'm still not sure why it bugs me so much but the tiny little "a Sci-fi Essentials" book thing kinda screwed up the whole cover. It's probably just me sorry for my randomness, but thats what i think.
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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2009, 04:54:58 AM »
Personally i think that him realising it online for free was a bad idea that probabally hurt sales. he should of put sample chapters up

I've yet to hear from a single person who's read it online, enjoyed it, and not bought the book. Maybe I talk to incredibly honest people or something, but that's my experience. I'll be joining them once it finds its way into a bookstore here.


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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2009, 05:49:20 AM »
I'll be honest ... I read it on line and loved it. And promptly figured I would be waiting until it comes out in paperback to purchase it. I buy very, very few hardcover books ... I just can't afford them. I'm too poor for hardcovers most of the time.

But today I got an $85 amazon gift certificate from amazon. I have no idea why (my web site usually sells about $7 or $8 a month, I have no idea where $85 came from), but I will not object. Among the things ordered, HC Scrivner's, HC Warbreaker, plus the third Alcatraz and the Wheel of Time book.

Which means, once these arrive (a couple will obviously take a few months) I will have all of Brandon's books. Cool.

And I heartily approve of the Warbreaker on-line version. I think it will help bring more people to his materials. It took me less than a month between reading the first book of his that I picked up, and reaching a point where I have everything that has been published either read, or on order.

(Now if I can just talk him into sharing the early drafts of the Scribbler story that looks so cool!)

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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2009, 06:14:18 AM »
(Now if I can just talk him into sharing the early drafts of the Scribbler story that looks so cool!)

Have you read Scribbler?
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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2009, 06:32:05 AM »
There was a sample chapter or two online somewhere (either his web site, or in the forum here) that I read. It convinced me that I was desperate to read the rest of it.

I know from messages I have read here that there are others here who have read them. I read something (again, either here or on the web site) that indicated more or less "ask and ye shall receive," but then read something else that kind of indicated that 'ask and ye shall receive' was only for the original members of the forum, who have a whole lot of history with Brandon.

So I will continue asking, occasionally, but won't be all that confident that I shall receive. <ggg>

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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2009, 07:51:02 AM »
I'm not an original member, and I've only met Brandon once....Needless to say, Scribbler was fantastic. Read it one sitting, when I really should've been working on homework for finals the next week...

Basically, just ask really nicely. Odds are, you'll get it. Of course, it may take a while. Last I heard, Brandon was WAY behind on his e-mail (through his site).
« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 07:54:35 AM by little wilson »
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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2009, 09:59:18 AM »
With the amount he has on his plate, I can understand being behind on e-mail. I will continue to wait, and hope I eventually see it ... or that it gets rewritten and published.

(I'm still considering trying to do the whole inter-library loan thing.  ;D )

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Re: I like Sanderson's marketing strategy w/Warbreaker
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2009, 02:03:41 PM »
I would never have read any sandersen books if it wasnt for the warbreaker ebook. now I buy them all without worrying if they gonna be good... loved all his work so far