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Official Fan Art Thread **Don't create new threads**

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Wow.  Must say that I'm impressed with that second one as well.  (Though you're right, the one you replaced is a bit awkward with the way the head looks.)  Still, that's a very nice interpretation of the mistcloak. 

What scene would I most like to see drawn.  Hum...  I'd have to say:

1)  Kelsier and the Lord Ruler, facing off in the Square of the Survivor, ash in the sky, surrounded by quiet soldiers and rebels.

2)  Vin shattering the stained glass window in the Lord Ruler's palace near the end, mist curling around her, darkness beyond. 

I'm currently working on a version of Kelsier, seeing if I like it or not. Those are really dynamic scenes, I'll definitely try.

Thanks, -blushes- I'm glad you like my artwork. ^.^ Though I'm a bit confused on the clothing in the Mistborn Setting, with the noblemen suits and all. If anyone would like to clarify this for me, that would be awesome.

Arigatou!~ ^.^

Mistborn setting is loosely pre industrial England for clothing styles.  Early 1800s, particularly for the men, though few of the men wear hats.  (Breeze puts one on occasionally, but he's one of the few I mention.)  Kelsier would usually have worn a buttoning shirt and pressed trousers, then.

So would there be the high boots? I'm thinking pantaloons for some reason, ignore that. Alright, thanks, ^.^

That helps alot, I'll check that out and hopefully, it'll come out alright. And I hope you're considering Mistborn to be more of an animated film (well, I'd prefer series so there would just be three arc according to the books, and tehrefore you could stay true to the books...better...ish...) than a motion picture.

-grins evully-

Well, I'm off to draw.

Mistborn: Sketch: Kelsier Prototype

Hope you like, very sketch-like...like the rest of them. Please comment on what to change or what to keep, I would really appreciate some help so I could eventually get these to be more and more accurate.

Also, I have more of an Idea what the suit are supposed to be, so would the women's clothing be from the era? The corsets don't seem as prominent though.



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