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Messages - hubay

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Reading Excuses / January 24 – Hubay, Lord Domestic Ch4
« on: January 25, 2011, 12:12:51 AM »
Here you go, sorry for the wait. I'm pretty pleased with this chapter overall, but I have two things I was hoping to get feedback on – is the description of the Medusi clear? And I resolve the first main character crisis with Jhuz in this chapter, and I was wondering if anyone thinks I should have drawn it out a little longer. Anyways:

Hubay – Lord Domestic Ch. 4 (L,V, S – if you know Latin) 3900 words

Summary – after a heavy defeat to a barbarian army, the Imperial Legion is on the run in forest. They have made camp on the edge of a river, and the Standard Jhuz is still feeling guilty over his 'cowardice' in the first battle.

Ch 4 – a messenger from Matisu brings ill-timed news, the barbarians attack again, and we meet our first barbarian.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 22, 2011, 05:07:49 AM »
Welp, I'm ready for another go

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Soulcasting too powerful!
« on: January 16, 2011, 07:31:45 PM »
it might be overpowered economically, in that enough trained soulcasters could run a lot of other businesses into the ground via overproduction. but i think that might be limited by the scarcity of fabrials and gems

foodwise, at least, it allows the world to have a higher population then it naturally could support

Reading Excuses / January 10 – Hubay – Lord Domestic Ch3
« on: January 10, 2011, 05:49:21 PM »
Lord Domestic – Chapter 3 – 3000 words (L,V)

Ch 1 – Jhuz, the eagle-mejj Standard of the Imperial Legion, is forbidden to fight because of his station. instead, he's forced to watch as his army is slaughtered by invading barbarians and the supernatural Chell.

Ch 2 – Jhuz interacts with other officers, and is called to a council of war.

Ch 3 – We meet the Jackal, see rations cut, and Jhuz works as a human target for Zaisha.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 08, 2011, 06:52:04 PM »
I've got my next one ready as  well.

Like akoebel  said, there's a lot going on in this chapter. You do a pretty good job making the scenes feel intense, and keeping everything flowing along, but I think as a whole the chapter feels too condensed. At the beggining you have the whole deal with the Red Beast, then there's the trial, then there's the whole battle with the witches. at the very least, you should put in a line break between sections, but I think the whole chapter might do better if it was split in two.

Your description of the Red Beast sounds confusing. I'm guessing that's sort of the point, but saying "twenty-four orbs floated around it, only eight of them were visible," doesn't really make sense. How does karemoth know there are 24, if he can only see 8 – previous experience? If that's the case you should probably indicate it, maybe say instead "though he knew 24 blue orbs circled the demon, right now only eight showed."

when you show the "voices" of the demon, near the begining, the first thing I think of is the Black Wind from WoT . The Wind's voice was presented in one constant stream in one paragraph, and i think as a result it was a lot creepier. the way you've written the voices seems choppy, and it reduces some of the impact of what should be pretty strong statements. I'm not saying you should just copy Jordan's format, but you might want to work on that so its more powerful.

I haven't read your previous drafts, so I'm interested to learn more about the witches, and how different their world is from karemoth's.

Reading Excuses / Re: December 27, 2010. Hubay – Lord Domestic, Ch 2
« on: December 28, 2010, 09:03:35 PM »
akoebel – he actually gives the permission fairly early in the chapter, before the attack. I figured that way readers would shove it to the back of their mind and than be about as startled as Jhuz when Ezlio mentions it. And I'll try to work a description about grafting into a later chapter. Here Jhuz just summoned an eagle using commejj.

LTU, you bring up some good points about the discipline again. I can explain some of that away by saying yes, Jhuz could reprimand most of the people who've been messing with him, but he won't because he's convinced himself he really is a coward, and he also thinks it would just make matters worse. Also, Gaitu has been telling the other officers to goad him into fighting again; Ezlio isn't really a lesser officer because he's sort of on loan from the emperor.

I always feel wrong explaining things away on here though, cuz it's kind of pointless unless i get the information into the story for normal readers. I do talk about some of that in future chapters, though..

Reading Excuses / December 27, 2010. Hubay – Lord Domestic, Ch 2
« on: December 27, 2010, 08:33:10 PM »
Here you go – someone made a comment about swearing in my last chapter, and while I think its likely that group of soldiers would be swearing at least once a sentence, I decided it might feel better to use non-modern swear words. So I did some haphazard research and came up with some pseudo-latin profanity. Let me know what you think.

Lord Domestic, Ch 2 – 3000 words, L, V

Ch1 summary:
Jhuz, the human Standard of the imperial legion, watches as the army engages with a barbarian enemy. in the middle of the battle, the supernatural Chell attack, and the legion is routed. Jhuz's commander, Prefect Gaitu, is wounded in an attack by the harpylike flyers from the barbarian enemy.

we see the affects on morale in the camp the night after the battle. A council of war is called, and Ezlio has some words with Jhuz.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: December 26, 2010, 08:25:23 PM »
Sorry, forgot to post this sooner cuz of christmas and all, but I was planning to post the next chapter tomorrow.

Reading Excuses / Re: December 20, 2010. Hubay – Lord Domestic Chapter 1
« on: December 23, 2010, 07:37:23 PM »
haha, alright, I might have to reword that a little bit then. there isn't an entire bird sitting on his shoulder. Just birdskin and feathers. I'm planning on going into a little more in-depth on that in a later chapter, but next draft I'll remember to make that less confusing.

Reading Excuses / Re: December 20, 2010. Hubay – Lord Domestic Chapter 1
« on: December 21, 2010, 03:34:52 AM »
Ohhhh right. See, now that was my inspiration, but my xmen experience is sort of limited to the tv series xmen evolution. The way I see him fighting came from watching "spike," who never got that nickname but sounds just like marrow.  I think they wanted to update him for a younger audience or something. Glad you picked up on it, then.

Reading Excuses / Re: December 20, 2010. Hubay – Lord Domestic Chapter 1
« on: December 21, 2010, 03:00:01 AM »
hm, good points with the phalanx and all. I mean, that's partly because the legion has gotten into some bad habits over the years, but I still need to figure out the whole strategy/logistics of the army.
Oh yeah, and the "Marrow," reference in the guy with the spikes was nice.

I have to say, I'm a little embarrassed but it must just be a weird coincidence – I have no idea what you're talking about. What do you mean?

Reading Excuses / December 20, 2010. Hubay – Lord Domestic Chapter 1
« on: December 20, 2010, 08:53:43 PM »
Hey everyone, happy the forum's back up. As I said before, I'm taking a break from the book I had been submitting, to put in my nano-book while it's fresh in my mind. I'm also submitting it in doc and docx so everyone can read it.

I don't know if this is kosher, but I thought I would put in a brief explanation of the magic in my book; i tease it out over the first three chapters, but I figured if I tell you all now it will minimize confusion. Everyone in  my world has a familiar. Men are faunimejj, and take animals, and women are florimejj with plants. There are four ways a mejj takes power from a familiar. Commejj can speak to that kind of plant or animal, Dommejj can command them. Manimejj can alter the physiology of that type of animal or plant, usually to heal it. Potemejj, generall the most "magical" of the four, can draw a sort of power that reflects their familiar's nature – a bird-mejj could fly, an aloe-mejj can heal others. Ommejj can use all four powers. They're fairly rare and tend to be in the upper echelons of society.

Anyways I don't have a title yet, but for the sake of reference you can call my book "Lord Domestic"

Chapter 1 – 3600 word. L, V

We meet our protagonist, Jhuz, the eagle-mejj Standard of the Imperial Legion. The Legion is about to engage with a barbarian army who fight with bizarre flying mejj. Jhuz himself would make an excellent warrior in the Airborne, but as the Standard he is forbidden to fight.

If I was to sum my book up in one go, I would describe it as a magical Fall of Rome, but there's more to it than that. Enjoy, and don't hold back the criticism.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: December 17, 2010, 08:03:45 AM »
Aaaaand I'm back! I kept forgetting to use the temporary forum, but I was doing nanowrimo the whole time so I suppose it doesn't matter. Anyways, I'd like to submit the first chapter of my nano story on monday, taking a bit of a break from the story I'd been submitting up to this point.

Reading Excuses / Re: NaNoWriMo
« on: October 15, 2010, 09:10:15 PM »
I don't know, I was planning on staying with Fathers of Gods. I know it's going to be longer than 50k, so i figured I can just plow through it anyways and use NaNo as an excuse to work harder.

Or is that a bad idea?

Either way, If anyone else is interested, I wouldn't mind trading Nano's – half-formed or finished – once December rolls around to help each other edit.

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