Timewaster's Guide Archive

General => Rants and Stuff => Topic started by: Mad Dr Jeffe on June 27, 2004, 11:24:31 AM

Title: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on June 27, 2004, 11:24:31 AM
One of these days I'll win the lotto. When I do I plan to buy vintage Grumman Albatross like this one http://www.vickivt.com/vicki/v00194.htm and turn it into a flying houseboat of sorts. Adding a lot of cool goodies, like good superflatscreen tv and some sort of satellite internet connectivity and a good hammock of course!
Yeah that'd be the life. What would you buy with hypothetical lotto proceeds?
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: GorgonlaVacaTremendo on June 27, 2004, 12:17:49 PM
I would save 50% in accounts at seperate banks.  A penny saved is a penny earned.  

30% would go into investment, producing movies, as to help me break into the industry and start a career.

15% I would make a scholarship program based on intelligence as compared to grades.  If you rank in the top so-in-so percent of the country on my standerdized IQ test, I give you a boost or a free ride for college

5% goes towards making an abused women/children and homeless shelter(s [if I have enough money left over])
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on June 27, 2004, 12:27:57 PM
those are all safe unselfish things, and thats not the point of the thread... that 90 million represents an opportunity one that I note you arent taking up.

The idea is this in a nutshell.
You have all the money you would ever need.
What sort of crazy stuff would you do with it?

Go ahead, and be selfish.

Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Entsuropi on June 27, 2004, 01:20:38 PM
Buy a large collection of top quality swords, axes, suits of armour etc.

But, most importantly, i'd have a library built. I mean a library like you see in medieval manor houses - big room with walls covered with books, reading tables in the middle, second story balcony to get at more books. Just imagine how uber that would be as a RPG gaming room. Every rulebook, sourcebook, history book, picture guide, reference book etc you ever wanted, all arranged around you.

/me swoons at the thought
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on June 27, 2004, 02:14:54 PM
The Entropy Armoury exibit ...
Entropy Manor
Chaos way

one of Entropys many bookcases
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Entsuropi on June 27, 2004, 02:31:26 PM
I've seen that weapons exhibit in person. It's at the Leeds Royal Armouries, which is all of an hour away from me.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Mad Dr Jeffe on June 27, 2004, 02:34:24 PM
I know...

/me laughs evilly!!!!!
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: 42 on June 27, 2004, 02:49:51 PM
Well, if I had an infinite amount of cash, I'd purchase a large historical oridustrial complex, with a large lot. I figure I'd need at least 12,000 sq feet of living space. So I'd renovate/restore this living space with unique architecture and structural features as well as custom furniture and art.

So after the renovation is well underway, I'd start filling the place. I'd need a staff of butlers, maids, gardners, caretakers, etc... Then I would adopt children from Romania, India, China ect... Children with disabilities would be nice. I'd want a large family, perhaps 12 kids. I figure I can adopt several and then make more kids with wife which I will be able to pay eharmony.com or someone to go find for me.

And with my shiny new instant family, we'd do a lot of traveling. I have to go see all the places where siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins have served missions. Well, I can skip Ohio, leaving The Dominican Republic, Guatamala, Paraguay, Brazil, Spain, France, Switzerland, England, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Thailand, Cambodia, Korea, The Phillipines, and Australia. And then I'd have to go back to Portugal and also visit Cape Verde, Mozambique and Angola. I would probaly purchase a manor in each of these countries.

And since that would give me enough places to stay, I'd buy several more homes to use as rental units just for safe measure.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: 42 on June 27, 2004, 02:52:29 PM
Oh, I'd get some more ferrets and maybe a few dogs too. And horses.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: fuzzyoctopus on June 27, 2004, 03:03:07 PM
If I had an infinite amount of money, I'd personally fund Joss Whedon to make 4 or 5 seasons of Firefly.

And I'd have fun leaving $100 bills as tips  for $40 lunches.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Entsuropi on June 27, 2004, 03:38:17 PM
Oh and I would have to move to America, buy a gun liscence (bribery for teh win) and proceed to buy a small armies worth. Plus get a Blackhawk Helicopter. And maybe a Bradley.

Then I would finance the development of Powered Armour.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on June 27, 2004, 03:58:30 PM
cheese. A lot of cheese.

And double the size of my ninja monkey force.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: GorgonlaVacaTremendo on June 27, 2004, 04:23:32 PM
Sorry, I was under the impression of a million, maybe two.  

Uh, in that case, I would still do my charity works, however I might buy a few hundred acres of land, maybe a semi tropical island.  Also I wouls buy lots of artic terrain.  Good for military games of strategy.  Then that is how I would spend my time, in week , even month or year long mock-military operation simulations.  That would be the life.  

And I would supply each side with a certain amount of money, and we would carry out mock wars with paintball guns, mines, and I would invent a paintball rocket.  They would also need to supply uniforms, food, tents, build forts, basically we would have a mock war economy.

And I would then draft people and pay them to play these paintball wars for a living.  It would be like being in the military, except little danger.  I would then buy a few TV channels and televise 24 hours a day, one for each team, an overview desk, battle overviews, ect.  About 10 non commercialized channels.  And they would be free.  To everyone with a TV.

That would rule.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: stacer on June 27, 2004, 05:00:12 PM
I would pay off my student loans (wouldn't that be great!).

Then I'd get a real house, one which I could have roommates if I wanted (though preferably a family) or not if I didn't, so I wouldn't have to climb to my 4th floor walkup. And I'd stock that house, and hire a cleaning service so I never had to wash a dish or dust a cabinet again. It would have a state of the art darkroom so I could finally get back into all stages of my photography, as well as super-great computer systems in which I could do digital work as well.

I agree with Entropy on the library thing, and mine would include a climate-controlled vault for rare and historical documents, mainly family history documents and photos.

I'd expand my antique camera collection.

I'd travel to every place my ancestors ever lived, and live there for 6 months to a year at a time, writing and researching and just getting to know the people of the area. That would include Scotland, even though I've already been there, and England and Ireland as well. Also, Sweden, Germany, and Poland or Lithuania--it would depend on where I finally pinned that East Prussian ancestor down to.

I'd never work again, and spend all my time researching my family history or writing, whether or not I ever got published.

Then after I visited countries to which I have a personal connection, I'd make a world tour to visit all my international roommates: Korea, Brazil, Laos, Belgium, Canada, and Mexico. Then I'd start visiting international friends from China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, Ghana, South Africa, Thailand, and Russia. Then I'd start on all the countries I've found interesting but never had a connection to: Italy and France (great art), Mongolia, Tibet, Israel, etc.

I'd get allergy shots so I could own horses and all sorts of other furry animals.

I'd buy my dad and stepmom a new home and a cleaning service, as well as a complete wellness package, including help on quitting smoking. Included with that would be people to repair things when they broke (not 5 years after, or in some cases never, such as how the bathroom sink hasn't worked since I graduated from high school 12 years ago), and also supply them with all the farm needed to run successfully. I'd also supply them with lots of land to go trail riding on.

I'd buy my mom her own place with resources for all the things she never does anymore--like her art, her sewing, that sort of thing--because she can't afford it or feels that it makes her sick (she's mentally ill). Along with that I'd bring in the best mental health experts to help her be able to live a full life again.

I'd give my brothers enough money so they could be financially stable for the first time in their lives, then as a stipulation for that, have them finally go to college and learn life management skills and family conflict resolution skills.

I'd repair my grandma's home so that she'd be able to live there comfortably without having to worry about the state of the roof or whether the furnace will work this winter.

And of course I'd dote on my sister's son and the new little one that's due this week, as well as be able to visit my other nieces (my brothers' daughters) and have them come visit me.

Mainly, the money would free me up to do things I want to do now, but don't have the money to do.

Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Maxwell on June 27, 2004, 05:18:22 PM
I would...do what I do everytime I get money...spend it all on military grade glow sticks at the supply seargent...
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Onion of Death on June 27, 2004, 05:40:23 PM
I would colonize Antarctica. I would pay for anyone who wanted to come, and establish my own mini-empire out of it. We wouldn't have to fear invasion, because it's just way too cold to fight on foot in such a place. Just in case, I would set up some kind of standing army, though service would definitely be voluntary. I would train penguins to gather food, polar bears to be guards, and raise seals to be food/entertainment.

I would build a giant palace somewhere in my new home, then give it all sorts of cool features like secret passages and a complete evil science lab. I like Entropy's idea for a library. I would definitely be building one of those inside. A LAN network full of Alienware computers would make for excellent gaming nights.

Basically, I would create a frozen computer geek paradise for myself and all the other peoples who use their powers for awesome in the world.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Entsuropi on June 27, 2004, 06:21:24 PM
How do you train seals to be food? Show them pictures of gravy?
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Onion of Death on June 27, 2004, 06:55:33 PM
How do you train seals to be food? Show them pictures of gravy?


Actually, I should have put raise in front of it.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: 42 on June 28, 2004, 02:39:11 AM
You know, there are no polar bears in Antartica. I guess some seals wouldn't mind being food. Leapord Seals, however, would probably eat you first.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Onion of Death on June 28, 2004, 10:04:46 AM
There should be polar bears in Antarctica. I'll find a way to get myself some polar bears to be my security force.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Maxwell on July 01, 2004, 08:50:53 PM
wait I've got it. I'll buy pirahnnah! both the fish and the really good sushi resturant on state street!
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Yourstranger13 on July 31, 2004, 01:49:51 AM
Infinate amount of money huh...Well I know the first thing I would do is call you the head Volkwagen dealership and ask them to make me a custom 60's bus. The Vintage look with all the monder conviences. Then I would would travel all around the U.S. going anywhere and everywhere. After I was done in America I would head my way over to Italy and start my way through Europe. So basically just see the world in my hippy van, which will be purple. I have always planed on giving money to the library in my town because it really lacks in selection. I've head this picture of my perfect home in my mind and I will travel all over until I find it. Then I will settle down, take up all the hobbies I've been putting off ( Painting, writing, sewing, etc.) and eventually find the right guy, pop out a few kids and maybe even have a dog.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Archon on July 31, 2004, 04:05:17 AM
     I would set up a thinktank of the highest experts in all fields of science and have them begin solving all manner of world problems, because as it is stuff like that is left to the government, so it won't get done otherwise. Come on, the world needs a helpline.
    Next I would build myself a literal castle, with a drawbridge and moat. In this castle I would have an extensive library of books of all kinds, with an area of couches and rocking chairs for reading in.
  Then I would set up my gaming center. I would have 4 Xboxes hooked together to play Halo with my friends whenever I wanted. All along the walls would be alienware computers on a local area network. I would have every game imagineable, rpgs, first person shooters, the works. Oh and of course a cable connection.
   After that I would build another house in a spot I would pick somewhere deep in the woods so that I could be completely alone. Somewhere where when you look up at night, the stars are bright. I would find that spot and split my time between having fun with a ton of friends at my castle, and relaxing alone or with a few close friends at my retreat.
Title: Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
Post by: Maxwell on August 05, 2004, 06:07:35 PM
I would buuy the entire worlds supply of platinum titanium iridium and tin. with I can make as much platinum alloy as my heart desires, this of course being far more durable than steel and a heck of a lot lighter.