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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
And *I'm* the one who worries too much about semantics.

Yeah. Right.

EOUL has some...issues about others not interpreting his text as he interprets them.

Just walk away very slowly and don't make eye contact.

Ah, 42.  When will you learn that it's not about the semantics, and it's not about the interpretations.  It's about one thing: how much fun was the argument?

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I think he knows that unconsciously. he does it enough.

Yeah, nice excuse EUOL. You just keep believing that. No body wants to upset you here. The little semantics and interpretation monsters aren't going to hurt you. Well, actually they might, but you shouldn't worry about that.

Things to do today.
[*]buy groceries
[*]do laundry
[*]mock EOUL


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