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Messages - DataPath

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: First Interlude *Way of Kings SPOILERS*
« on: September 13, 2010, 02:07:18 AM »
The question isn't about taking them away from Elantris, it's about taking them away from the Dor, which originates on Sel.
Heh.  It's not about taking them away from Elantris, or about taking them away from the Dor.  It's about taking them away from the power of Aona.

The Dor doesn't originate on Elantris.  AonDor is a way to *access* the Dor.  Just like Mistborn don't get power from the metals they burn, but rather, burning the metals gives them access to the power.

In Elantris, there's references to the Jeskeri having a true understanding of the Dor.  In Liar of Partinel, Hoid was a Jesk.

Hoid in TWoK made the smoke of the fire dance when he told a story.  That sounds similar to the Lightweaving used in LoP, only vastly simpler.  Maybe some of the shard powers can be used anywhere, and some only work in proximity to the shard, but I suspect that AonDor is only as strong as it is in Elantris because Elantris is a huge focus for their power.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel
« on: January 07, 2010, 09:13:58 PM »
Sorry about the epic thread necromancy, but one aspect of the original chapter 1 that I really liked what the introduction of this theme:

If a man believes a lie, it is rarely because of stupidity. It is because of hope.

I feel like it sets up the title of "Liar" quite nicely and sets the tone for the mantle that Midius is taking on.

Also, calling a Lightweaver a "jesk" calls to mind the "Jeskeri".  I don't know if this connection is intentional or not.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: **SPOILERS! The Shards of Adonalsium
« on: January 16, 2009, 09:52:29 PM »
Is the Dor the only confirmed supernatural power in the world?

What power made the monks in to 'demons'?

Occam's razor would suggest that the Dor is the logical place to start.  All of the known supernatural enhancements (Dahkor monks, Elantrians, Shuden's exercise) cause the one wielding the power to glow, the Elantrian's permanently, the monks and Shuden when they are using their power.  This seems to be a property of the Dor, especially from Raoden's experience.  How the monks change themselves to be able to access it is a fair question, but it seems to me, at least, that the Dor somehow being receptive to the chants being used is as good an explanation as any.  It could just naturally be one way how humans in Opelon access power.

I thought that the Dor might cause the Dahkor monks and Clayshin, but then I realized that the Opelon magic is like the Scadrial magic.
You have Allomancy and Aons, that both get energy out of nowhere, you have Clayshin and Ferchemancy which draw energy from the user, and Hemalurgy and the Dahkor monks draw their energy out of someone else.

Allomancy comes from Leras/Preservation
Aons come from Dor/Domi?/Pool God?

Ferchemy is natural
ClayShin is natural?

Hemalurgy comes from Ati/Ruin
"Bone bending" comes from Jaddeth?

I think that the shining thing on Opelon is like how all the magic on Scadrial involved Metal.


They are similar in some ways.  However, there are also similarities between the magics in Opelon that you are glossing over, and some of the analogies with Mistborn are definitely strained.  For instance, the Dahkor monks bones are made out of symbols---symbols from the ancient Fjorrel alphabet.  Just like Aons are from Arelon's alphabet.  They are both alphabetic systems, which produce enhanced humans.  All enhanced humans remain enhanced at all times with no need for extra power, no known source beyond the Dor.  And IIRC we don't know that all Dahkor monks require human sacrifice to be produced.  Some effects are produced via human sacrifice, but others appear not to be.

ClayShin requires a human to concentrate, but the power does not seem to come from themselves.  The one time we have seen it used, it seemed as though it could be used indefinitely as long as the user didn't loose focus.  It seems more  like channeling the Dor than anything else.

Or at least, without more information, that theory is consistent.  It also requires fewer entities and less complications.

Also, I would find the analogies repetitive myself.  Different ways of accessing the same power sounds like a more useful device for Elantris.

One concept that Brandon really likes and uses somewhat frequently is that of the physical, cognitive, and spiritual aspects of things.

AonDor seems to be cognitive, requiring careful study and concentration to access.

ClayShin appears to be spiritual, bringing oneself into harmony to access the Dor.

The Jaddeth one appears to be physical.

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