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Messages - Tink

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Movies and TV / Re: Sky High
« on: October 17, 2005, 04:54:23 PM »
That's what I reckoned. *shrug*
Or else she's just insane (caused by going through puberty twice, probably), so her plans don't have to make sense. heh.

Well, that's part of the reason I figured she remembered. Why would she be so mad about going through puberty twice if she didn't remember the first time? Doesn't make sense. I must agree that it is because she was too mad to realize her mistakes (or more likely, the writers were too oblivious to realize theirs. It may be a light movie, and it was still fun, but it'd be nice if the plot made some sense :)).

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: October 17, 2005, 04:46:24 PM »
I'm happy cause my company announced that they're taking us all to see Harry Potter the day after it comes out. I'm so excited!

Rants and Stuff / Re: More Grumpiness
« on: October 17, 2005, 04:44:38 PM »
I tried Benadryl before I got the Allegra and all the Benadryl did was make me sleep, but it didn't get rid of the itching or make the hives go away. I guess the Allegra works better for me. It completely made the hives go away, so no itching. I'm not sure how it'd work on my seasonal allergies, though. For those I usually just take Sudafed during the day and Claritin-D at night (Claritin makes me too drowsy to take in the day).

Rants and Stuff / Re: More Grumpiness
« on: October 17, 2005, 04:22:10 PM »
I have hives. All over. Well, at the moment they're not so bad, but yesterday morning they were on at least 50% of my skin...well, that may be exaggerating some, but they were definitely all over. And I didn't sleep a wink last night (well, maybe a few winks) because of itching and maybe the prednisone the doctor put me on (if that's a possible side effect). And there's no way I can limit the hydocortisone cream applications to only 3-4 times per day.

New bleaching laundry additive = bad.

I got hives before from All detergent. It wasn't even my clothes that were washed in it, it was my boyfriend's. I got Allegra and it worked great. All the hives were gone, but I wasn't drowsy. And I promptly made my boyfriend change detergents. Well, unless he didn't want me near him. You can be sure that he changed right away :).

Movies and TV / Re: Sky High
« on: October 15, 2005, 09:12:37 PM »
I just saw this movie and, like the others, I found it very fun, but without much depth (which it doesn't need cause it's suppose to be a light fun movie).

One issue I had with the plot, though, (THE FOLLOWING IS A SPOILER) is that Royal Pain obviously remembers everything that happened to her before becoming a baby for the second time, and yet she thought that by turning all the superheroes into babies, she could raise them to be super villains. How does this make sense? Wouldn't they remember that she was the one to turn them into babies again? And that before then they stood for justice? If you ask me, she's just asking for double trouble. She would have to deal with not only the children of these heroes, but their now young parents as well (granted, it would be a few years until they would be able to fight, but there would still be more than otherwise). Don't you guys agree? (I'm sorry if this has been talked about, but I didn't see anyone mention it.)

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: October 07, 2005, 11:48:22 AM »
Yeah! It's almost the weekend! One thing I love about my job is that my work time is very flexible. I can come really early so I can leave early, I can take a lunch break or work through it so I can leave earlier, I can work more than 8 hours a day, or less, and once my 40 hours are in for the week, I'm outta there. So today I got in at 7:30 a.m. and I only have 6.75 hours left, so I can leave at 2:15 if I don't take a lunch break (I still eat, I just eat at my desk and continue working). I love it! (and if I do go over 40 hours, as long as they give me permission to do so, I get time and a half, yeah).

Rants and Stuff / Re: Call for Happy Things, again.
« on: October 06, 2005, 11:53:39 AM »
Well, this was a grumpy thing yesterday, but now it's happy, sort of. I went to go to work yesterday and my car wouldn't start. I've been worried about this happening for three years cause it's old (over 220,000 miles on it), but it's been running great this whole time. So here I am, needing to get to work that is 15 minutes away (not far, except if you have to walk it). I finally decided to ride the bus to the bus stop closest to my work and bike the rest of the way (a little over a mile). It took me 1 hr 15 min. And when I got to work I had two flat bike tires  (don't know if they were like that when I started, but they weren't the last time I rode, so I didn't check). But I got there and I asked if anyone could give me a ride home and I found someone who could (and could bring my bike, too, so that's a happy thing). And then I talked to my step-dad who's a mechanic and he said it was probably the battery or the alternator or alternator belt. It's okay if it's the battery or belt, but bad if it's the alternator. So my husband and I got the battery charged and drove over to Auto Zone. They test batteries and alternators for free. Luckily it turned out it was the battery. Yeah! Something easy and relatively cheap to fix! Plus the Auto Zone guy installed the battery for us for free. So it turned out okay.

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: October 04, 2005, 05:17:59 PM »
I have read Artemis Fowl, and got really excited about deciphering the code at the bottom of each page, but only got halfway before I got distracted by something else. I did understand that it was a prophecy about Artemis Fowl--I should finish deciphering it. It's probably important for the 4th book, which I haven't read yet but looks like some sort of "end-of-the-world" thing.

It really isn't important to know what the code says. It's interesting, but not needed. There is one in the fourth book as well and it's even less important, but I could see how kids would really like it. Both of them actually repeat themselves, so you don't have to decipher a whole book of code to know what it says, just part.

Was there anything else you wanted to discuss with Lemony Snicket. I don't really know what to talk about. There is so much we still don't understand and with only two books left, I don't know how it will all be covered. And like I said, I'm more for waiting to see what happens than to figure it out. You could propose your Beatrice theory, though, and include what evidence you've found to support it.

I'm interested to see what the author of the series will write when this series is done.

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: October 04, 2005, 04:23:54 PM »
K is for Lemony Snicket's other sibling, I believe. His sister Kit, who the Baudelaires meet at the end of Book 11.

I figured it was the other sibling, but since it's been months since I finished the series, I forgot they introduced Kit. That makes sense because LS circles her picture and writes a note like, "Will I ever see her again?" She leaves with two orphans when she leaves the Prufrock school. Do you have an idea of who? And why are they always taken by their ankles?? So weird.

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: October 04, 2005, 04:21:44 PM »
I am really interested to see how the series ends--if it will be doom and gloom, or if the Baudelaires will be allowed some sort of triumph (although I am sure that it will not be perfectly happy-ever-after ending). The fact that Book 11 ended on the up swing makes me think there might be a happy ending.

Do you think one of their parents is alive?

Well, considering the fact that Lemony Snicket says at the beginning that if you want to read a story with a happy ending, you shouldn't read this story because it doesn't end happily. He's obviously alive long enough to write the books, so he probably is alive. But I wonder if he is writing the book shortly after the events take place, so it could be that he doesn't really know how it's going to end, so it could end more happily than he thought it would.

I thought it was interesting how he incorporated real fiction with made up fiction in his autobiography. I wonder, though, what exactly the code was that was found in this fiction. I think that Poe's poem refers to the code that begins with the ringing of the bell, but I'm not sure how the children were suppose to figure this out. Also, what does the "Age 8" book or Laura Ingall's book fit in? What's the code there?

There are just too many questions and not enough answers, don't you think? Do you have any more theories on what the different things mean, besides Beatrice being the Baudelaire's mother?

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: October 04, 2005, 12:24:08 PM »
Okay, so I got it last night and slightly read it. I was reading during commercials, so I probably missed stuff, but it did bring up a lot of questions for me. For example, it sounds like it was kids running the VFD, not adults (referring to the script from a meeting that says something like, "I'm nine years old . . ." Also, it Lemony Snicket made it sound like he was a kid when he fell in love with Beatrice and there is a picture of Beatrice as a child. Plus they showed a picture of that movie director and he was a kid, too.

Have you figured out who all the letters stand for? There are obvious ones, like J = Jacques, L = Lemony, B = Beatrice, O = Olaf, E = Esme, G = (can't remember name, but one who did the newspaper articles, Gertrude, or something), but did you catch K? I need to go through that book again and see if I can understand more. It's interesting that all the families have three children. What is the significance of that? (Jacque, Lemony, and other sibling; the triplets; Sunny, Violet, and Krause; maybe others I don't know of). Also what is up with the sugarbowl??! Do they use that for secret messages or something? I was disappointed that they didn't leave any of those "Ring" codes things undone so we could figure it out on our own.

Have you read Artemis Fowl? It has a secret code on the bottom of the pages of book 1 and 4. That's pretty fun to figure out, even though no language would translate letter per letter like that, but still fun.

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: October 03, 2005, 06:59:24 PM »
Have you read the Unathorized Autobiography of Lemony Snicket? It came out somewhere around Book 7 or 8. That's what I really want to talk about--how that ties in to the mysteries in the book.

I haven't read it. I heard about it, but I didn't really think about it. I'll check the local library and see if it's there.

Edit: It looks like they have it so I'll stop by on the way home from work and grab it.

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: October 03, 2005, 06:58:04 PM »
Probably more clever than anything. This is possible, but I'd have to reread the books before I could have a real opinion. I guess I'm one of those people who would read a mystery, but rather than trying to figure out who'd done it, I'd just enjoying reading as the characters figure it out.

EUOL makes some interesting points about the movie and I think he's right. I agree that the plot was quite repetitive and it wasn't until we found out that there was more to the plot than just "Olaf trying to get guardianship so he can get the money" that I was really intrigued. Before that, it was just the style that really kept me reading. I thought that Lemony Snicket's humor was great (although the parts where he'd be like, "You should know this is dark and dreary and there's no reason to keep reading" was overdone). I was really excited though, when it diverged and the plot started giving us more. Sometimes the characters bug me, though. Their motivations don't seem real. Sorry if I don't remember names--it's been awhile since I read the series--but when the girl in the submarine goes off with her brother and turns bad just because she has no family left, that was totally annoying. Like that's a good reason!

Books / Re: ***Spoiler*** Lemony Snicket
« on: October 03, 2005, 03:51:49 PM »
Great! Now we have a thread. So what should we talk about? I have to say that I was really relieved when the author when off from the "Let's find another relative for the orphans to stay with" story line. It made the series much more interesting! Also, what did you think about the movie? It seems like no one who has not read the books has liked the movie. I'm not sure I get why, but since I'd read the book prior to seeing it, I don't know.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Should I Move to Idaho Falls?
« on: October 03, 2005, 02:41:10 PM »

But you all may pronounce it however you want.  ;D

This is probably dumb, but I've only seen it written and I pronounced it (in my head) shim - er- a. Then it can be like shimmer. I think that is cool. I have no basis really for why it should be pronounced this way, but there you go.

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