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Topics - Mad Dr Jeffe

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Role-Playing Games / Dreampod 9 how do you manage to do it?
« on: April 17, 2006, 11:27:22 AM »
Somehow, even though your games are hideously expensive, even though I have trouble getting anyone interested in your Anime style goodness, even though people think your stuff is strictly tabletop wargames and even though I thought I'd kicked your habit at least twice I keep coming back to you.

Im not like a battered spouse, or an addict, I just really like your settings. No scratch that, I love your settings, or at least Jovian Chronicles and Heavy Gear.

Its more of a rant about my game addicition than anything else, and it wouldnt be an issue if I hadnt sold my old copies of 1st and 2nd edition Heavy Gear at a used bookstore before.

So I guess are there games that you keep coming back to edition after edition even when your chances of playing them are slim?
Theres a dynamic there that I havent seen matched in many games. A combination of stunning art and quality writing turns your world books and intriguing characters into must have buys. At least I get your stuff at a discount now.

Table-Top Games / Space 1889 Soldiers companion
« on: March 23, 2006, 05:53:08 PM »
So I decided that I want to Wargame again and I dusted off my old copy of Soldiers Companion for Space 1889. Its a steampunk Wargame system with minimal rules thats compatible with the RPG.

My choice is a quick built Turn of the Century American Army, made up of Old Glory US Volunteer Cavalry, dismounted (Rough Riders) a few gatling guns a few colt Machine Guns and a Dynamite gun.  I even found some flags for them on

The Army is gonna be on the cheap, which is why Old Glory is a good choice. 29 bucks for 30 Figures and a Command. 13 for the Gatlings and 13 for the Dynamite Gun and MG's.

Im half tempted to get the Infantry and 1 of the artillary packs and get a German Seebattalion group and a Krup Gun too, to fight against.

Seebatalion have a tropical German look about them though, so thats a maybe.

I need to build an Aerial Gunboat... but thats easy... a little balsa some heavy card and some decoration.

Viola Americans on Mars. I already have a bunch of shock troops from Old Glory's WW I line. (Americans with Gas Masks)

Role-Playing Games / D20 Modern Planescape
« on: March 19, 2006, 08:43:25 PM »
Some folks at Planewalker are working on a d20 modern Planescape and as a planescape fan I think its cooler than sliced bread, Pumpernicle bread even, loaded high with pastrami, swiss cheese, crispy lettuce thinly slice onion and spicy mustard. MMMM.

I like the idea of Sigil with all the factions and modern tech (future is a bit like B5 so I'd avoid that) Now the Doomguard really have an Arsenal, the Hardheads cruise the streets in patrol cars, and the Xaositechs... do their thing. In my head I see some of the factions acting like the Mafia and some acting like gangs and even some of them just being loose affiliations of berks or "clubs"

In my Planescape Modern the City of Doors is a combination of the wild streets of New York Hong Kong and London, still grey and grimy, but now filled with Gnoll Pimps, Tiefling Fixers and Bariur teamsters. Heck it has its own Vigilanties.

The Lady of Pain is still around, and still just as scary as ever.

Thinking of some of the planes in a modern way would be cool too. What does Asguard look like? Viking Dwarves in Combat armor with Barrett Light fifties?
Has the Blood War become atomic, Heck yeah it has!
Arcadia looks like a 1950's leave it to beaver episode.
And Mechanus is a cyberpunks dream, its totally the internet of the planes now, welcome to the Mechanus Matrix Mr Anderson!

Some thoughts on the Planes in D20 Modern are also on the Wizards site and they're a cool read

Movies and TV / Who Spoilers
« on: March 19, 2006, 06:52:33 PM »
The big spoiler is that the timelords of Gallifrey lost the time war and are all dead. All of them except the Doctor who is apparently newly regenerated.

This puts the Doctor in an odd position, since in all his travels he's never really needed anyone now the weight of years, loneliness and a little disillusionment seem to make him cry out for companionship. His pleading with the Nestene intelligence in the opening episode reveals this a little (I couldn't save any of them!)

Rose is very curious and empathetic to his problems, and maybe a little in love with him which is interesting.
She's also not afraid to get physical and she manages to keep her head better than almost every companion except maybe Ace or Leela.

Her Mom and boyfriend have small parts right now, but it looks like they are going to become full fledged companions too.

Anyone else have any thoughts on the Whopisodes?

Everything Else / Writetly, the Free Web Word Processor
« on: March 16, 2006, 01:39:15 PM »
I've been using this for a while, and I really like it, especially since it has settings that allow folks to collaborate and edit docs via the web.

I've written several reviews with it as well as other projects and Im pretty satisfied with it. The nice part is that my documents exist on the web, which means that I dont have to fumble with disks, or burning to cd. It does HTML and tags, and you can publish right from wrightly to blogger and livejournal.

Evidently Im not the only person who liked it though, because Google just bought it. So look for google writely soon.

Old users of Writely are just gonna get their stuff transferred over, which is cool and they are holding off new registration untill after the switch.

When it becomes availible I think all of us writing types should evaluate it strenuously. It sounds like a great review opportunity I think.

Rants and Stuff / Take your child to work day... not!
« on: March 13, 2006, 12:09:27 PM »
I hate this day.
Parents hate this day.
Kids hate this day.

and it doesnt teach anything.

Its disruptive to work is the biggest thing, and really all the kids end up doing is sitting around and wasting time.

Anyhow, Im ranting cause next week is TYKTW day.

How I loathe it.

Movies and TV / Oscars
« on: March 05, 2006, 09:34:11 PM »
Yay Wallace and Grommett!

Site News / Front page of the site is all jacked up.
« on: March 05, 2006, 04:42:14 PM »
Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/vhost/twg/setup.php on line 5

Warning: mysql_select_db(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/vhost/twg/setup.php on line 6

Warning: mysql_select_db(): A link to the server could not be established in /home/vhost/twg/setup.php on line 6

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/vhost/twg/header.php on line 14

Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/vhost/twg/header.php on line 15

Nuff said.

Role-Playing Games / Hackmaster: Contract Negotiations
« on: February 28, 2006, 12:19:42 PM »
So last night was taken up by the longtime staple of Hackmaster games, renegotiating the Groups charter. Which is a lot like a parlimentary meeting.

A motion was made (by me) to scrap the old charter and remove the player who hadnt made our last 5 sessions from the roster. Since the original charter was effectively his idea, I felt that this was an appropriately chaotic thing to do.

It only took 4 hours of negotiating and whinging to agree to the new contract.
Our new charter is a share system, with the ability to call dibs on items (which cost shares) and a 2 man dibs overide if the players object. I.E. if 2 or more party members object to dibs then the item is not "dibbed"

Items im particularly fond of, the groups 401 k plan (my idea) and the groups incidental equipment fund.

Movies and TV / New Who?!
« on: February 19, 2006, 08:36:21 PM »
Sci-fi picked up Dr. Who (the new series)

Set your video recorders

SCI FI To Air New Doctor Who

SCI FI Channel announced Jan. 12 that it will air the first season of the BBC's hit SF series Doctor Who, starting in March. The 13 episodes, starring Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler, will air as part of SCI FI Fridays at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

The series, from head writer and executive producer Russell T. Davies, ran originally in the United Kingdom last year and was one of the network's biggest hits ever. An update of the classic Doctor Who show, the series continues in the U.K. with an upcoming second season that will star David Tennant as the Doctor.

"The Doctor's made all sorts of journeys in time and space, but this is one of his most exciting yet!" Davies said in a statement. "I'm a huge fan of the SCI FI Channel, and I'm delighted that Doctor Who is appearing on a channel that supports and enhances the entire genre."

"With its rich history of imaginative storytelling, Doctor Who is a true sci-fi classic," Thomas P. Vitale, SCI FI's senior vice president, programming and original movies, said in a separate statement. "We're excited to add the show to our lineup."

Meanwhile, BBC Video announced that it has moved the proposed U.S. release date of the Doctor Who first-season DVD set to July 4 from its originally planned February launch.

March 17 is the new release date.

What's this? / Possible Dr. Who ORPG?
« on: February 19, 2006, 10:40:38 AM »
Im willing to get off my butt and do Timelord , a pretty good Dr. Who game that went the way of the Dodo because Virgin Books shouldnt do RPG's.
The rules, and PBM/EM Forum rules are here.
Most likely folks would be companions... but a Timelord or two wouldnt be out of place...

Role-Playing Games / The D&D connection
« on: February 17, 2006, 01:09:48 PM »
I've been using public transit lately, the other day I got a copy of Dragon magazine to read and was flipping throught the pages waiting for the 5:45  #82 bus (Pentagon City to Shirlington) when a slightly pudgy programmer middle manager type of guy says out of the blue "So, what games do you play?"

I had two reactions, one I was annoyed... I was kind of in personal space mode, and its jarring to be jolted out of that. On the other hand I was pleased, I mean 20 years ago, D&D was taboo, roleplaying was taboo,... now the guys playing D&D in moms basement run things. When they see things like issues of Dragon, or miniatures, or me going through a rulebook all of a sudden they are suddenly 12 years old again and the world is still full of possibilities.

it was weird....

Music / RIAA decides ripping your own CDs isnt Fair use
« on: February 16, 2006, 12:53:23 PM »
Seriously. Apparently owning a CD doesnt mean you can make a backup copy of it, or port it to other players. Is it just me or is the RIAA just retarded?

Role-Playing Games / all things Dice!
« on: February 16, 2006, 12:51:48 PM »
Which brand do you like? Do you have a particular style or flair, Polyhedral or regular cubes? Do you bother with a dicebag? Whats the most unusual set you own? The most expensive?

These are all pressing questions we want to know the answer to.

Movies and TV / The Brick
« on: February 15, 2006, 02:20:22 PM »

Neo Noir, set in the American High School. I like the trailer, it has a decidely China Town feel about it.

while taking its cues and its verbal style from the novels of Dashiell Hammett, also honors the rich cinematic tradition of the hard-boiled noir mystery, here wittily and bracingly immersed in fresh territory – a modern-day Southern California neighborhood and high school. There, student Brendan Frye's (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) piercing intelligence spares no one. Brendan is not afraid to back up his words with actions, and knows all the angles; yet he prefers to stay an outsider, and does – until the day that his ex-girlfriend, Emily (Emilie de Ravin of "Lost"), reaches out to him unexpectedly and then vanishes. Brendan's feelings for her still run deep; so much so, that he becomes consumed with finding his troubled inamorata.

To find her, Brendan enlists the aid of his only true peer, The Brain (Matt O'Leary), while keeping the assistant vice principal (Richard Roundtree) only occasionally informed of what quickly becomes a dangerous investigation. Brendan's single-minded unearthing of students' secrets thrusts him headlong into the colliding social orbits of rich-girl sophisticate Laura (Nora Zehetner), intimidating Tugger (Noah Fleiss), substance-abusing Dode (Noah Segan), seductive Kara (Meagan Good), jock Brad (Brian White) and – most ominously – non-student The Pin (Lukas Haas). It is only by gaining acceptance into The Pin's closely guarded inner circle of crime and punishment that Brendan will be able to uncover hard truths about himself, Emily and the suspects that he is getting closer to.

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