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Topics - misterooga

Pages: [1]
Writing Group / I hear voices...and I need answers. Soonish!
« on: August 27, 2008, 04:44:34 PM »
Well, I came to this forum via Writing Excuses. I posted a question on their thread, but I think this place may be more appropriate.

I heard this on the podcasts and read it else where: it's the style and/or voice that sells the book.
(My understanding of this 'voice' is the tone of the narrator, be it 3rd person or 1st person narrative. Perhaps this is not correct.)

I have also heard that style and voices are not something you can's a natural talent.

Obviously this causes a problem for me. I know I lack many talents required of a writer but if I can not develop a style and voice that will make me a successful writer, what can I do?

I read somewhere that everyone has a voice...but I just don't want any voice. I want a voice that will sell...and I can't develop it!?

I feel there is something I am missing here... 

If someone already answered this question, please direct me to appropriate place.


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