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Messages - Lazarus404

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Writing a book
« on: July 08, 2008, 07:37:38 PM »
Thanks, that's great advice. I'm certainly going to take it slow. As it happens, I'm still not sure on the ending of the book. I guess I need to do more planning before I take the plung ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Writing a book
« on: July 04, 2008, 06:06:32 PM »
Thanks for the information, that's really valuable. As it happens, I already have the religion, government and magic rules already sorted out, though I have yet to work out much of the history for the main and not so main characters. I don't think much of what I'm doing is new, though it ties in with modern reality far more than most fantasy's of it's type. I'm hoping I'll have something fairly original.


Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT I just heard the news :'( :'( :'(
« on: July 02, 2008, 09:42:13 PM »
We all felt the same

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: July 02, 2008, 07:02:00 PM »
I think Mr Jordan was running out of steam. He was ill, after all. I think the series was a pressure to him. Sure, if he was well, and alive of course, then no one could do better, but even if Mr Jordan was alive, now, it wouldn't be fair to have that sort of pressure placed upon him. Personally, I think Brandon will do a fantastic job!

Brandon Sanderson / Writing a book
« on: July 02, 2008, 06:56:33 PM »
Hey Brandon,

Okay, here's the thing... I want to write a fantasy novel. I know what the plot of my story is, and I know the characters, even if I've not named them yet. I've been planning it for years, but my career in IT has had all my time. I've written a book on programming (Professional haXe and Neko - available on Amazon), but it hasn't sated my book writing needs, so I think it's time to start on my fantasy book and see if I can get it published.

My question to you is, when you knew what story you were going to write for your first book, what sort of preparatory did you do, and how long did it take? What research did you do?


Books / Re: Anyone Try the Kindle?
« on: July 02, 2008, 06:51:17 PM »
If you don't live in the States, get a Sony reader. The only plus for the kindle is being able to download books off of the Amazon site on the fly and to subscribe to newspapers etc so they simply appear each morning. However, if you live outside of the States, this service isn't available.  Therefore, the Sony reader will beat it hands down. I have the Sony reader, and I love it!!! :)

Books / Re: Best book you've ever read...
« on: July 02, 2008, 06:49:33 PM »
Excuse me if I don't find pointless explicit sexual torture as a good read.

I actually thought the Wizards Second Rule was well written, as are all of Goodkinds books. However, you are right, I think he has a few issues ;)

Oh, btw, mine has to be "The Eye of the World". Granted, a lot of people would say that, but the Wheel of Time books have always just done it for me. The only time I've ever cried while reading a book was the part where Perrin found out his parents were murdered by Trollocs. No one can write like Jordan did!

Course, I have yet to read Brandon's books

Books / Re: Children's Books Recommendations
« on: July 02, 2008, 06:45:52 PM »
I'd recommend anything by Helen Cooper. "Pumpkin Soup" is a good one. Her books are incredibly well illustrated!

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