Author Topic: January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1  (Read 1879 times)


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January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1
« on: January 18, 2010, 12:39:26 PM »
So guys, please PLEASE be super nice and love me and only say good things.... just kidding. This one needs ripped apart. It's a first draft, didn't even stop to change spelling, and I have no idea where I'm going with it yet. All I've got is an idea, and a couple of characters.

I'd love to hear, in particular, about how I might liven up my little thief. I'm thinking that I'm going to make him just a little bit older than he is (he's probably 16 right now, and I'm tired of reading about 16 year old boys), so yeah.

I like basketball, hanging out with my friends, reading, slamming a garbage can into a pimp or two with magical heavenly powers. You know, teenager stuff.


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Re: January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2010, 09:43:17 PM »
Because you already told us you just popped it out of nowhere and wrote it down, I won't tell you it sounds like you popped it out of nowhere and wrote it down.  Oh wait . . . drat . . .  well never mind.

Anyway . . .

The idea of branding people about the day they were born and calling it deathday instead of birthday is actually pretty cool.  Sadly, for a chapter, I think its too short.  I really think that if you slowed down and gave us more to work with, it would be awesome.  By more to work with I mean more setting, more character, and more . . . well . . . like you didn't just conjure up an idea and write it down on the spot.

But no matter how much you did just squat and drop it out, your distinctive flare for narrative voice is still there.  While I find it way to short and flat, you still have a very enjoyable voice to the character.  Maybe its just the way your write, I really can't say and I don't want to for fear of ruining whatever magic it is, but I'm fairly confident that anything you put down will have enjoyable, likable characters that will make any story fun.

Last Minute Edit:  Okay I figured out why I like your writing so much.  It's MALE.  I don't know if our female critics here will agree with me on this, but the maleness of the piece in enjoyable.     Here's what I mean by maleness.

Hmm, I need a distraction.   "Look a hot chick!"


That had me rolling.  See a woman would be more likely to create an elaborate con (which would still be cool) but no, you opt for the ultra simple and way more fun approach.  The Hot Chick.  Sheer Awesome.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 09:52:08 PM by LongTimeUnderdog »


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Re: January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2010, 03:30:33 AM »
Oops, my dudeness is showing :D
I like basketball, hanging out with my friends, reading, slamming a garbage can into a pimp or two with magical heavenly powers. You know, teenager stuff.


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Re: January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 07:32:52 PM »
Okay, I think you may be overdoing the setting/magic system explanations. The concepts are fine, you just seem long winded is all since it isn't really that hard to follow.

Not a lot of conflict here. I mean, you explain his situation thoroughly but he seems fairly detached from it and he doesn't seem to have any direction. He is just wandering around without any sort of goal until the hot chick comes. You could argue this is because he is depressed about the coming day, but a purely depressed character is a hard sell right out front. Not that the character was bad, but there wasn't much to him. You explained his situation and had some setting, but I don't think you showed me enough to know who he is as a character. Needs more personality. And notice I said I wanted you to show me. Through scenes. If you start listing that he is 'clever and boastful and whatever else thief characters tend to be,' you will be cyber-ly smacked for it. :P

Yeah, it was pretty short and I am not sure were you are going with it, but since you don't seem to know either I don't feel so bad. No major deal breakers here at least.

Good Luck. :)

Okay I figured out why I like your writing so much.  It's MALE.  I don't know if our female critics here will agree with me on this, but the maleness of the piece in enjoyable.
I think you may be reading to much into this to stereotype the genders. Obviously the characters doing the ogling were male, but I don't know if I would reach so far as to say that the narrator/author had to be male or that it would be the only audience that such writing would appeal to. And I find it interesting that you would label 'male-ness' in writing a positive and 'female-ness' a fault (in another thread), but I suppose it all depends on the audience you are aiming towards and awareness is a good thing....
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Re: January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 10:06:59 PM »
I think you may be reading to much into this to stereotype the genders. Obviously the characters doing the ogling were male, but I don't know if I would reach so far as to say that the narrator/author had to be male or that it would be the only audience that such writing would appeal to. And I find it interesting that you would label 'male-ness' in writing a positive and 'female-ness' a fault (in another thread), but I suppose it all depends on the audience you are aiming towards and awareness is a good thing....

That's correct, Frog.  And in either case I am not being sexist.  Here's why:

This piece is by a man, writing about a man, thinking like a man.  He makes no compromise for his maleness and uses it to a comedic plus.  The case you're talking about where I described "Female-ness" as a negative, I was doing that from a piece by a woman, about a man, acting like a woman (or enough of a woman to catch my attention).  There was no comedic push nor any form of clever use of gender personae.  The "Female-ness" piece was feminising the man, without actually giving us a feminine man.  He was not gay, nor did the piece really portray him as any way effeminate (not that all gay dudes are feminine, it would just be a more real feeling character for the portrayal in the piece).  In short, it felt like a woman trying to write about a man, but not understanding men (if such a thing is really possible).  My comment about how a woman would write this piece is also in no way sexist.

I would back that second "I'm not sexist" claim up but the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" does all the work for me.  If you want a better idea of what I'm talking about.  Go watch that movie.


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Re: January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2010, 10:39:06 PM »
The problem is less about what you say and more about how you say it. I have no problem with acknowledging (or even poking fun at) the differences in males and females but when people (not just you or even necessarily including you in all points) warp it into some kind of competition, use only narrow stereotypes and have an obvious double standard in what is appropriate, it becomes more of a problem. I never called you a sexist though. I said it was interesting and that was all. Obviously that was enough to offend you though and I am sorry for that. Either way this isn't a very good use of DP's thread, so that is all I will say on the matter.
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Re: January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2010, 01:27:54 PM »
First: cool idea. Me like. I think you could do a lot with it. That said…the best part of the piece was actually the blurb in the email, describing the idea. In other words, it needs more development.

About the character, I wouldn't call him "dead". A better adjective is "empty". He's a shell, a blurred simulacrum playing at being human. My feeling is that nothing he does is important to him. He might die tomorrow, but, like, whatever. He's homeless and starving and reduced to stealing his sustenance at great personal risk, and is completely nonchalant about it. The scene of him stealing didn't feel tense because it had the air of nothing important. I mean, here you have a desperate struggle to survive, with death by starvation on one hand and punitive mutilation on the other. Those are high stakes! But we don't feel that way because Marz doesn't.

How can you fix this? Well, I would start with defining your character. Give him an age, at least three quirks of personality, and a definite origin. Even if you don't spell that out in the story, you should know it so you know who he is. Give him a few goals, a few things that really matter to him. When writing his viewpoint, ask yourself how Marz would feel about where he is and what he's doing. Try to get into his character, with his voice. Don't go wild with the voice, since you'd have to be a master to successfully pull of any great variation from your own style (I know I certainly can't); just try to make it recognizably feel like Marz.

For a few ideas on how to develop a character like this, I'd read examples of what others have done. The two I'd suggest you read (if you haven't already) are Vin's viewpoints at the beginning of Mistborn 1 and the first five chapters of Ender's Shadow (which are conveniently available on the author's web site). I found those two street urchin stories quite compelling. Look for the qualities that make them compelling, then emulate them. Remember: great artists steal. ;D

Next up, I flinched at the inclusion of the "encounter with a mysterious stranger" trope. I feel like too many stories start that way, especially in fantasy.

Also, it looks like you're making up your own calendar. That's logical, since the Gregorian calendar is an (unfortunate) artifact of our own history. Might I suggest, then, that you avoid naming your months after the Gregorian's months? Especially Marz, which not only sounds like a leetiiied spelling of March, but is very similar to the Spanish word for March (marzo). It makes you look lazy, as in, "Oh, I need a new fake calendar. I'll make it exactly the same as the Gregorian calendar…and the months even sound the same…hmm."

In summary: cool idea, now develop it, develop it, develop it, develop it! (Picture a sweaty Steve Ballmer shaking his fist at you.)
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Re: January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2010, 04:11:59 AM »
Much of what I'm going to say has been said, but I want to elaborate.

First (echo echo echo): very cool idea.  Take it and run with it.

Second: slow your story down.  Show us what the city looks like.  Show us the burned district (you tell us, but don't really describe it).  Show us Marz walking down the street, skulking in corners, wrinkling his nose at smells, show us everything.  I like your chapter and the events therein.  Keep them.  Just make the chapter twice as long by deepening it.

Third: you don't need to change your character, you just need to deepen him.  He *can* be a shell of a man, although this would usually indicate an older person, someone who's given up a little, a person who wouldn't mind spending a night in jail because it gets him out of the cold.  You can work with that; it's a good start for a character arc.  However, you need to give us some identifiers for Marz.   For example, in the First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie, his characters are awesome and distinct because they are so unique and easily identifiable by three easily recallable details.  There's Glokta, a sarcastic, remorseless torturer who's had his teeth removed and struggles to walk.  Identifiers: a (1) toothless (2) remorseless (3) sarcastic (4) torturer (5) cripple.  You know who he is the moment he walks on the page and you have a great mental image.  Another character, Logen, is a barbarian hick with a dark past who is always surprised to live through a battle but occasionally has bouts of murderous rage.  Lots of identifiers.  You not only have give them the identifiers though; the identifiers have to be a part of the character's voice.  If not, then your character just kind of fades into the thousands of others that your reader had already encountered.

Anyway, that's my advice.  Hope it helped.
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Re: January 18- Dark Prophecy- Deathday Magic- Chapter 1
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2010, 12:23:01 AM »
Great start, it just needs more.

Tell us what the people look like, how the city smells, etc. And get us into Marz's head a little more. Tomorrow they might come to kill him? Has he got no plans? No ideas on how to avoid it? Can he not avoid it? If so, why?

Also, I think you might have ended the chapter a little too soon. With a little more idea of whats to come (we all have a good guess) I think the hook to keep on reading would be a lot stronger. Give us Marz's thoughts on what he's going to do with that gold mark. It will make it that more painful when it's taken from him!

Good stuff though. Great idea!

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