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Messages - Oseleon

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Everything Else / Re: Deep Throat
« on: June 14, 2005, 01:45:49 AM »
Classified information is NOT something YOU get to make decisions on.  

You have the information so you can do your job.
You do your job with the infromation and then try and forget that you knew it.  

If something seems odd, You should
1) understand that you may not have all the information, just what YOU need to do your job
2) If, after point 1 is considered, you still see a problem, Bring it up to your superior
3) If You cannot mention it to your superior as he may be involved.  Bring it up to someone else up the chain WITH clearence to that information

You dont get to run your own coup with the knowledge you were entrusted with.  We decide our leaders through elections, not through rumormongering and Smear jobs

Because of Felt, The USA was left with an Unelected President.  Think about that.  

Lets pull back and look at it in broader terms
Information is power

A Man is entrusted with power by a government
This man uses that power against the elected leader and causes new leadership to take over.  

That sounds alot like a coup to me.  

Everything Else / Re: Michael Jackson
« on: June 14, 2005, 01:33:30 AM »
It's very easy to look at a Jury decision with non-Jury eyes and cry "The System Failed"

Just remember
Reasonable Doubt
Burden of proof is on the Accuser.  

Do I believe that it is ABSOLUTLY PROOVEN that MJ is a Criminal Pedophile?

Do I believe that he Probabaly is and that NO PARENT should ever let their child near him?

Everything Else / Re: Deep Throat
« on: June 10, 2005, 10:40:42 AM »
Yes, Cause your right to get a news scoop overrides the right of soldires in the field to live?  Overides the right of Civilians in Vietnam to not be conqured? Overrides the right of AFghans not to be killed in a riot?
When you have acess to classified informaion, You should know that you do not have the whole story.  You have a job to do.  Period.  You have that information because you need it to do your job.  YOu do your job and you keep your yap shut. You do not make policy.  

Everything Else / Re: Deep Throat
« on: June 09, 2005, 06:24:37 PM »

I've never thought of Newsweek as a particularly revealing or objective outlet. But it seems to me they're playing more to what the people already feel more than putting out a political idea.

And that includes manufacturing unverified stories about abuses that did not occour?  That includes puting lives at risk with such stories and actualy causing deaths in the riots that follow those stories...

Playing to the opinion is one thing... But CREATING stories to FORM an opinion is what Newsweek has done.  

They have the right.  Even if they use it to slander the very country that GAVE them that right

As to deepthroat.  So, do you think it's ok for someone to leak classified or secret information because of his own opinion?  I guess we can absolve the Spys who helped the Soviets get the Atomic Bomb in 49.  After all, in their opinion, they were doing the right thing.  

Classified is Classified if there is a problem you take it through channels, you dont go leaking it to the press, the Soviets or even your spouse.
Classified is Classified

Everything Else / Re: Deep Throat
« on: June 09, 2005, 11:00:21 AM »
I thought this article was pretty interesting:

Kind of reminded me of Jon Stewart's big tirade about how partisan media is destroying America.

Yep, and Newsweek has shown itself to be MORE Partisan than any other MSM out there.

Remember "Newsweek Lied and People Died"
Every single person killed in the Riots over the Gitmo lies is the fault of Newsweek.  They have alot of blood on their hands.  Alot of blood.  

Want more examples of Newsweek's abandonment of objective Journalism?
Look at the diffrent covers from around the World for the week of February 2nd
First Japan

Translation: The red text at the left just above the “Newsweek” logo says:

   “America forsaken.”

   The big white and yellow text says:

   “The Day America Died — The ideal of ‘freedom’ falls to the ground due to Bush continuing in office.”

Now The International English edition

But is Newszweek brave enough to tell the US what it is saying to the world?  Or are they gonna mislead us so we are not even aware of their anti-American Smear Campaign?  
Anyone care to guess the cover of the US edition the SAME week as the 2 above..

Drum roll


Oscar Confidential!   No Polotics, No Flags in Trashcans and accusations of Presidential failure.  Just Vapid mindless entertainment chat.  
Wonder where the world gets it's image of Americans as dumb lazy and shallow?  OUR Publications GIVE them that image.

Everything Else / Re: Deep Throat
« on: June 07, 2005, 11:34:02 AM »
No I do not approve

I have a question in return

Do you approve of one President getting nailed for a crime whil others who did the same get by without any notice?

Rants and Stuff / Re: Addiction, because its too big a topic ...
« on: June 07, 2005, 11:29:59 AM »

Yes, these problems can occur when a person is trying to kick an addiction.  A person who lifts a heavy object can get a hernia, it doesn't mean there is no way to lift heavy objects.  Just because these problems are possible does not make them a majority case.

Ok, let me clairify.  A few years ago, I tried to detox a friend who was using Heroin.  I basicly tried to hold him hostage while the drugs worked their way out, Giving him coffee and soup... and waiting.. and fighting with him... and waiting... trying to comfort him... and waiting...
But he got so sick,  I had to call an ambulance I later learned that you should have someone supervising the detox.  They way I was trying to do it could have killed the person I tried to help.  
Anyway, he stayed clean for a few months... then started using again... I couldnt watch it again..  I had expended too much already, so I really don't know what happened to him.  

Everything Else / Re: Deep Throat
« on: June 06, 2005, 11:39:51 AM »
Let me pull some infor about that Pat Buchanan comment.  So we KNOW What we are talking about.  This is from another board I frequent

But to Bob and Carl and Ben and Sally, Felt is a "hero," a real Medal of Freedom man. And to them, perhaps, he is. For in the 1970s, a hero was any turncoat who would sink teeth into a president who was ending with honor a war into which the Liberal Establishment had plunged this country, and then cut and run when the body bags started coming home and their Ivy League kids started calling them names.

From the time Nixon nailed Golden Boy Alger Hiss as a Soviet spy and ran over all the liberal icons from Helen Gahagan Douglas to Adlai Stevenson, Nixon was the great hate object of the Left, second only to Tailgunner Joe.

In 1960, they thought they buried him in Cook County, when the graveyard wards came in for JFK. They thought they had the casket sealed when he held that "last press conference" after his defeat for governor of California.

But after 1964, Nixon led his party back to victory after victory, culminating in the 49-state landslide of 1972 over the antiwar movement propagandized by the Post. By 1973, all U.S. troops were home, the POWs were headed for Clark Field, every provincial capital was in Saigon's hands and Richard Nixon was at 69 percent. And the Establishment was beside itself with hatred.[/size]
69 percent favorably ratings!  And there seems to be more than a little substance to Buchanan's claim that Nixon was a leader of a populist resurgence against the institutions and policies of the moneyed Progressive elite.
And so they resolved to finish him. And by his failure to act decisively and ruthlessly to clean his campaign and White House of loyalists who had blundered and, yes, committed crimes, he became ensnared in a cover-up that would destroy his presidency. He gave them a sword, and they ran it right through him. And when he went down, Southeast Asia and everything 58,000 Americans had bled and died for went down with him.

And that is upon the conscience of us all.
The abandonment and fall of Saigon two years later was a direct consequence of Nixon's forced resignation.  Such a victory for the enemies of the USA would have been inconceivable if Nixon were in office in 1975.  No Boat  People, no Gulags, no Cambodian Genocide.  Perhaps that's why Amnesty International and such much of the Progressive/Left feel compelled obsessively to smear the American Military and a later successful Republican war President with false charges of "Gulag" "100,000 dead" in the Iraqi liberation and (what is it now?) 250,000 civilian dead in Falluja?  (if we are to believe some leftist numbers)

Here below, I think Buchanan makes two very important points:
When you look back at it, what was Watergate all about? A black bag job at Larry O'Brien's place like the ones "hero" Felt used to run for Hoover. Liddy and Hunt on an escapade to get Daniel Ellsberg's file from his shrink, which probably would have been too heavy to carry anyway. And, oh yes, 200 pizzas  Segretti sent with those 30 African ambassadors in native costume to Ed Muskie's D.C. fund-raiser.

Not one miscreancy committed by Nixon's men did not have its antecedent in the White Houses of JFK or LBJ. But they got away with it, including the distribution to the press of dirt on Dr. King, picked up by secret FBI photo and wiretap. What Segretti dirty trick remotely approaches that one, which the liberal press covered up?

Liddy elsewhere makes another point:
LIDDY: Well, it's true. I was serving time for my role in the break-in, but the irony is that The Post, which should know by this time what Watergate was all about, still has not published and told the American people what it was all about. And all the facts are in the files of the United States district court in Baltimore, Maryland. This was an operation that was spying on a call-girl ring.

WALLACE: You know, I don't want to go too far down this line. You've in fact...

LIDDY: I know you don't want to.

WALLACE: Well, because you've been sued by a...

LIDDY: And I have won.

WALLACE: Well, you didn't win. It was...

LIDDY: Yes, I did win.


WALLACE: In any case, you know, it's sort of inside baseball, and we're never going to know...

LIDDY: No, no, no, no. Oh, we are going to know. No.

We do know. It's just that we refuse -- "we" being the, you know, mainstream media -- we refuse to tell the American people.

What is Liddy talking about?  Larry O'Brien was Chairman of the DNC, Howard Dean's job today.  The target of the break-in was the desk of Larry O'Brien's secretary.  In that desk was maintained records of a prostitution ring, run for the DNC for the benefit (and later blackmail) of visiting big money Democratic Party campaign donors.  John Dean's girl friend and (soon thereafter) wife was implicated in that ring as a call girl.

So basicly....  There is still to Watergate than we realize

Rants and Stuff / Re: Thomas Aquinas on women
« on: June 06, 2005, 11:31:40 AM »
They could check themselves into a rehabilitation clinic,

And who would pay?  Free rehab has a waitlist a mile long.  There is not enough funding to rehab all the people who want it, and when you live on the street, you dont exactly have a steady income or health insurance.  
or remove themselves away to somewhere else where they won't have access to the object of their addiction

Again, how?  If your only income is the Johns you pick up on the street... How are you going to remove yourself to some isolated cabin in the woods?  With what money for travel/rent/food?
People have shaken addictions before, and though withdrawals are awful, if they need to, they can shake their addiction.

Depending on the substance they are addicted to, unsupervised detox can be deadly.  Alcoholics can go into siezures that cause brain damage, Heroin withdrawl can cause stroke, etc...  
And Detox is only 1 step, most people forced through detox will go score IMMEDIATLY on release (I have seen it) addiction is deep seated in the body and mind and only a focused rehab effort has a chance of sending it into remission... there is no cure

Movies and TV / Re: Chronicles of Narnia
« on: June 06, 2005, 11:17:07 AM »
It really is astounding how fast the MSM is capable of dismissing or vilifying anyone who would DARE to cross the secular line and actualy aknowledge that the majority of this country is religious.  

Everything Else / Re: Deep Throat
« on: June 01, 2005, 01:56:38 PM »
why did Woodward, in a 1979 Playboy interview with J. Anthony Lukas, flatly deny that Deep Throat was anyone inside the "intelligence community"? The FBI, where Felt worked, is most definitely part of the intelligence community. But take a look at this exchange:

   Lukas: Do you resent the implication by some critics that your sources on Watergate—among them the fabled Deep Throat—may have been people in the intelligence community?

   Woodward: I resent it because it's untrue. As you know, I'm not going to discuss the identity of Deep Throat or any other of my confidential sources who are still alive. But let me just say that this suggestion that we were being used by the intelligence community was of concern to us at the time and afterward. When somebody first wrote the article saying about me, "Wait a minute; this is somebody in an intelligence agency who doesn't like Nixon and is trying to get him out," I took that seriously.

So, here is the next question, If Felt's motives are questionable... what about the actual facts?  As a member of the FBI, if he knew something was going on, he had a right way to go about reporting it.  Instead he did it the wrong way and caused great harm to this country.  

Movies and TV / Re: Chronicles of Narnia
« on: May 31, 2005, 11:08:01 AM »
Narnia is NOT Middle Earth, after all.

Though it was influenced by Middle Earth.  Tolkien and Lewis would often bounce ideas off each other and read to each other what they were working on.  
In fact, Lewis even includes "Numenore" though his spelling is diffrent from Tolkien, as he heard the name from JRR verbaly.  

Movies and TV / Re: Chronicles of Narnia
« on: May 26, 2005, 11:06:34 AM »
What are we told by that snippit?
Christian music stars?  
I guess Disney isnt abandoning the Christian themes

Remember that Disney is so huge that the Left hand often has no idea what the right is doing.  
Casting condemnation on an unseen movie because of it's Production company is absurd.  
To get an idea of where it will go, look at the PEOPLE involved, not the mindless organization writing the checks

As Director we have Andrew Adamson
Shrek 2 (2004)
Shrek (2001)
Shrek in the Swamp Karaoke Dance Party (2001) (V)
Something of a newcommer but I LIKED Shrek.... May not be on the same level as we hope Narnia will be, but then again, look at Peter Jackson's list before LOTR

Anyway, I was unaware that this film was in production until I saw the trailer last week.  
I was bouncing in my seat with joy.  Looks great to me

Movies and TV / Re: Revenge of the Sith Bittorrent Discussion
« on: May 26, 2005, 10:50:19 AM »
Interesting....Mind Numbingly Interesting

Everything Else / Re: Super technology!
« on: May 25, 2005, 04:41:01 PM »
Actualy, If you give it accurate home-space dimensions and know something about Bot-Pathing, Servos and other elements of Mechanical engineering....  You might be able to build a nice Household R2... But it would be limited to pre-maped environments... for now..
Self-navigation in relation to sensor input isn't really there yet.

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