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Messages - Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock

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Role-Playing Games / Huguenot City, an unreality.
« on: March 27, 2003, 09:18:56 PM »
In this small city there is never a dull moment. From the constent legal battles against Ozymandias Inc. and the Dusal Corp., to an unending gang war, people can rarely find a moment to themselves. But within Huguenot city a group of heros have arisen.

Will they find a way to bring about the end of the corporations endless battles, and what about the gangs constantly clashing? All this and more in the upcoming sessions of 'Huguenot'!

Heh, guess I'll stand up to Fell's opinion of me. This is the small introduction I've made up for my d20 Modern campaign. If you all really want to see it I can let you see the rest of it.  :) I did make a website (bland enough as it would most likely seem), and I think I did a damned good jorb with it. Here's the link if more is wanted to be known of it

Have Fun!

Suggestions Box / Re: Current Poll
« on: March 27, 2003, 08:57:59 PM »
Outrageous huh? Well hey, thats compliment enough for me. Thank you Fell. ...wonder why Fell called me that. Oh well. And Tage, I read the articles more than I do the forum, but I'll try to get around to the forums more  :P So ya, I guess that makes sense, even though I must say, "it doesn't." Anywho, thanks for the answer.

Suggestions Box / Re: Current Poll
« on: March 26, 2003, 09:49:19 PM »
 :o Is that appropiate? I'm one of those "long time readers, first time posters." But I must say that the current number of votes is the oddest I've seen in a poll yet. Is there any such explanation for this on anyone's part?

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