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Messages - Phaz

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Origins of Allomancy *Spoilers*
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:29:31 AM »
Pretty sure  a metal is available for any allomancer as soon as they swallow, but I don't have specific references. How long it takes things to move down the esophagus is not necessarily widespread knowledge in this culture, so they may speak of things being in their stomach as soon as they're swallowed.

Yeah.  I can't think of any specific examples, but I'm pretty sure there are multiple fights where Kell runs out of some metal midway through and downs another vial and then uses that metal right away.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Origins of Allomancy *Spoilers*
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:00:52 AM »
So far, I only remember an Allomancer burning or using the metals if they were already in their stomach, not simply in the mouth or bloostream. Thats why, in my opinion, they drink down the metal beads in a vial of water or another type of liquid, so that the metal can quickly get down into the stomach. But this brings up another question of mine.
After drinking a vial of metals, how quickly do the metals travel down the throat and into a body's stomach so that they can be "burned" or as Ookla also suggested, "drained."

I think it's pretty much instant as soon as they put the metal in their mouth and swallow.  I think there is plenty of examples of this such as after Vin burns Duralumin and another metal, using it up, and then downs a vial and uses the metal they just used up instantly.

I'm pretty sure Vin does this specifically in WoA when she does a duralumin fueled Push to launch herself off the wall out to rescue Breeze.  She was then out of steel having just used it, but drinks a vial in mid air, drops a coin, and slows her decent using the Steel she just swallowed moments before.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Origins of Allomancy *Spoilers*
« on: April 24, 2008, 10:14:43 PM »
The "origins" of Allomancy seems like a question that has two parts.  When & How.

The How part does seem to be addressed at the end of WOA, with the quote posted earlier by Vin.

However, it seems like Allomancy existed before that.  Does anyone remember any references about Alendi burning metals?

The connection that made me think about the "When" was Vin and Alendi.  They both felt the thumping.  There does seem to be some "interesting" and "abnormal" effects when it comes to vin and sensing Allomancy, however, the fact remains that she only hears the thumping (I think) when burning bronze.

If that's the case, it seems like Alendi would of been burning bronze as well, meaning that Allomancy existed before that point.

I'd have to reread WoA and see if there is evidence for this.  I seem to recall at least one point where she turned on bronze and felt the thumping, but it also wouldn't suprise me if Vin had bronze on pretty much all the time.  If that was the case, than maybe she didn't need to be burning it to hear the thumping, it's just that she happened to be doing so.

We believe that the power is derived from the person.  The metals act as a focus for their power, not as a source for it.  This is why they need to rest so much.

So they have the ability to use the same abilities that they would from burning all the allomantic metals, but rather than using different metals as a source, they simply drain from a 'common' source within themselves that simply drains their body?

I guess I can buy that, but it doesn't seem like that idea that "clicks" so well that you know it's true.

If it just made you tired (and you'd have to rest) then wouldn't the power of pewter basically give you unlimited ability since you can use pewter to make your body keep going even when it's drained?

I know that if what you describe is true, that the power of pewter would drain them, so they wouldn't get that benefit, but would about a Thug (or Mistborn) who was made into an Inquisitor?  It's likely that they could still keep their ability to burn pewter.  Come to think of it, doesn't Marsh say something about them liking him because he was a seeker?  It seems like if they (at least some of the time) use allomancers for Inquisitors, that many of them would have the ability to burn metals to some extent.

Assuming Zane's spike was the same as an Inquisitors (there is all kinds of evidence implying this) then we know from Zane that having a spike doesn't remove your ability to burn metals.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The 16th metal's power--Potential spoilers.
« on: April 24, 2008, 09:52:19 PM »
Well, the 15th metal turns a normal schmoe into a full blown Allomancer, so I'd say that's pretty powerful.  "Deific" Metals?  Seeing as these metals affect your ability to use metals, shouldn't they be Allomantic metals?  I know this isn't very creative, but aluminum definitely does not give you god like abilities.  It's pretty boring, actually.  Also, if they are related, then what they should work in a relative way.  I'll explain:  Duralimin - Greatly increases the amount of power drawn from another metal.  Aluminum makes the metals currently in your body powerless.  Therefore, if metal 15 (or 16) grants a person the ability to burn metals, then the other one wuold most likely take it away.  Also, in order to make this work, you wouldn't be able to choose to burn these metals.  They just do what they do as soon as they enter the body.

I'm not sure if the 15th (or 16th) metal is what Elend swallows (if that is what makes him a Mistborn).

It seems like if that was the case, than everyone would be a misting.

It seems to be a rule that as a misting you can only burn one metal.  It could be that everyone who can't burn one of the other metals can burn this one, and by burning it, it grants access to allow you to burn the other metals.

That seems sound, but I have a few issues with that.  One is that I don't believe everyone is a misting.  Mistings were created by the Lord Ruler, and there is all kinds of evidence suggesting that it's inherited through blood.  It just doesn't seem likely that all Skaa would fall into the category of being the kind of Misting that can burn this kind of metal, while somehow nobels fall into that category as well.  Plus, how would this work with Snaping?  Would you have to Snap before you can burn that metal?

Also, it doesn't seem that likely when you look at Mistings compared to Mistborn.  If this logic was the case, it would imply that anyone who can't burn one of the other metals can become a Mistborn.   However, someone that could already burn one of the other metals (ie a Misting) wouldn't be able to be a Mistborn, since they would have to burn this metal, which means they would be able to burn two metals, which doesn't fit the rules.  In this case, if someone was only able to burn say aluminum or duralumin then they could potentially be less powerful than a typical Skaa who can't burn anything?  That doesn't seem very likely.

I think they do burn metals.

My source for this is atium.

We know that they can use atium.  We also know that they don't use it all the time.

Logic seems to say that if they could use it, but they didn't use it all the time, then they had a very limited source of it, just as normal allomancers did.

I suppose if it was like feruchemy, then they could have a limited amount because they 'store it up' but that seems like a weak link to me, since everything else they can store (speed, strength, site, youth, etc) are attributes that people have.  I don't see a parallel attribute that would grant you the same ability as atium.

Though, assuming this is true, what happens when they run out of steel/iron?  Do they go 'blind'?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The 16th metal's power--Potential spoilers.
« on: April 24, 2008, 08:44:57 PM »
I'm curious if the 15th/16th metals will be more powerful than atium.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Jewlery!
« on: April 16, 2008, 06:54:59 PM »
I really like this idea and want to buy some but I'm not sure how "manly" they are...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Jewlery!
« on: April 07, 2008, 02:29:16 AM »
Is there anything like this for the Mistborn series? (or perhaps something in the works?).

I'd love to buy some coins with the metal symbols on them or something similiar.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: End of MB2 ****SPOILERS****
« on: February 28, 2008, 09:24:18 PM »
I think the answer isn't 100% clear.

Elend definitely does ingest a metal bead of some unkown sort.

The most popular opinion (IMO) is that this is some metal that turns him into a Mistborn.

However, there are at least some people who think that isn't the case, and he was all along, it's just that being stabbed in this situation was what caused him to "snap" and the metal was just pewter. 

I don't think the metal itself is actually identified as one that specifically is known or unknown.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: New Mistborn One Cover Art
« on: February 19, 2008, 01:48:48 AM »
I really really like the art on the cover.

However, there are a few things about it overall that I'm not to fond of.

I think the text describing the book really doesn't do it justice.  Specifically, the last sentence in the second paragraph "Every revolt has failed miserably" just doesn't seem to fit.  It seems badly worded, like the way I would say something if I couldn't come up with anything else (and I'm really bad at that kind of thing).  Also, if you want to bring up the oppression of the Lord Ruler, it seems like there would be a more creative way to do it rather than mentioning the revolts.

The last paragraph isn't bad, but something about mentioning Allomancy bugs me.  As a new reader, I would have no clue what that is.  I don't think it helps or hurts the case.  Simply saying master the powers of a Mistborn I think would be enough, since they at least know that's the name of the book.

The first part is good I think, though the two quick sentences in the larger font at the top really wouldn't affect me buying the book.

The only other issue I have with it is all the advertising on the book of the price.  I understand their reason for releasing it in this way (from the other thread where this was talked about) but with the advertising so obvious on the cover, it gives me the impression of "Buy me because I'm cheap and we need to sell a lot of me" rather than "buy me because I'm an amazing book"

I guess in the end, that isn't such a bad thing, since once people read it, they would know the book is amazing, so if that style of cover contributes to more sales from that standpoint, then it works.  Just personally, I would be much more tempted to buy a $4.99 book that had a normal cover, with an advertising display around it with that info, than I would be to buy a book where it's part of the cover.

That is all just my (often fairly uninformed) opinion.  Keep in mind I'm just a reader, and don't have any real knowledge or experience in that kind of thing.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Question about Zane at the end of tWoA [spoilers]
« on: February 14, 2008, 06:41:00 AM »
Hi. First time poster here. I thought Zane was carrying a bag full of Atium beads when he "died". Am I mistaken on this? Might have been a good thing for Vin if she had searched his body before he disappeared. That is generally what I tell my wife when we run into any Mistborn anyways. "Always go through the pockets after you've killed them" lol. Personally I don't think he is dead, probably because I liked his character a great deal lol.

I believe just before his final encounter with Vin, there is a part about him burying the bag of atium just outside of the camp somewhere.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Poll Time!
« on: February 13, 2008, 09:03:27 PM »
If I choose what I wanted to be, I'd have to agree that Thug has the most benefits.

However, since those in the series seem to be a misting that in some way enhances what traits they already have (Or visa versa, guess it could be a chicken/egg thing) if I had to choose that way, I think a rioter or tineye would fit.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Poll Time!
« on: February 13, 2008, 05:40:47 AM »
No option for thug?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: torrent!
« on: February 11, 2008, 03:30:43 AM »
It looks like for now, you can download the Mistborn eBook free from Tor.

Link to /. article

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