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Messages - Vatdoro

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:50:52 PM »
I loved all the scenes that Joe mentioned from TGH. Just hearing him talk about Ingtar and all those great scenes reminds me about how awesome all of these books are!

I don't know about you guys, but one of my favorite scenes from TGH is somewhere in the middle of the book. When Rand sneaks into the Trolloc camp and steals back the Horn. I love that scene! Rand finally uses the void and the sword lessons from Lan together successfully and we see how deadly he can be (without even touching the OP). And then Perrin and his group get to that point in the trail and Perrin learns that someone killed a bunch of Trollocs and the wolves call him Shaddow Killer.  Oooh, that just sends shivers up my spine. And Perrin has no idea that Shadow Killer = Rand.   ;D


Movies and TV / Re: Will your show be Canceled?
« on: December 22, 2008, 11:29:24 PM »
They're canceling Eli Stone and Pushing Dasies?!!!

Those are some of my favorite shows. I think they have great stories and aren't just your run of the mill sex and drama tv shows. Stupid TV companies!

Movies and TV / Re: Will your show be Canceled?
« on: December 22, 2008, 11:21:52 PM »
Anyone watching Life on Mars?  I was ticked when they (ABC?) canceled Journeyman, but this time-travel show is edgy and hilarious.

I was also very unhappy when they canceled Journeyman. It was a fun show. I'll definitely have to check out Lif on Mars. Thanks for the info.

Oooh, I LOVE Chuck!  It's one of only two shows that my husband and I watch regularly, and tape when we can't watch them.

Chuck is AWESOME. It's one of the few shows my wife and I watch regularly too.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wow, does Mr. Sanderson like -born or what?
« on: December 18, 2008, 10:58:49 PM »
mrod, you're right. I just read Brandon's blog post about it ( and it was written a long time ago. Looks like my theory about a little break from AMOL was way off. He's obviously working on that like a mad goat with no other projects right now. The progress bar on his site is at 98% today. Wow!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wow, does Mr. Sanderson like -born or what?
« on: December 17, 2008, 11:42:47 PM »
That's a great short story. At some points in the story I was worried it would end like Ender's Game. Then I reminded myself that Brandon strives to not be too cliche in his stories. I didn't see that end coming, but I liked it. :)

The holographic battle commanding sounds like a cool idea. I could see that being incorporated into some cool scifi movies/tv shows.

I'm not sure when Brandon wrote this, but I assume it was in the last year. It was probably a very nice break to write something short and succinct since he's been immersed in AMOL 10+ hours a day.

Gher, thanks for the link to the story. It's always fun to read Brandon's work!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Brandon To Write Wheel of Time Book 12
« on: December 17, 2008, 08:00:47 PM »
And Brandon has another great update on his blog.

I haven't even finished reading it yet. Brandon's a STUD!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Miniatures Now Available
« on: December 16, 2008, 08:58:02 PM »
I have to admit I'm a little disappointed.

I don't know if the miniature company is looking for feedback, or if they even read these forums. If they do, then here's my feedback. Like Phaz, I'm not a RPGer either. (Although I wouldn't be opposed to trying it out.) I admit I really don't have any experience with miniatures or the like, but I am a fan of different fantasy series that have accompanying miniatures for some of the characters. I sometimes check GRRM's blog in hopes of any update on ADWD (which there never are), but I digress. There are often posts on his blog about new ASOIAF miniatures. These posts often annoy me because it's another post with no hint he's even working on ADWD, but I digress ... again.

Here is a link to those miniatures.

I'm no miniature expert (or even novice) but I think they look pretty cool. If I was into RPG games I think I would definitely buy them.

Having said that about those miniatures, my first thought when I saw the Mistborn miniatures was "are you serious?". To me they look like ugly cartoon versions of the characters. I think the  Koloss looks how I imagined them, but the rest seem ugly, unrealistic, and out of proportion. I would suggest making new ones that have the same level of detail and realism as the miniatures I linked to above.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Book signing Orem Barnes and Noble
« on: December 16, 2008, 06:49:48 PM »
As I understand it, it's perfectly acceptable to bring your own books to be signed, although it's considered courteous to buy SOMETHING while you're in the store.  The Alcatraz books would certainly qualify.

Thanks SarahG! That's just the information I was looking for.  :) I'm very excited to have signed copies of all of Brandon's published works. How cool will that  be?! I've been an epic fantasy fan since junior high and never had a signed copy of anything until I bumped into Brandon at a BYU Bookstore signing right when Mistborn came out. I have to admit I was pretty skeptical that any author who was signing books at the BYU Bookstore could be that good, but he told me about the pretext of the Mistborn world and it sounded interesting so I bought a signed copy. Boy was that ever a good decision! Goes to show you shouldn't judge an author by the bookstore.  ;D

I just feel extremely lucky that the rising star of the epic fantasy genre lives in the same state, so I can get signed copies of his books. Woo hooo!  :D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Book signing Orem Barnes and Noble
« on: December 16, 2008, 05:57:08 PM »
Awesome. I will be there. Do you know if it's acceptable to bring books you already own to get signed? Or is that frowned upon? I expect Barnes and Noble would like you to buy the books he is signing. Or, maybe I'm wrong and it's okay to bring my own books. If someone knows the answer, please let me know.

Also, I've been waiting to get the Alcatraz books until a book signing. So B&N had better have those in stock so I can buy those and get them signed.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel
« on: December 10, 2008, 06:47:18 PM »
Vatdoro--are you Shelly's brother?  (This is based on having the same username as someone I know...if you're not him, sorry. :) )

Yup, I'm the brother of Shelly.  :D I should have know that you were Achren99. I almost asked if that was you. Anyway, for everyone else reading, it's a small world (forum?). Didn't think I would see my little sister's best friend in these forums. I guess good minds have the same taste in books/authors.  :)

You've all convinced me that I won't be completely devistated at the end of Dragonsteel, so I definitely want to read it. I live in the "greater BYU area" and should be able to find a family member or friend who can get it from the library for me.

I'll let you know what I think. It might be a long wait if haroldthesage has it out on Interlibrary loan.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Dragonsteel
« on: December 08, 2008, 07:20:34 PM »
Your comments on Dragonsteel were totally getting me pumped to read it, until I read it has a cliffhanger ending and Brandon doesn't have any plans to finish the story. I'm just not sure I want to subject myself to that kind of torture. But, then again, maybe I'd totally enjoy it even if there's not much closure at the end.

What do you guys think? For someone who normally likes stories to have some kind of wrap up at the end, is it worth the anxiety I'll feel when nothing gets resolved?

Movies and TV / Re: Sword of Truth trailer
« on: December 04, 2008, 01:23:57 AM »
I was very excited when I heard this TV show was coming out, but like most of you, I am abysmally disappointed in their portrayal of this story. Every episode I've seen I think "was the story behind this episode even in the book?". It's been years since I've read Sword of Truth, but it seems to me like the episodes aren't even stories from the book. They're just completely made up.

Having said that, I now realize this show isn't about the story from the book. This is a B List show that takes place in the Sword of Truth universe, akin to Hercules or Xena. If you enjoy watching Hercules or Xena then you may enjoy this show. The catch is if you try and connect anything from this TV show to the book. It just doesn't work.

I don't think her head is too big at all. I think her body/back is just a little bit too small.  ;)

Shadowkiller - you are right. There is definitely a resemblance to that picture of Ashley Judd. Now that the association is in my head it will probably stick. I wouldn't be surprised if I think of a grown up Vin every time I see Ashley Judd from now on.  ;D

Writing Group / Re: National Novel Writing Month 2008
« on: December 01, 2008, 09:31:21 PM »
imdb is the internet movie database...It's pretty sweet. I go there for the forums. One particular movie forum, for one of my favorite books that's being made into a movie sometime....So not counting facebook (which isn't nearly as bad now as it once was....), my two main time-wasters are forums....I like forums. They're fun.

What is the book they're making into a movie?  You've aroused my curiosity.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: December 01, 2008, 07:12:36 PM »
Currently re-reading A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin and The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan. I'm slowly going through both of those series again so I feel "caught up" when their next books come out (hopefully next year).

Reading The Warlock in Spite of Himself by Christopher Stasheff and Warbreaker for the first time. Also reading The Dark Knight Returns (comic book) which is fun.

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