Author Topic: If you were the author, which direction would you take the Mistborn series?  (Read 5117 times)


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Shortly after finishing the Mistborn trilogy I read that Mr. Sanderson was thinking about writing a futuristic Mistborn series.  As a history buff, I thought how amazing this overall series could be.  The first Mistborn series basically set the foundation for several religions.  How cool would it be if from there the origins of the world's country were explored, and everything culminating in the third novel.  In other words when the pray to the Survivor it's not just a name, but someone we've met before. When we read in the third trilogy the philosophy of a certain General or King it isn't just a name but someone we've read about.  The detail that you could squeeze into that final trilogy would be amazing, and fun to find.  Here's a real world example of what I'm talking about.

In 1763 there was a bloody Indian rebellion in the Ohio Valley.  That Chief's name lives on today in the form of an speedy American "muscle" car. His name Chief Pontiac.  The logo...a stylized arrowhead.

I'm not suggesting that you write the novel because many authors frown upon fanfiction, but I am curious about where you would take the series if you were at the helm.  What kind of plot would you have?  What kind of characters would you come up with?  Would you bring a character back from the dead?  Would you import a favorite comic character?  Comedy? Opera? Horror?  There really are no wrong answers, I'm just curious.

Since this is my subject I suppose that I should start, though I am running out  of time.  I'll say that my plot and characters would be based on Historical events and figures. 

I would have a minor role for the gods.  I think that you'd have people praying to Kelsier, Rashek, Vin, Elend, Alendi.  All kinds of people, so I think it would be fun to see those characters argue to Sazed on the behalfs of the people praying.  This way we could see the politics of the gods and how there actions affect the people of the world.

I'll have more later.  OK, so what would you do...?
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If I had come up with Mistborn it would've been a series of stand-alone novels depicting a band of theives on big jobs, not an epic trilogy. I probably would've kept it smiple and had Kelsier as lead, focusing on the characters instead of plot. As for the future, I wouldn't even go there.
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When I finished Hero of Ages, my first thought was what a great ending.  How awesome the people of that world got to look upon a blue sky and green plants, too bad that the fallen characters couldn’t be there to see it.  Thanks to the open ended ending I kept thinking about what would happen next.  I eventually put myself in their situation.  What would be our reaction if we woke up tomorrow and the sky was red, ash was falling from the sky, and the Roman Coliseum was now located across the street from my house?  In the Mistborn series red skies would’ve been normal.  Ash falling from the sky would be normal.  I think that most people would freak out.  Probably blame everything on aliens or a top secret American military project.  In the book though, I think that they’d blame the mistborn and the Church of the Survivor.  I think that they’d be hunted down and persecuted until they had to flee.

So the direction that I’d take this story is that they would leave possibly head across the oceans in search of new land where they could live in peace and practice their religion.  The journal entries at the beginning of each chapter would be about the persecution and the early years in the new world.  The government would be based off of writings of Eland Venture.

I would break this new world up into a civil war between those who want a monarchy and those who want a democracy.  (Technically the US has never had a civil war because the South never wanted to overthrow the North they just wanted to secede.)  This would be like the American Civil War.  Religious differences would also play in this war between the different sects of the Church of the Survivor. 

Then when that starts building to a climax, I’d throw in an all out sea invasion from the old country.  This would be a combination of the Revolutionary War and Civil War, with a lot of political maneuvering.  This would allow me to introduce the other smaller less important countries in this world.  You’ve hears the saying, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”? 
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The main character would be based on George Washington.  Quit moaning because if all you know about George Washington is what you were taught in school then you don’t know George Washington.  He is, in my opinion the most influential person in the history of the world right behind Jesus.  The next paragraph is a brief description from Richard Brookshire’s book George Washington on Leadership.

George Washington ran two start-ups, the army and the presidency, and he chaired the most important committee in history, the Constitutional Convention.  His business and real estate made him America’s richest man.  He was as famous as any athlete, movie star, or musician today.  Men followed him into battle, women longed to dance with him; famous men, almost as great as he was, some of them smarter or better spoken did what he told them to do.  He was the founding CEO

That would be the essence of the main character, I’d also include at least two amazing incidents in his life.

During the French and Indian War the British came under fire.  All trained for European War they line up and fired back, though the Indians were firing from the cover of the woods.  Officers at this time sat on horseback making them easy targets.  Within an hour 1,000 of 1,459 were killed or wounded.   All officers were killed except young GW, who later wrote his brother letting him know he was still alive.  This is what he wrote in his journal:

   As I have heard since my arrival at this place, a circumstantial account of my death and dying speech, I take this early opportunity of contradicting the first and of assuring you that I have not as yet composed the latter. But by the all-powerful dispensations of Providence I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!

Many years later an Indian Chief traveled to meet Washington this is what he said:
    I am a chief and ruler over my tribes. My influence extends to the waters of the great lakes and to the far blue mountains. I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle. It was on the day when the white man’s blood mixed with the streams of our forests that I first beheld this chief [Washington].
I called to my young men and said, “Mark yon tall and daring warrior? He is not of the red-coat tribe—he hath an Indian’s wisdom and his warriors fight as we do—himself alone exposed. Quick, let your aim be certain, and he dies.”
Our rifles were leveled, rifles which, but for you, knew not how to miss—’twas all in vain, a power mightier far than we shielded you.
Seeing you were under the special guardianship of the Great Spirit, we immediately ceased to fire at you. I am old and shall soon be gathered to the great council fire of my fathers in the land of the shades, but ere I go, there is something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy:
Listen! The Great Spirit protects that man [pointing at Washington], and guides his destinies—he will become the chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire. I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven, and who can never die in battle.

See history is stranger than fiction. 

On Long Island Washington came under attack and he know that he had to retreat.  The British had 5 warships prepared to sail up East River to block his retreat when the winds “miraculously” changed and kept the ships away.  Only a portion of GW’s army was able to escape under the cover of darkness on August 29, 1776, when the sun started to come up a thick fog rolled in to cover their retreat.
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Ok well in respect to your original question and the name of the thread I will respond.

If I were at the helm of a second series I would probably take it to a not so distant future. Maybe a couple hundred years or so. Not to the point of mass industry or anything but to a place where there are multiple religions that have flourished since the destruction of Ruin. Yes I would have the plot involve the Church of the Savior but I think I would have it be a failing religion. Almost like the church was loosing followers and it was well known but not closely followed. It would take place in a time where the original empire founded by Elend no longer exists and multiple countries eventually formed. Seeing how that is the most logical of outcomes. I don't think I would involve the "gods" persay as any kind of POV character or even a very in depth description of them. I think I would spend the time describing all of the beliefs that are held by the main characters. Yes I would reference the actual characters in the various religions but I think I would leave it at that. There is no need to continually draw the reader back to the past series instead of keeping them in the present one. I would however probably make the main challenge have something to do with Feruchemists and I would dive deeper into Feruchemy and its abilities in warfare. I don't know, maybe Feruchemy would make a comeback and it would be more common than Allomancy. With the tables turned in that direction I think it would make for an interesting story.

Note this is just some rambling ideas I'm throwing out there so don't pay too much attention.
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Note this is just some rambling ideas I'm throwing out there so don't pay too much attention.

That was the whole point in starting this subject is to just brainstorm.  I thought the ending of this series was so good because it could go in so many different ways.  I saw it playing out through a historical perspective that I'm sure will bore some people to tears, but that is how I saw it playing out.

I thought it would be fun to see where others would take the story.
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If Iwere the author, which direction would I take the Mistborn series?

I would immediately sell the rights to Brandon.   ;)

He is going a much better job than I ever coul.


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I would make another bad guy, who would invade from another world with an army, and new heroes would have to rise up (cliche, I know)  and save everyone.
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The final trilogy that I would write would be pretty much the same as what Brandon suggested he might write.  After all that's what gave me all these ideas anyways.  So it would be set in the far future and Allomancy would be all but gone.  Reduced to a sense of intuition and athletic play.  Hemolurgy would be long forgotten, and though their would be mistwraths the Kandra would be like Big Foot or the Lock Ness Monster.  The Lord Ruler would be the boogy man, a story told to children at night.  People would be far less religious that in the other series.

After establishing the roots of the religions of the worlds, and establishing the founding and roots of the countries of the world it would be time to tie them all together.  There would be cathedrals, mosques, streets, cars, businesses, monuments. littered throughout the series that would vaguely reference back to people, places, and events that happened in the previous trilogies.

So even though hundreds of years would have passed between the 2nd and 3rd trilogies, the over all feelings between the countries would remain the same.  For instance, France has been the US's longest ally, but if you go back to the time of George Washington you can find that even back then we really didn't like the French.  Amusingly enough, many Americans thought the French were cowards even back then.  So the animosity from the 2nd trilogy would be alive in the 3rd.

I would create this one to be a Cold War/Nazi Germany, Spy/Political Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy/Science Fiction Novel.  The New World (NW) would have their Manhattan Project, but instead of trying to create an Atomic Bomb they'd be trying to create Mistborn.  Mistborn would be thought of as fairy tales, so their would be plenty of doubt and sabotage. Also internal fighting over the morality of creating a mistborn. 

The Old World (OW) in contrast would be experimenting with Hemolurgy, so their would be plenty of concentration camps.

Where in the 2nd trilogy the main character(and I forgot to add this, so i will now) was a rather weak misting possibly a smoker to highlight his leadership ability and the respect and love that he received from those who followed him.  The main character in this series would be a Kandra because he needs to be a spy.I'll talk about the two people I'd model him after in my next post. 

The series would end in a D-Day style invasion of the OW.  To rescue the world from tyranny and rescue people from the camps. 
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The first historical figure that I would base my main character off of, I find to be absolutely fascinating.  So fascinating that if you made a movie about him most people wouldn't believe it.  You probably haven't heard his name before, but if you like war movies, Hollywood loves to add one thing that he did to their movies.  His name is Carlos Hathcock II.  He fought in Vietnam and he was a US Marine Sniper.  If interested I recommend 2 books about him, Marine Sniper, and Silent Warrior by Charles Henderson.

Remember that movie?  Doesn't matter which one, but it's sniper versus sniper, and your looking through the enemies scope.  As he is scanning the field he moves the scope over the hero who fires a round which goes through the enemies scope into his eye.  That was Carlos Hathcock II!!

The Viet Cong often placed bounties on US snipers, the bounties often were around $8.  But for one sniper the one they called Long Trang which translates to White Feather they offered $30,000 for his death.  He got the nickname White Feather because every mission he went on in Vietnam, except his very last one, he would put a white feather in the strap of his helmet.  This guy was absolutely amazing I recommend once more those two books.

My main characters personality would be based off of General George S. Patton.  two quotes from him should give you a good enough idea of his personality.

Patton of Leadership:

Lead me, follow me, or get the H--- out of my way!!!

Patton on how to win a war:

No one has ever won a war by dying for his country.  You win a war by making the other poor dumb b------ die for his!!

Granted, that in the real world that personality would make for an impatient spy or a dead spy.  In the world of literature though, I think that it would make for a very interesting main character.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 01:23:15 PM by publius75 »
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From the FAQ:

NINETH ITEM: No swearing.
Duh.  If you swear, the admins will delete your post.  If you do it a lot, they'll delete your profile.  This is a family-friendly forum.

(Personally, I find swearing immature.)
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In Publius75's defense he was quoting Patton.  But I  agree that using swear words just shows a lack of imagination.

Back on topic tho.

I would probably take the MB story along the same lines that EUOL has put forth.  I think it is going to be awesome when he finally gets around to writing the new series.
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Are discussions of Hell looked down upon, then?
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Are discussions of Hell looked down upon, then?

If you are discussing the place, then no, Hell is not a swear word in that context, and the word would be permitted in such a discussion.  Since I think that's what you are actually asking. :) 


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I censored myself even further, I apologize.  

I don't mean this be an excuse, but I would like to explain my thought process on the two quotes I posted.  I know that this is a family friendly forum, so I didn't just blindly post those two quotes without thought.  I felt that if I used the "*" as a partial censor I would be OK because one of the words I used could be heard in churches from coast to coast and the other can be found in many fantasy novel's today.  Mistborn even had some minor swearing in it, though I can't remember which word was used.  Also those words can be heard on many TV shows today.  

Again, the above isn't meant to be an excuse.  If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
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