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Messages - jdowntown

Pages: [1]
Brandon Sanderson / Re: Lost Season 6 = Well of Ascension
« on: May 25, 2010, 01:30:34 AM »
I never said anything about HoA or WoA. I think it highly unlikely they read Brandon's books.

My foundation is that I watched the show from the beginning and loved it until it became unbearable. The characterization really started to suck. When people learned and grew too much, the writers either killed them or hit the reset button and made them start acting like they had never learned that stuff or grew from it. (Not as bad as Heroes was with this, but still bad.)

If you never had any problems with that, great for you.

I agree with this.  My wife and I quit watching Heroes for this reason.

Perhaps my title was a little strong.  I did not mean to indicate that the Lost writers straight up stole their plot (I too would be surprised if they had read the Mistborn books).  I was just trying to point out that there are similarities.
The last thing I would claim would be to have an understanding of what the Lost mythology really is or attempt to say with any certainty what will happen in the rest of the the series.  Much like everyone does with the WoT, I try to look at what we do know and find any patterns to give an indication of what could come.
That said, if the rest of Lost goes something like: Jack becomes Jacob's replacement, fights with SmokeMan/ Man-in-Black, they kill each other in the final battle and Hurley ultimately becomes the total overseer of the island, I will have to say there is more than a passing similarity (btw, I think the odds of this happening are about 0.001%)
Of course, that is the odds I would give any prediction on the end to Lost that does not have any insider information...

Well having seen the end now, I still have no idea what actually happened, all I do know is that my prediction was pretty accurate.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Lost Season 6 = Well of Ascension
« on: February 22, 2010, 03:34:58 PM »
I never said anything about HoA or WoA. I think it highly unlikely they read Brandon's books.

My foundation is that I watched the show from the beginning and loved it until it became unbearable. The characterization really started to suck. When people learned and grew too much, the writers either killed them or hit the reset button and made them start acting like they had never learned that stuff or grew from it. (Not as bad as Heroes was with this, but still bad.)

If you never had any problems with that, great for you.

I agree with this.  My wife and I quit watching Heroes for this reason.

Perhaps my title was a little strong.  I did not mean to indicate that the Lost writers straight up stole their plot (I too would be surprised if they had read the Mistborn books).  I was just trying to point out that there are similarities.
The last thing I would claim would be to have an understanding of what the Lost mythology really is or attempt to say with any certainty what will happen in the rest of the the series.  Much like everyone does with the WoT, I try to look at what we do know and find any patterns to give an indication of what could come.
That said, if the rest of Lost goes something like: Jack becomes Jacob's replacement, fights with SmokeMan/ Man-in-Black, they kill each other in the final battle and Hurley ultimately becomes the total overseer of the island, I will have to say there is more than a passing similarity (btw, I think the odds of this happening are about 0.001%)
Of course, that is the odds I would give any prediction on the end to Lost that does not have any insider information...

Brandon Sanderson / Lost Season 6 = Well of Ascension (Possible Spoilers)
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:08:27 PM »
While watching the new episodes of Lost, I have come to think the plot is a close parallel to The Well of Ascension
In summary:
1.  Both have 2 fighting semi-god like characters(Jacob and Smoke-man)(Leras and Ati)
2.  They both started out as regular humans (at least smokeman claimed he was)
3.  The bad one is stuck and wants to escape. (The island or the Well)
4.  The bad one though powerful needs help from humans to help him escape.
5.  The good one is incapacitated or killed.
6.  Though incapacitated or killed, the good one is still able to have limited communication to further his plans.
7.  The good one is/was seeking for a successor.

What do you guys think?

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