Alternate Realities > S.N.E.A.K.S.

Chapter One: The Trouble with Trinkets

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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
Dink is the last new team member to show up. He is holding a small pile of semi-detached pieces of metal and wiring and springs. His electronic eyes narrow as he studies what's in his hand. He stops for a moment, almost in front of the elf, and starts fiddling with some of the pieces with a sort of tool. Until he notices the scowl on the elf's face. Grateful his metallic body isn't capable of blushing, he hurries into the building, where the secretary is directing you all to a conference room with very uncomfortable.

"Sit," Magnisin says as he enters the room, closing the door behind him.

Rashial sits.

Solon gives Keating a look of anger and hatred, but remains silent as he enters and seats himself.

Esmerelda looks sideways at Solon and then back to Keating. She trundles over and sits between the two. Elbowing Keating, she whispers, "Looks like the politicking has already begun, doesn't it?"

The Jade Knight:
Orfeo tries to generally find a comfortable sitting position among the others, eventually hopping up onto Rashial's shoulder, nestling down and trying to act like there is nothing at all unusual about sitting on the shoulder of a complete stranger.  After he gets settled down, he rests his arms on his legs, and his chin on his fists, looking generally bored.


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